Ian entered the office, he was shocked at its size, normal people didn't have offices like these. On the other side of the door was an office whose whole wall was made of glass, Ian could see the modern side of the capital from where he stood.

To his left there was a meeting table and in front of him was a couch that seemed to serve the purpose of entertaining more casual discussions.

He wondered who exactly he was doing his interview with, it was definitely not some manager, maybe it was a vice president or a department head of the Reyes Group. The company had been notorious for always having a low profile CEO.

He looked back to Marco So, the older man simply nodded at him, urging him to enter the room further.

Ian was nervous, he didn't expect to be having an interview with someone so high up in the company. The Reyes Group was one of the most illustrious in the country, he was just a fresh graduate.

"Ah, Ian Lim." A familiar voice said, making Ian turn his attention to the man seated behind and elegant wooden table. It was the same man from Constellations hotel, the one that Katerina Sebastian had called uncle.

"Sir, it's you." Ian said, he tried to sound as confident as possible, but he was curious as to who this man truly was, "Sir, I don't mean any disrespect, but what am I doing here? I'm just a fresh graduate, this seems to be the executive's floor."

"Well, this is the CEO's floor." The man said with a shrug. He seemed more approachable today than when they first met at the hotel. "Take a seat Ian, I need to explain a few things to you."

The man walked over and offered for Ian to sit on the couch across him.

Ian did as the man asked and sat up straight, not daring to relax, he wanted to leave a good impression.

Marco soon came in with two cups of coffee and placed it in front of Ian and the intimidating man. Marco then bowed and left, closing the door behind him.

"You can relax." The man told Ian, noticing his stiff behavior.

Ian leaned back slightly, still not daring to be too confident or relaxed in his situation.

The man suddenly laughed and shook his head.

"You already got the job you know." The man said, shaking his head as he watched Ian's confused expression. "That is of course, if you still want it." The man said taking a sip of his coffee, observing Ian.

"What job sir?" Ian asked, he was quite confused and worried that he was going to be given an unsavory or illegal job.

"I'll tell you after this. But there are some things that I need to explain first." The man said with a smile.

Ian nodded in reply, as he dared to lean his back against the couch.

"I have looked into your background and I know you are a good man." The man said as he looked Ian in the eyes. His expression was quite hard to read, he seemed intimidating, yet there was a gentleness that Ian could detect.

"I know what you've been through." The man explained. "The pain your family has suffered over the years. That part is just too much, it was unfair, and my only regret is that I didn't know and that I couldn't help. I know your father, we were friends long ago."

Ian sat up at the mention of his family, how did this man know his father. Were they acquaintances or business partners back when the Lim group was still thriving? Or was this man across him one of the business elites that his father and grandfather used to rub elbows with.

He remembered the last time his family was invited to a socialite event, Ian despised it. All anyone and everyone talked about was their trip last summer to Switzerland, or their new apartment in New York.

Ian barely spoke to the rich young men of his generation, they often pitied him or looked down on him. The story of the Lims wasn't exactly a secret, if you belonged to the right circle you would know what had happened to them.

"After this, I hope I could get the chance to speak to your father once more." The man said, his expression seemingly one of regret. "I know your father would be too proud if I simply handed your family back all the riches you lost. I also know you don't accept charity, so what I am offering you is an opportunity instead,"

"An opportunity?" Ian asked.

"Yes, an opportunity to build your wealth and buy back what was taken from the Lims." The man said with a nod. "An opportunity to make the right connections and to be respected by those connections."

"I don't mean any offense, sir, but who are you to promise such big things?" Ian asked with a raised eyebrow. He had been through too much over the years to be easily fooled by a lavish office and an imposing aura.

Ian had learned from his past pains and his failures that not everyone should be trusted, that some people only sought to harm others.

The man simply laughed at him, making Ian frown.

"My name is Emilio Reyes III, and I am the CEO of the Reyes Group. I can and I am promising these things." Emilio Reyes said, shocking Ian.

He knew this man was someone important and somewhat familiar. The CEO rarely made appearances so he couldn't be easily recognized.

"Close your mouth boy. I've known you since you were a baby." Emilio Reyes said with a laugh, confusing Ian even more.

"Had your father reached out I would have helped." Emilio Reyes said, shaking his head. "But a trademark characteristic of you Lims is your pride. Plus your father and I lost touch when we argued about my son's training."

Ian just stared at Emilio Reyes, what was going on?

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