"Ian, Camilla." Seth greeted them as they met up at the lobby of Solaire Towers. Since they would all be heading to the hideout after work, they decided to take just one car and use Seth's as a decoy later.

"Last three days." Ian said with a sigh as they walked over to the waiting car in the driveway.

Without fail, the valet at Solaire Towers would always drive Ian's car right on time. They were incredibly efficient and it pressured Ian.

He knew that this meant that the same expectation was placed on their shoulders as they worked for the CEO and the future CEO.

Ian and Camilla intended to make the most of their last week as ordinary employees. They knew that the moment news got out about them being the assistants to the CEO things would change drastically.

Among the members of Jake's team it was only Ash that knew who they really were. 

It was also the last week that Jake would be a manager at the sales department as his promotion would be announced on the same day as Ian's and Camilla's real roles would be announced.

As a result, Jake decided to invite everyone over for lunch at the Reyes Family's private room in Nouveau Restaurant. 

They would take advantage of the privacy to inform the team ahead of time.

"I won't be seeing you around Krisanta Land anymore, will I?" Seth asked with a sigh as Ian drove.

"We'll still be around." Camilla said as she tried to comfort her friend. "Plus you're always welcome on the CEOs floor." She pointed out.

"I'll be different." Seth said as he shook his head. "And not just for you guys and me, it'll be different for anyone and everyone that has been seen around you."

"What do you mean?" Camilla asked.

Ian frowned as he glanced at Seth, he knew exactly what Seth meant.

"Anyone that you consider your friend will have your ear no matter what, and we all know how important the two of you are to the Reyes Group." Seth explained.

"Those employees that want something will try to influence our friends." Ian explained plainly. "They won't be ordinary employees anymore either. They will be a level above the others just because they know us."

"Oh." Camilla said as she processed what Ian and Seth had just told her. "Seth won't have a problem adjusting to that." She teased.

"What do you mean?" He asked as he looked at her from the front passenger seat.

"Well, before we came into the picture, everyone thought that Mike was the CEO's apprentice." Camilla said with a shrug. "And you were friends with him."

"That was different," Seth pointed out. "It wasn't a confirmed fact so people hesitated. A lot still avoided us just in case Mike was spreading fake rumors, which he was." 

"Many still approached you with favors or at least tried to get on your good side." Ian pointed out.

"That's true, but this time they will all know that you guys really do know the CEO since he himself will be announcing that he and Marco are training the future assistants." Seth pointed out.

"I hope things won't be too difficult for you." Camilla said with a frown as they entered the basement parking of R Tower.

"Nothing I can't handle." Seth said with a chuckle. "I think you are forgetting that I'm still the heir to one of the largest mafia families in the country."

Ian shook his head as he parked the car and they all got out. 

They took the ordinary elevator since they wouldn't need to go to the CEO's floor before heading to the Krisanta Land office. 

When they arrived, Jake was already happily chatting with the rest of his team. It seemed everyone had arrived early today.

"Ah, we're complete!" Jake said with a smile as he saw the trio approaching.

"See you guys later." Seth said as he made his way to his own desk which was at the other end of the floor.

"Join us for lunch?" Jake asked as Seth passed him.

"I don't think it would be proper." Seth said in a cold and dismissive tone as he continued walking past Jake.

Ian couldn't help but give Camilla a confused look as he tried to tell her that there seemed to be something that Jake and Seth were hiding from them.

"Right." Jake said as he waved Camilla and Ian to hurry up and place their bags down. "So, today's agenda, there won't be a Sales Department meeting since we still don't have a boss, but I know most of you have administrative stuff to handle so I suggest you complete that." Jake told them.

"What time do we head to lunch?" Fred, one of Jake's team members, asked.making Jake laugh.

"You are way too excited for lunch." Ash said as she rolled her eyes. 

"Let's get all the paperwork done and filed before we head to lunch, okay?" Jake asked.

Everyone simply nodded in agreement.

"Oh, another thing. You might see some of the old employees slowly coming back. That's because the Reyes Group has slowly started to reinstate the employees that lost their jobs because of Mike and Armand." Jake told them before letting his team go and do their tasks.

"Even our old boss?" Fred asked with a worried look on his face.

"Are you really worried about your old manager coming back? Did you do something to him?" Jake teased.

"No, but what will happen to you?" Fred asked Jake. It seemed he was simply worried about Jake losing his team.

"Don't worry about me. The Reyes Group has plans for everything. All you need to do right now is to focus on the work at hand." Jake said with a smile as he left to sit at his own area.

The rest of the morning was quite peaceful as Ian and Camilla helped the members of the sales team file all of their closed deals adding them to their quotas for the month.

Ian could already see how much the sales of Krisanta Land had increased and sped up just because Mike and Armand were gone.

He never thought that the impact of their corruption would be this vast.

"Lunch!" Ash said with a grin as she dragged everyone to the elevator.

Ian took a deep breath as he braced himself for the revelation to come.

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