Jake slowly made his way up to the stage with a humble smile. This was way too much attention for him.

He had always been someone that liked working in the shadows, he liked being treated as an ordinary member of society. He was sure that after today that would practically be impossible.

"Jake." His cousin's uncle, Emilio Reyes said as he shook the younger man's hand.

"Thanks Uncle Emilio." Jake said with a nod as he did his best to seem happy.

"You know that after this your dad might change his tone about things, right?" Emilio asked Jake.

"I do, but I'm not sure if that's what I still want." Jake said with a shrug.

As a young man he had been conditioned to believe that his goal in life was to inherit the family business and run it someday. 

When he had made the bold decision of working as an ordinary employee at the Reyes Group after he had graduated from University, his father was furious. 

The current CEO of the Laurel Group, Jake's father, quickly cut his son out of annoyance. 

He had long wanted to announce that his only son would be taking over the family business after him, but with the young man's choice to work, that announcement needed to be delayed. 

But because of today's events things would change. Emilio Reyes had managed to get the young man to do what his father couldn't, to come out in the open as a member of the Laurel Family.

"For those that are wondering, a cousin of mine married the head of the Laurel family's younger brother." Emilio Reyes said as he quickly glanced at Hank who was seated next to Marie, his niece. "Jake came to us with the hopes of learning the business the way everyone did, and we welcomed him with open arms."

Jake smiled at the memory of him handing his resume to his cousin Hank and begging him to get him a job.

The Reyes Group was one of the few companies that would hire him and not fear his father's retaliation.

"Jake has managed to prove to everyone in this company that he is a capable employee and I have faith that he will do well." Emilio Reyes added as he gave his seal of approval on Jake. "Let's all give him a round of applause and welcome him to his new role."

Everyone clapped, most of the employees actually liked Jake, especially those that worked in Krisanta Land. 

He had always been quite a visible employee since he was so hard working and now that his real identity had been revealed to the public it confused people why he had worked so hard. As someone related to the Reyes Family in a way, he should have had to.

Most companies promoted employees that were related to the owners quite quickly, but Jake's case just showed everyone how fair the Reyes Group was.

"Speech!" Someone shouted from the crowd. 

Normally the employees of the Reyes Group didn't act so relaxed around the CEO, but this time he had an oddly friendly smile on him. Maybe because of Jake, or maybe because of the other news he had.

"Go on." Emilio Reyes said as he encouraged Jake to take the mic.

Jake simply nodded and walked up to the podium and looked around.

"First of all, I would like to thank the CEO of the Reyes Group, Mr. Reyes, for trusting me with such an important position. It is one that I never truly wanted nor did I feel that I deserved." Jake said as he looked at the CEO who nodded.

"Second, yes, what the CEO announced is right. My father is the current CEO of the Laurel Group, and just to set the record straight, I've neve been involved in any deal with them while I was an employee of Krisanta Land." Jake quickly declared.

He knew how office politics worked, he may be related to the Reyeses in a way, but that will not stop people from spreading malicious rumors about him.

"I know another one that people will think is if I am in a relationship with any member of the Reyes Family. I will tell you now that I am not." Jake announced. "I am just a simple employee and I have not made a decision about my return to the Laurel Group."

Jake couldn't help but smile widely as he felt like a weight had been lifted from his chest. It truly felt good to nip all those rumors from the bud as well as to announce to the public that he might not even work for his family company.

He knew that his father would come after him, the only question that remained was if it was to disown him completely or to announce him as the next CEO.

Of course he would prefer it if his father discussed this with him, but it would be most likely that his father would just jump and make an announcement. 

"The Reyes Group has always been like a home to me." Jake announced. "I have learned so much while working here and the Reyes Group will always have my loyalty. The people here are the best and the brightest and to be honest I am overwhelmed with this promotion."

Suddenly the employees of Krisanta Land all began to clap as they stood up and applauded their now boss.

Jake smiled and thanked them. 

"I will do my best for this company, that I will promise you." Jake said with a determined look on his face.

He turned to see Marco signaling to him, it meant that the CEO had meetings the rest of the day that couldn't be delayed and he needed to wrap up his speech.

"I know that this feels like big news to you all, but trust me, there are bigger ones to come." Jake announced with a grin, making Emilio Reyes chuckle. "Mine is like a very tiny one compared to the other bit of news the CEO has for you and it involves the company's future."

The crowd began to whisper amongst themselves, wondering what could be bigger news than a new VP.

"Did I build it up too much, Uncle?" Jake asked when he was far enough from the mic.

"No, it's perfect.." The CEO said with a grin as he watched his employees gossip.

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