Ian remembered the last time he was in a similar place, it was years ago but the memory was so strong that it felt like it was just yesterday.

He was seventeen at the time and his mother had picked him up from school, something she rarely did that they usually sent the driver and some maids, and she told him they were going to meet someone very important.

Their car soon drove up to a big gray building with employees rushing in and out. Ian recognized this place, his grandpa, Constance Lim's father, would often bring him there.

'You are my eldest grandson and the most business savvy in this family little boy.' His grandpa would often say as they walked around it's clean halls. 'Someday Ian, both the Ong and Lim family businesses will be under your control.'

"Mom, why are we here?" Ian grumbled as he followed his mom through the now cold halls of the office building.

When his grandfather had died unexpectedly, Ian's mother was kicked out of the board, and more suspiciously his grandfather's will had disappeared.

Ian's mother changed at that time, from being one of the toughest people he knew, she became broken. It took a while for his mother to recover, luckily back then the Lim Group of Companies was still thriving, his father dedicated his time and attention to his wife's recovery.

But Ian could never forget what pain he and his family had to endure because of what had happened. Now this building gave him nothing but painful memories, a reminder of what once was.

"We are here to meet with your uncle Philip, my younger brother." Ian's mom, Constance Lim, said. "When you were younger you would go to his house and play with your cousins."

"Of course I know my uncle Philip, but why did you bring me here?" Ian grumbled. His mothers family hated them, they hated him the most in particular.

His grandfather, the late Rodolfo Ong, favored him and his sisters among all his grandchildren. Their mother Constance was the eldest of five siblings, and he was the eldest grandson.

"Mister Ian, Miss Constance." Several employees greeted them as they walked through the halls.

All of the older employees recognized them, for years Constance Lim stood as he father's right hand, managing the business. And when her son was old enough he was a constant fixture on his grandfather's side.

They eventually came face to face with the familiar oak doors that led to the CEO's office.

"Miss Constance, Mister Ian, do you have an appointment with Mr. Philip?" An assistant asked as she approached them.

Ian eyed the woman, he knew for a fact that his uncle was sleeping with this one. He had caught them being intimate a long time ago.

"Do I need an appointment to see my brother?" Constance Lim was a very intimidating woman. She had led the company by her father's side for years, so the poor assistant couldn't help but simply nod.

"Is my brother really that busy?" Constance glared at the woman. "Which mistress is in there?"

The assistant was at a loss for words, she didn't expect the once meek Constance to answer her in such a strong way.

"Miss Constance." Another assistant greeted as he approached. This man was Rodolfo Ong's old assistant. When Ian's grandfather had passed he stayed in the company and chose to work for the new CEO, Ian's uncle.

"Jerry, I'm here to see my brother." Constance Lim said in a commanding tone.

"Miss Constance, it's good to see you back to your normal self." Jerry the assistant praised. "But the boss is otherwise occupied right now."

"I know my brother is just in there with one of his mistresses."

Ian watched as his mother walked straight up to the oak doors and pushed it open.

It did not come as a surprise to Ian when he walked in after his mom and found a young woman on his uncle's lap.

Ian recognized the woman to be an up and coming model that his grandfather's company had recently signed as an endorser.

"Seriously Philip?" Constance asked as she marched up to her brother. "This is why OC Corp. is falling. The company needs you and what are you doing? Some model?"

"Out." Ian's uncle Philip hissed at the model as he brushed back his brown hair.

The model jumped off of him in a panic, Ian wanted to laugh, the model probably thought his mother was his uncle Philip's wife. Constance Lim and Philip Ong looked nothing alike, while they shared their father's fair skin, Constance inherited her european features from their mother, while Philip looked more like the late Rodolfo Ong.

"Sister, I know you are just here to ask for money." Philip Ong said as he pulled out a bottle of water. "Everyone knows the sad state the Lim family is in."

"I'm not here to ask for help for the Lims." Constance stepped closer. "Ian is going to University soon, father placed aside some money for Ian."

"Father did no such thing." Philip said quite defensively.

"Father did it for all of his grandchildren." Constance rebutted. "Why are you singling Ian out? I'm not asking for special treatment, just what father left."

"Constance, this isn't the OC Corp you used to run!" Ian's uncle Philip said angrily as he slammed his hand on the table. "This place is different, you have no right to come here."

"I'm not asking for anything from the company!" Constance Lim answered back.

"Leave, before I have you thrown out!" Philip Ong said as he pointed towards the door.

Ian didn't know what to do, he was frozen in place, were they going to follow his uncle's orders? Or was his mother going to defy him?

"Constance, I never want to see you here again." Philip said in an angry tone.

Ian watched as his mother glared at her younger brother, she didn't say a word, she simply turned and left.

"Ian?" A voice said, pulling Ian back from his memories, he looked back up at Marco who was gesturing for him to enter the office ahead.

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