After going to his old University, Ian decided to finally speak to his sisters. He knew that Camilla was right, he needed to take into account what his sisters wanted.

It was never just about him, it was always about all of them.

As he pulled up to the old Lim Mansion, he was surprised when one of the bodyguards got out of the car and rushed to the gate.

"I could have done that." Ian called out.

"Sir, we have instructions to help you as much as we can." The bodyguard replied as he opened the old and rusty gate.

Ian made a mental note to have that gate fixed and maybe modernize it a bit.

Inside, the Lim Mansion was just like the other houses in the area. It had a long driveway and an elegant entrance to the large home.

Ian sighed as he looked at the sad state of his old home. He knew that it had been years since the house had last undergone a renovation, unfortunately they didn't have the money to do it for years.

He knew that there were some things he could pay for and others that were still too expensive for him.

"Ian?" Someone called out as he stepped out of his car.

"Sam!" Ian happily greeted with a smile as his sister ran over and gave him a hug. 

"Dad said you were busy with work that's why you haven't been able to visit." Sam told her brother as she dragged him into the house.

"I have. I'm sorry." Ian confessed with a sad look.

"It's fine, we understand." Sam said with a nod. "Everyone is out, it's just me and Karina. Have you eaten dinner?" She asked her older brother.

"Yes, I have. Have you guys?" Ian asked.

"We did." Sam said with a nod.

"Ian!" Karina called out as she rushed to her brother and hugged him as well. "Wow, you have time to visit us?" She teased.

"Yes, and I need to talk to you about something." Ian admitted. "Let's go to my room." He told his sisters as they climbed up the stairs.

"You sound so serious. I don't like it when you are serious." Karina pointed out as she eyed her brother suspiciously.

"I have good news, but there is something I need your opinion on." Ian told his sisters as they walked down the hall to his room.

As they went in, Ian was shocked to find his room just as he had left it months ago when he moved in to live with Jas.

He decided that he would start staying here with his family every weekend whenever he could. If there was anything that their poverty had taught him, it was to treasure his family.

"Mom said you might want to stay here whenever you visit. She has us clean this room every week." Sam said with a frown as she walked over and sat on his bed.

"I'll try to come over and stay more often." Ian said with a nod as he sat down next to Sam.

"Perfect, you can clean your own room next time." Karina teased as she joined her siblings on the bed.

"I missed this." Ian said with a sigh. "Just the three of us bonding." 

"Well, life happened." Sam said with a shrug. "We understand that your work comes first."

"It shouldn't." Ian said with a frown.

"But it does, so stop being a sentimental asshole and tell us what you wanted to talk about." Karina said with a laugh as she shook her head.

Ian laughed at his sisters' reaction and shook his head.

"Do you remember the little fight I got into with the Juan siblings a few weeks back?" Ian asked them.

"Little? I wouldn't call that little." Sam said. "That was like you making him look stupid in front of a lot of important people." She pointed out.

"Are they coming after you because of that?" Karina asked with a concerned look on her face. "Can't the Reyes Group do anything to protect you? I mean you are an important employee."

"They aren't coming after me, Karina." Ian said. "As a matter of fact they are in places they never thought they would be right now because of me and because the Reyes Group backed me up." 

"That's good then." Sam said confidently with a nod.

"What kind of places?" Karina asked with a look of concern on her face.

"Don't tell me you are worried about them, Karina." Sam hissed as she looked at her sister. "Karina, we have suffered so much because of them."

"Yes, but I don't want to give back to people what we have suffered. What we went through, that was just too much." Karina said as she shook her head.

"Well, where are they?" Sam asked Ian.

"Manuel and his father are in jail, while his mother and sister were taken by the Dean Mafia Family to pay off their debts with their bodies." Ian told his sisters.

"Serves them right." Sam said in a bitter tone.

Among his siblings Sam was the one that was most like Ian. She craved revenge but not to the same extent as Ian.

"Sam, they are being made prostitutes, that's just wrong." Karina scolded her sister.

"They made us look like prostitutes, Karina!" Sam argued with her sister. "Didn't they make us suffer enough? How many boys at school approached you and asked you how much a night was worth? How many?" She demanded to know.

Karina remained silent as she frowned. 

"The CEO of the Reyes Group, Uncle Emilio also made me another offer." Ian said as he hesitated.

"What? You will hurt them even more?" Karina asked her older brother.

"Ian, that's too much." Sam said as she agreed with her younger sister. "Isn't it enough that they are in jail and being whored around?" 

"No." Ian said in a determined tone. "After what they did, no." 

"What was his offer?" Karina asked with a worried look on her face. 

"I can take some men to beat them up. Both the father and son and mother and daughter. They need to pay Sam, Karina." He told his sisters as he tried to convince them that that was what he needed to do.

"Why are you asking us, Ian? You already know our answer. That's enough, what they are suffering is enough." Karina told her brother.

"Ian, are you asking us because you want to know what we want, or do you simply want us to approve of what you want?" Sam asked. "Ian, you need to show them you are better than this. You are too vengeful." Sam told her brother as she placed a hand on his. 

"Sometimes, you need to let go and live your life." Karina said with a nod.

Ian sighed and nodded.

He got up without a word and left, confusing his sisters.

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