Ian's first day at work was exhausting.

He hadn't realized how many companies were actually owed by the Reyes Group. They were either built up by one CEO, purchased, or in some cases acquired through marriage.​​

Each company had its own intricacies as they were each in a different industry. The Reyes Group had made it a point to truly diversify their portfolio, something that protected them from different industries falling and rising.

"My brain hurts." Camilla complained as she and Ian walked towards the elevator.

"We aren't even done yet." Ian said with a frown as he looked around the empty hallway.

As assistants to the CEO they did not leave till the CRO left, and even after he had gone they still had a lot of work. Ian began to wonder how Marco even completed everything in time to go home and sleep.

"Right, we still need to drop by Human Resources to get our new IDs and to check who we will be assigned to work with." Camilla grumbled as Ian pressed the elevator button.

"Do you think there will still be people in the department to talk to us?" Ian asked as he looked at his watch. It was already 8pm, luckily they had called home in advance and asked the chef to prepare them dinner.

"We can always check." Camilla said as she got into the elevator.

Since they didn't want to announce that they worked for the CEO, the pair decided to take one of the normal elevators down.

When they got to the HR department's floor, they were surprised to see several people still working.

"I guess this company never closes." Camilla whispered with a laugh as they approached the person closest to the elevator.

Marco had told them that the head of the HR department would be waiting for them. Since it was such a delicate matter, not everyone could be involved in moving Marco and Camilla around the different companies and departments.

The employee pointed them towards the office at the far end of the hallway.

The pair quickly walked towards the direction he had pointed at. They knew that the head of the HR department was an important person, they were already ashamed of making him wait for them.

When they arrived an assistant greeted them and told them that the HR head was already expecting them.

However, the sight that greeted them was not something they had expected.

"Finally! You guys are both here!" A woman, not much older than them greeted as she pulled Ian and Camilla into her office. "Marco has told me so much about the two of you, sit, sit." She gestured.

Ian and Camilla did as she asked and awkwardly sat in her office.

"Oh, right, I should introduce myself." The woman said with a laugh. "My name is Marie Mendiola." She said with a grin.

"Ummm, nice to meet you Miss Marie." Ian said with a nod.

"So stiff, so formal. No wonder my uncle chose you to be my cousin's assistant." She said with a laugh as she walked over to her desk to grab some documents.

"Cousin?" Camilla asked as her eyes went wide in realization.

"Haha, yeah." Marie said. "My mom is the CEO's older sister. She was supposed to be the Reyes Heir during her time, but she refused. Honestly I'm glad she said no. I wouldn't want to be like my cousin."

"Oh, I thought. . ." Ian said as his voice trailed off. He suddenly realized that what he was about to say would sound rude.

"You thought that the Reyes Family wouldn't let a woman be at the helm?" Marie asked as she placed the documents in front of them. "Or were you wondering why I am holding such a low position compared to my relatives?"

"Both?" Ian asked. For some reason, her tone urged him to ask these questions that would otherwise be seen as rude. He was definitely curious, but he wasn't curious enough to risk his job for answers. After all, Marie was still a Reyes.

"The Reyes Family is much more progressive compared to its counterparts. For years the women of my family have worked alongside the men, so it would be no issue to have a female heir." Marie explained quite bluntly.

"Not all families are like that." Ian said with a frown as he thought of his mother's side. If they had been as open minded as the Reyeses, his mother would now be running the company she had helped grow.

"As for me working as the head of HR, I asked for this. I need to learn this aspect in order to take over my mom's role. Don't worry, I'm not offended by your question. I'm just glad someone asked." Marie said with a smile.

"We're still trying to figure out how things work." Camilla said as she smiled back at the woman.

"These are the documents you need." Marie said as she pushed an envelope towards each of them. "You will both be working under the Sales Department of Krisanta Land. My uncle wanted you assigned to the best team, good luck and be careful. Now go home."

Marie said as she sent the pair away.

The walk back to the elevator and the ride down to the parking was silent as they each looked through the documents they had been given.

"She's odd." Ian finally said as the elevator descended.

"I like her though." Camilla told him.

"So are you taking your car home?" Ian asked his new co-worker.

"Marco had someone drive it back to Solaire for me, so I guess I need to hitch a ride with you again." Camilla told Ian with a smile.

"Sure, what could possibly go wrong?" Ian said with a laugh as they walked up to his car and drove home.

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