The rest of the day went quite peacefully for Ian and Camilla, they learned that on office days, the sales team barely did anything interesting. I was mostly filing documentary requirements and updating everyone on their sales.

As the day ended, Ian and Camilla got instructions from Jake to join Ash on her route on Monday.

They quickly got Ash's number and agreed to meet up at a place near the client she was meeting.

According to Jake it was a big client and he wanted Ian and Camilla to provide whatever support it took.

"We can't really do much." Ian told Jake as they rode the elevator up to the CEOs floor. "We don't have the connections or the skills to help Ash out if there is a problem."

"You are the best connected person in the office, second only to those with a Reyes in their name." Jake said with a laugh. "Marco will help you, just give him a call."

"I don't think we are supposed to abuse our positions as assistants to the CEO." Camilla pointed out.

"You wouldn't be." Jake said as he shook his head. "That meeting is for the benefit of the Reyes Group, and if my suspicions are correct, Mark and Armand are out to sabotage the meeting."

"Why would they sabotage something that could benefit the company?" Ian asked.

"Because they want to have a monopoly on all the major clients." Jake explained. "I know they are doing something, I'm just not sure what."

They quickly stepped out of the elevator and made their way to Marco's office, along the way, they bumped into the Vice President for Krisanta Land, Rolan.

"Jake!" The Rolan greeted Jake with a pat on the back. "How are my sales people holding up?"

Ian and Camilla both gave Jake a curious look, if he was friends with the Vice President then why did he suffer under Armand and Mike.

"Same old, same old, I still need proof." Jake said with a frown as he shook his head.

"If anyone will catch them, you will." Rolan said as he smiled and nodded at Jake. "Did you specifically ask for them? I know Hank was the one that found a way to get them into your team. That cousin of ours is cunning."

"I did." Jake said with a nod and a smile. "He would have put them in any random department if I hadn't."

"Good luck guys, if Jake needed help it means this is a tough one to crack." Rolan said as he smiled at the two assistants.

"Got a meeting with uncle?" Jake asked as he looked at the documents that Rolan was carrying.

"Yup, it's about the dinner tonight. You'll be there, right?" Rolan asked.

"My dad wouldn't let me miss it, he plans on capitalizing how much time I spend with my Reyes relations." Jake said as he rolled his eyes. "I really really don't understand him."

"He'll understand, eventually." Rolan said as he wished Jake the best. "I still have some work to finish, see you tonight." Rolan said as he left with his secretary trailing behind him.

"So they send you when there are problems?" Camilla asked as she gave Jake a curious look.

"Nah, just with Krisanta Land." Jake said as he shook his head. "Uncle Emilio knew that I wanted to learn more about the business since my family is into real estate as well."

"So he hire you to learn? Like an apprentice?" Ian asked with a laugh.

"I guess you could say something like that." Jake said with a shrug. "But it's not like it'll help that much, with me being disowned and everything. Come on, Marco will be waiting for you guys he still has to brief you on the dinner tonight and there are a ton of things you need to learn."

Camilla and Ian nodded as they followed Jake down the hall.

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