Ian was too exhausted from the night when he got back to Solaire Towers, but it seemed that the night was not done with him. 

He was surprised to find Seth and Camilla waiting for him at the lobby when he got back.

"What are the two of you doing here? We have work tomorrow, it's late." Ian told them.

"We wanted to apologize and to talk." Camilla told him as she kept her eyes looking at her feet. It seemed that she was quite embarrassed by their earlier argument that she couldn't even look Ian in the eyes.

"You don't need to apologize, you might be right." Ian said with a sigh as he walked up to the elevator and pressed the up button.

"Wait, what!?" Seth asked in shock as he observed his friend. "Did you just say we might be right?"

"Yeah, come on, I'll tell you in my apartment." Ian said as he waved his friends over. 

They quickly followed into the elevator and went up to Ian's apartment.

"Is that why you're back early?" Camilla asked.

"What do you mean?" Ian responded.

"Seth and I expected to wait for you till much later, as a matter of fact we already planned our bathroom breaks and snack breaks." Camilla explained.

"I think you can get people to bring you snacks, and there is a bathroom in the lobby." Ian pointed out as the elevator ascended quickly to their floor.

"There is a bathroom there?" Seth asked, confused by what Ian meant.

"Oh right, there is one for guests and one for staff. I completely forgot." Camilla told Seth as she scratched the back of her head making Seth glare at her. 

"You wanted me to go back up to either your or my apartment just to take a piss when there was a bathroom on the ground floor?" Seth asked in an irritated tone.

Ian and Camilla simply laughed as the elevator doors opened and they stepped out ignoring Seth's complaints.

When they were finally settled in Ian's apartment, he began to pace back and forth across the room as he tried to figure out how to explain things to his friends.

"Josephine told me something about Jas and their family." Ian began to say as he continued to pace anxiously across the room.

"Ian, can you not do that?" Seth grumbled.

"Do what?" Ian asked.

"Pacing, it's getting annoying." Seth pointed out.

"I can't help it." Ian told Seth as he was starting to get annoyed with his friend. "You guys were somewhat right, or could be right, I don't know."

"Can you stop speaking in riddles and just tell us?" Camilla asked Ian as she leaned forward in her seat.

"I hope you guys aren't mad at me." Ian said as he sat down on the couch across Seth and Camilla.

"Why would we be mad? You were defending your girlfriend. It isn't exactly our place to comment on your relationship. You've known her longer than you've known us." Seth pointed out. "We made a mistake."

"No, no, it's fine. Whenever I'm in my right mind I honestly don't mind you pointing these things out to me." Ian said with a sigh as he placed his head in his hands. "Sometimes love clouds our minds and our judgement that we don't see certain things."

Seth and Camilla looked at each other and gave Ian a concerned look. Just a few hours ago he was shouting at them for their opinions on his relationship and now he was telling them it was alright.

"I've known Jas for years, and that is probably the reason why I so badly wanted to blindly trust her." Ian said with a sigh. "But I've known her sister for just as long and the young girl has never had any motives or ill intent."

"Ian, what did Josephine tell you?" Camilla asked as she was starting to grow more and more worried about Ian and his situation.

"She basically confirmed what you and Seth told me before I left for the party." Ian admitted with a frown.

"How are you feeling?" Camilla asked, catching Ian off guard.

He had expected Camilla and Ian to ask more questions about what Josephine told him, and yet here they were more concerned about how he was taking things.

"Ian, we never wanted to be right, or even possibly being right." Seth told Ian with a frown. "We know you love Jas. I mean you have been together for so long."

"Maybe since it's all done you and Jas could move past this." Camilla said as she looked at him worriedly.

"I don't know." Ian said with a sigh as he closed his eyes and thought back to all the good times he had with Jas. 

"Do you need water? Beer? Tequila?" Seth asked as he got up and made his way to Ian's kitchen.

"First of all, I do not have beer or Tequila." Ian said with a laugh. 

"Actually, you do." Seth said as he came out with more than just beer and Tequila in hand. He also had a bottle of Whiskey and Wine.

"I don't plan on drinking my sorrows away, put that back!" Ian scolded.

"Fine, your loss." Seth said with a shrug as he went back into the kitchen.

"We still have work tomorrow!" Camilla called out as she laughed at the disappointed Seth.

"I guess he is used to drinking his problems away." Ian whispered. 

"I heard that!" Seth shouted from the kitchen. 

As Seth made his way back, Ian and Camilla continued to laugh at his expense. Suddenly his phone began to ring, making him excuse himself for a while.

When he got back Seth had a more serious expression on his face. It seemed that something had happened involving the Dean Family.

"What's wrong?" Ian asked his friend.

"I got a call from my men. The Juans have made their decision and have asked to speak to us." Seth explained.

"Tonight?" Ian asked. In all honesty he was way too tired to go to the Dean Family hideout to speak to Manuel's sister and mother. 

"We will make them wait, maybe tomorrow after work we could head over." Seth told Ian.. "For now, I suggest we call it a night, we have a long day ahead of us tomorrow."

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