"I know what that vase meant to you." Marco told Ian as they entered the backstage VIP room.

"The vase his family lent to Maharlika?" Emilio Reyes asked as he overheard what Marco had told the younger assistant.

"Yup, one of the most prized possessions of the hotel, it's not even theirs." Marco said with a laugh as he shook his head. "They even boasted about it in a magazine feature. They credited the Lim family, which was nice."

"We got offers from buyers after that." Ian said as he shook his head. "Grandpa didn't want to sell it, neither did my dad. So it stays with the family."

"Would you have sold it?" Camilla asked as she suddenly spoke after listening to their conversation. 

"At the time I was a selfish little brat that thought only of himself, so of course I would have sold it back then." Ian replied confidently. 

His family had gotten into a fight about that vase, he wanted his father and grandfather to sell it. In his young and naive mind it wasn't worth keeping, but his father and grandfather insisted that it was worth more than just money.

"And now?" Camilla asked her friend.

"I'd be like dad and grandpa, refusing to sell." Ian said with a chuckle. "They were right, it means more to us than it will to anyone else. No amount can equate it's true value."

Camilla, Emilio, and Marco simply smiled and nodded at Ian. 

"Sir." A female employee asked as she peeked through the door that separated the VIP area from the stage.

"Yes?" Marco asked as he walked over to the female employee. 

"If the CEO is ready, we will start." The woman informed Marco as she tried not to take a good look at who else was in the room.

No one knew what the announcement was going to be about, not even the employees who had arranged it.

The members of the PR department were also in the dark as they would only write the statement after the announcement was made.

For some reason the Reyes Group was keeping the topic of this townhall a secret and it truly intrigued the people that were normally in the loop for big news.

"They can start." Emilio Reyes told Marco as the assistant glanced back to get his answer.

"The boss said you can start. Have someone call us when it's time for him to speak." Marco instructed.

He told them this at every event where Emilio Reyes was expected to take the stage. It was the standard procedure and yet he felt the need to remind everyone of what they should do. 

The woman nodded and left, Marco listened as she heard the music begin as the town hall started.

"They should call you in a few minutes." Marco told Emilio Reyes.

"Good, I don't think this will take long. It's just a few big announcements, nothing fancy." The CEO said as he fixed his coat.

Approximately three minutes later the woman was back and she informed Marco that the CEO would be introduced soon so that he could take the stage.

Even if Emilio Reyes didn't need an introduction it was all part of the formality.

"When I introduce both of you, come up to the stage for all the employees to see." Emilio Reyes instructed.

Both Camilla and Ian nodded as they signified that they understood what he had said.

"Good." Emilio Reyes told them as he walked out of the waiting room, tailed by his three assistants and several body guards.

"Mr. Reyes." The Vice President for Public Relations greeted with a bow. 

"You know the news, right?" Emilio Reyes asked.

"Marco told me, yes." The Vice President responded.

"You can tell your team now, but they are not to release the statement we have left the hotel. Is that clear?" The CEO said in a cold and intimidating tone. 

"Yes, sir." The vice president said as he gestured for the CEO to follow him up the stairs to the backstage.

"Great, now that you are all awake, let's all welcome the CEO and President of the Reyes Group, Mr. Emilio Reyes III!" The host said in an annoyingly energetic tone. 

Camilla and Marco laughed as they noticed Ian's expression. He was clearly not amused with the theatrics that the host just pulled off.

"Keep that face straight later." Marco warned. "You don't want them to think you are biased."

"Them?" Ian asked.

"The employees." Marco explained. "They all know how influential the CEOs assistant truly is."

Ian nodded wordlessly as he focused on keeping a straight face, but his efforts seemed to just make Camilla laugh.

"What's wrong now?" Ian asked as he heard the claps from the other side of the curtain slowly die down. 

"You look like you want to take a shit!" Camilla exclaimed.

"Oh shut up." Ian said as he rolled his eyes and focused on listening to what the CEO would say.

"Good afternoon!" Emilio Reyes greeted with a booming voice. "I'm sure you are all curious as to why I have called you over."

Ian could hear as the employees mumbled a yes. He assumed that some were simply nodding.

"I won't lie, we kept this announcement a secret from almost everyone." Emilio Reyes told the employees, his tone still remained quite formal as he spoke on stage.

"Let me make the first one then." He said as he cleared his throat. "As many of you know, someone has been going around in the past claiming to be my apprentice. I don't have an apprentice and this man as well as the department head for Krisanta Land's sales team has been arrested."

Ian could hear as some employees gasped at the news. The arrest may have been done publicly but most of the employees simply chose to keep their mouths shut.

As a result no one knew about what had happened.

"Luckily, that position as the leader of Krisanta Land's sales team can be easily filled by someone who has long earned the role." Emilio Reyes said. "The Laurel group has been a long time partner of the Reyes Group, and with that I am taking under my wing it's heir."

Even backstage Ian and Camilla could hear as the crowd erupted in whispers. Most of them knew the Laurel family.

"This is what Jake didn't want." Marco said with a sigh as he shook his head.

"I am proud to introduce to all of you, the new Vice President for Krisanta Land's Sales, Mr. Jake Laurel." Emilio Reyes announced to a stunned crowd.

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