It took every ounce of Ian's self control not to laugh at the woman before him. He couldn't believe that just moments ago he was scared of her hostile demeanour, and now here she was talking about how hot a guy she had never seen was.

"Okay. . ." Camilla said in a weirded out tone as she too tried not to laugh.

"Oh, right, you wanted to know who they were." Ash said with a somewhat embarrassed expression.

"Yeah, so the Reyes Heir is one. Who are the other four?" Camilla asked.

"Well, the most notorious, and possibly the most popular one is the president's son." Ash explained.

"The president's son? Like the president of our country?" Camilla asked as she pretended to be shocked.

Ash laughed and nodded. She seemed to find Camilla's false ignorance quite amusing, little did she know that Camilla would probably be interacting with those princes soon.

"Alexander Sebastian, hot and dangerous, and the perfect son. His only crime is that women fall too quickly for him." Ash said with a grin.

Ian remembered Alexander Sebastian, they had gone to the same schools all throughout their lives. They were even classmates in elementary school, but Ian only knew the so-called playboy politician from a distance.

"He might be young, but he is already running for office. I can just imagine all of his posters in his hometown." Ash said with a blush as she thought of the handsome politician.

"Who are the others?" Camilla asked.

"Ah, the one Luis here was talking about is Ramon Abad, another of the five princes." Ash said as she pointed at the tall and lanky man that had told them the story of his cousin in the elevator.

"Ramon Abad, comes from another business family, they own the largest broadcasting and production network in the country, Abad News Network." Ash explained. "And Mr. Ramon personally manages Lights Entertainment, their artist management arm."

"If you didn't know, Lights is the agency that made Eric Chan the big star that he is." The only other woman in their team said.

"Jill here is a huge fan of Eric Chan." Ash said as she laughed at Jill.

"Yeah, at least the guy I am a fan of is at least as old as me, you're crushing on kids that just graduated from university." Jill teased Ash.

"Hey, hey, hey, no low blows!" Ash whined as Jill and the others laughed at Jill's comment.

"So it's the Reyes Heir, the President's Son, an Entertainment Mogul, who else?" Camilla asked as she steered the conversation back on topic.

"Well there is also Miguel Chan, his family owns Saints Hospital, and based on what I know, he is a rising star in the medical field." Jill told Camilla as she thought of what she knew.

"Maybe he and Eric Chan are related." Ian said as he recalled that Miguel Chan had an older brother back when they were in school.

The girls laughed at his comment.

"Yeah, and I'm related to the CEO." Ash said. "My last name is Reyes, but I am in no way related to those moguls. I wish I was, but no." She said with a sigh.

"Chan is a common surname among the Chinese here in the capital, so it isn't likely that they are related. I mean, are you related to all of the Lims?" Jake asked Ian with a wink, making Ian consider it even more that Eric Chan and Miguel Chan were related.

"So who is the fifth?" Camilla asked.

"Well, I guess you could say he is the second most mysterious one next to our Reyes

Heir." Ash said with a smile. "Raymund Laurence is the sole heir to the Laurence fortune, a company that is only second to the Reyes Group."

"Oh, another rich man." Fred said, rolling his eyes.

"He isn't just rich because of his family." Ash said as she rolled her eyes at Fred. "He has been quite successful in his own ventures, that place we were telling you about, Bamboo Room, he owns it."

Ian nodded silently as he recalled his own interaction with Raymund Laurence in the restaurant. The man had said that he now worked for his friend so he was due to get special treatment.

"If rumors are right, then he is the Reyes Heir's best friend." Jill added as she recalled the latest gossip she had read.

"There is gossip about them everywhere, it's because both he and the Reyes Heir are very private individuals." Jake said with a nod.

"People have even gone as far as assuming that he and the Reyes Heir are in fact a couple." Luis said as he laughed.

"It's not entirely impossible." Ash said with a grin. "No one knows who the Reyes Heir is, and Raymund Laurence has never been seen with a woman."

"But he always brings a date to the Reyes Group galas." Jill pointed out.

"He brings a girl, but ends up chatting in a corner with his friends, very suspicious." Ash said, shaking her head.

"So aside from the Reyes Heir being so mysterious, what else do we know about him?" Camilla asked.

"I swear woman, have you been living under a rock?" Ash asked as she pointed at Camilla.

"I'm not a fan of gossip." Camilla plainly said.

"Rumors about the Reyes Heir have been circulating since he disappeared, and it's not like we had much to go on before." Ash grumbled.

"People say he is in an institution." Fred whispered as he looked around the room.

"We all know that's bullshit." Ash said as she rolled her eyes at Fred.

"Well, what reason is there? I mean it already looks like the CEO is grooming his daughter to take over, at such a young age she is already the Vice President." Fred argued.

"They would have said if Miss Ayanna is going to be the next CEO." Ash pointed out.

"You never know." Fred said with a shrug as he left everyone on the table to consider the rumor.

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