Before driving off, Ian decided that he needed to speak to his mother. He felt like there was something he needed to discuss with her.

He checked the time and was happy to see that it wasn't too late in the night. She would probably still be awake, washing the dishes or doing some house chores.

Ian dialed her number and waited for her to pick up.

She seemed to be quite busy since it took a few rings before his mom finally picked up the phone and Ian heard her happy yet tired voice.

"So my independent and successful son decided to call." Constance Lim greeted him over the phone.

"Hey mom, sorry I haven't called or been over for a while, things have been, ummmm tough and hectic." Ian said. 

He actually felt quite guilty for rarely calling home and not being able to visit. In the past he would spend most of the time with his family. He was quite close to his siblings and his parents and they were the rock that helped him endure all the hardships he faced.

"It's okay, Ian, your father and I understand." Constance Lim said in a tender tone.

Ian could hear how tired his mother sounded, she wasn't born into a life like this. She lived her younger years being the pampered daughter of a rich family, having only to think about the business and her studies.

When the Lims lost it all, Ian was shocked with how his parents reacted. 

Where most would crumble, fall, and give up, his parents didn't. They kept fighting, and that's what inspired Ian never to give up.

They never refused a job, no matter how low. They sold all of their personal belongings just to give Ian and his sisters a good education as well as to put food on their table.

"Ian, are you still there?" Constance called out, pulling her son back from his thoughts.

"Yeah, mom, sorry, I got distracted." Ian said as he leaned back on his seat.

"I guess you didn't hear my question, why didn't you wait for your dad and I to get back?" She asked her son. "Your sisters said you stormed out after the three of you spoke, they wouldn't tell us what you spoke about but it seemed serious."

"Hey mom, can I come over on Friday night?" Ian asked as he carefully thought of his schedule. He was hoping that Marco and Uncle Emilio wouldn't have something important for them. 

He really did miss his family.

"You know you are always welcome at home, Ian." Constance told her son in a loving tone. "We like having you at home. If it weren't for the apartment the Reyeses gave you, your father and I would have prefered if you stayed at home."

"Mom, even when I was job hunting I stayed with Jas." Ian pointed out.

"That's different, you were with her in her place because the commute was cheaper from her apartment than from our house." His mother reminded him. 

Before Ian had landed his job at the Reyes Group, he needed to make every cent count. So even if the savings were so little, he decided to move. 

"Mom, for dinner on Friday, I was thinking we could have it at Maharlika Hotel." Ian told her. "I would be just like when we were kids, we would have dinner there on Friday nights before going to our weekend house."

Ian's family back then alternated living in three or four houses, their main home was in the old city, and they had a weekend home outside of the capital. 

Their weekend home had long been sold in order to make ends meet, but it wasn't enough. The money they had made from the sale went to paying off debts and to settlements to his grandfather's illegitimate children. 

Those children now lived in good homes, never having to think of how to put food in their stomachs, while Ian's family barely managed to eat three meals a day.

"Isn't that too expensive?" Constance asked.

Ian knew his mother would be worried about his financial situation, but with the Reyes Group providing for practically everything, he hadn't spent much since starting work.

"Mom, I can afford it, don't worry." He reassured her. 

"Alright, if you say so. I'll tell your dad and your sisters." She told her son.

"Mom, are the Ongs in trouble?" Ian said as he finally gathered the courage to ask.

"My siblings?" She asked back.

"Yes mom, are your siblings in any trouble?" Ian asked in a clear tone. It was obvious that his mother was trying to deflect the question, so there must have been some truth to it.

"Why would you ask that? Did you hear something?" She asked her son.

"I saw Jade earlier at a party that Jas' family was hosting. She mentioned a few things to me, but no details. I also overheard her discussing something quite vague with her boyfriend." Ian confessed to his mother.

"They have mentioned that times are tough, but that's the same excuse they've always given me, so I didn't mind it." Constance said. "Plus they just went on this ultra expensive and ultra exclusive beach trip, it doesn't seem like they are having any financial issues."

"Yeah, Jade mentioned that too. Why didn't you tell me about it?" Ian asked.

"Because we can't afford it." Constance replied plainly. It was the truth, Constance and Richardo couldn't afford it, but with Ian it was different.

"Mom, we can afford it now. You should have told me." Ian grumbled over the phone.

"Why don't we talk about this on friday, over dinner? I don't want to ruin your night." Constance told her son in a sweet and concerned tone.

"Alright mom." Ian said as he surrendered to his mother's request. There was no point in pushing the issue. He just wanted to know the truth.

"Good night Ian. We miss you." Constance Lim told her son.

"Good night mom.." He said in response as he dropped the call.

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