The first half of the drive home was surprisingly quiet. Despite having spent the whole day together Ian and Camilla didn't seem to have anything to talk about.

They barely knew each other, so it was no surprise that they didn't exactly know what to talk about.​​

"Traffic in the capital is the worst." Camilla commented with a frown as they moved at a snail's pace through the streets.

"Tell me about it, that's why nothing is ever on time." Ian grumbled. "So did you grow up in the capital?" Ian asked as he glanced at the girl sitting in the passenger seat.

"Yes, well kind of." Camilla said, seemingly unsure of the answer. "My family lives in one of the communities right outside of the capital. My parents work at the capital but my school was inside the community we lived in."

"Lucky you then." Ian said with a laugh. "You haven't had to suffer through this kind of traffic your whole life."

"I did when I went to university." Camilla said with a smile. "It was hell, but I preferred going home to my parents' place rather than staying at a dorm. What about you?" She asked as she tilted her head and looked at Ian.

"I grew up in the city." Ian said with a nod. "I've suffered this hellish traffic all my life."

"I guess this is normal for you." Camilla told Ian as the cars ahead slowly moved.

"Just because it's normal or something I'm used to, doesn't mean it's right." Ian said with a grin as he slowly stepped on the pedal, making the car move.

"Wow, an idealist." Camilla said with a laugh.

"Nah, I think I'm a realist." Ian told her as he focused his attention on the road. They were only a few minutes away from Solaire Towers. "I've been through too much to think the world is perfect, I just know that some things should be made right when they are wrong."

"I'm surprised you're working for the Reyes Group then." Camilla said as she gave Ian a curious glance.

"What do you mean?" Ian asked.

"Most people would think that the Reyes Group, or to be more accurate the Reyes Family is a symbol of all the injustices in this world." Camilla told Ian in a flat tone.

"They are extremely wealthy, yes, but they earned every cent." Ian explained. "And it's not like they pay their employees unfair wages, I mean, look at the life we are living!"

"That's true. So when are you planning on going shopping for your unit?" Camilla asked as she diverted the topic to something less serious.

"Why do you girls all just want to go shopping?" Ian asked with a laugh.

"Well my question is practical." Camilla told Ian.

Ian grinned at her response, she was right. He did need to buy things for his unit, it was barebones at the moment.

"I promised my sisters they could come buy things for me." Ian told Camilla. "Have you set up your unit yet?" He asked.

"Not yet, well not completely, I still need to buy a few things." She told him as their car approached the driveway to the executive entrance of Solaire Towers.

"Why don't you come with us? I'm sure my sisters would love to meet my new co-worker." Ian offered.

"Sure! That would be perfect. What about this weekend?" Camilla asked.

"Aren't we working this weekend?" Ian said as he tried to recall the schedule Marco had briefed them on earlier that day.

"Yeah, but it's not till the afternoon. So we should be fine." Camilla said with a nod.

"Perfect!" As Ian spoke his stomach grumbled, irritating him. He didn't realize how hungry he actually was because he had spent the whole afternoon working.

Camilla laughed as she noticed the annoyed expression on his face, prompting him to simply roll his eyes at his co-worker.

"Hey, did you have the chef cook two separate meals for us?" Ian asked Camilla as he remembered she was the one that called the chef earlier.

"Crap. I forgot." Camilla cursed. "I'll just pack some food and eat it at my place." She suggested.

"No, no. Just eat with me. It's pretty lonely having dinner alone." Ian said.

"Wait, wait, are you hitting on me?" Camilla accused. "You're a nice guy Ian, but I don't date co-workers, I don't like the idea." She quickly said.

Ian suddenly burst out laughing at what she had said.

"Okay, what I said sounded so wrong now that I think about it." Ian told her with a laugh. "I don't like you like that." He said as he quickly cleared the air of any confusion.

"Good. Cause I like you as a friend." Camilla said with a nod.

"Yeah, same here." Ian told her. "And I have a girlfriend." He quickly added to clarify things.

As if on cue Ian saw Jas, marching up to the entrance as several guards stopped her from making it all the way to the executive entrance.

"Shit." Ian cursed as he realized how bad this would look.

"What?" Camilla asked as she began to worry about Ian's reaction.

"Remember that girlfriend I was telling you about?" Ian asked as he scratched his head.

"Yeeeeaaaahhhh." Camilla said slowly.

"Well she's out there and about to misunderstand why I have another woman in my car." Ian said with a sigh as he took a deep breath and stepped out of the car.

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