Ian and Camilla were surprised to find the gym of Solaire Towers empty and without a soul around.

"Are we late?" Camilla asked Ian as she looked at her watch, they were right on time.

"No you guys aren't late." A tall man with a military buzz cut said as he entered the room.

"Leon!" Camilla said as she looked at the man with a surprised expression.

"Leon?" Ian asked. "You know him?"

"Yes, Leon is the Reyes Heir's future bodyguard." Camilla explained. "He lives on the floor below us and I've bumped into him a few times."

"Marco enlisted me to get both of you in better shape." Leon explained. "My job will be to protect our future boss, but even with me around, there may still be some unwanted individuals that could get through. You need to be able to defend both yourselves and our boss."

Ian and Camilla nodded as they listened to Leon.

"You both need to be fit, and you both need to be capable of fighting back." Leon explained. "Training every Saturday will not be enough. You will also need to put in some extra effort on other days to keep yourself in shape."

"We could schedule daily workout sessions together." Camilla suggested.

"Those are up to the two of you." Leon said with a shrug. "I have other duties aside from training you two."

"I'm fine with going to the gym twice a week and running the other days." Ian suggested.

"That would be perfect." Camilla said excitedly.

"Good, at least I know the two of you won't be slacking off." Leon said with a smile. "Now, from what Marco tells me, Ian, you can actually defend yourself."

"I got into a lot of fights when I was younger, so I needed to learn to defend myself and to fight back." Ian explained.

"Good, show me." Leon said as he invited Ian to attack.

"Are you sure?" Ian asked as he hesitated.

"I can take you, don't worry about hurting me." Leon said with a grin.

"I'm not stupid, I'm not worried about you getting hurt, I'm worried about me!" Ian shouted, making Leon and Camilla laugh.

"I promise not to hurt you too much, now come at me!" Leon challenged him.

At first Ian hesitated, but eventually he realized that he needed to do this and that it was for his own benefit.

He quickly attacked Leon, making the bodyguard smile. Leon thought it would take a lot more convincing to get Ian to attack.

It was a good thing that Ian was quite smart and didn't hesitate for long.

Leon anticipated that Ian would punch with his left hand, he had read Ian's file, he knew that the assistant was left handed.

He was caught by surprise when Ian threw a punch with his right hand, making Leon take a step back.

"Good, unpredictable, good." Leon praised as he quickly countered Ian with his own punch.

Ian was fast, he quickly ducked and stepped aside, attempting to attack Leon with his fists. But Leon was a top notch bodyguard for a reason, he was able to quickly deflect Ian's fists, making Ian take a step back this time.

"You're fast and you know how to use it, not bad." Leon said as he admired the assistant's skills. "Rough around the edges, clearly you learned fighting on the streets, but good material to work on." Leon praised.

Ian took advantage of Leon being distracted as he used his knee to try to kick Leon in the chest, but the bodyguard was faster, catching his knee and pushing it back down.

The strength of Leon's counter almost made Ian fall, he quickly regained his balance, just as Leon threw a punch at him.

Ian moved to avoid the punch from colliding with his face. Unfortunately, since he wasn't stable on his feet from Leon's counter, Ian fell as Leon's attack messed with his balance.

When Ian tried to get up, Leon placed a foot on his chest, keeping him down on his back.

Leon laughed as Ian glared at him, Ian hated to lose, and right now he had fallen flat on his ass and Leon's foot was stopping him from getting back up.

"Okay, I think that's enough." Leon said with a smile as he took his foot off of Ian and offered his hand to help him up.

"This isn't one of those I'll help you but punch you to teach you a lesson, is it?" Ian asked as he hesitated to take Leon's hand.

"No." Leon said with a grin. "I was told to teach you to defend yourself and our future boss. I know you are capable of telling who to trust and who not to trust. I will just do my job and teach you both how to fight."

"Thanks." Ian said with a smile as he took Leon's hand and stood up.

"You're good for someone that isn't professionally trained, better than others to be honest, but your punches and kicks lack power." Leon commented as he recalled the mental notes he made while they fought.

"Thanks, I guess." Ian said as he dusted himself off.

"Follow me." Leon told Ian who walked behind Leon to a corner.

Leon patted a punching bag and gave it a few jabs before nodding his approval.

"This will do." Leon said. "Watch me." He told Ian as he did twenty jabs before kneeing the punching bag five times.

"Watch your form, make every hit count." Leon told Ian as he punched. "Put more force in every attack that you are used to."

Ian nodded in response as he watched Leon's actions.

"Now you do it." Leon said as he stepped aside, letting Ian repeat his actions.

Ian stood before the bag and gave it his first jab with his right hand.

"Harder." Leon instructed.

Ian punched the bag harder this time with his left.

"Good, now with your right." Leon told Ian.

Ian complied and tried to punch the bag with his right hand as strong as he could.

"Better, but not good." Leon commented.

Ian punched it again with his left, hitting it squarely. He knew he was punching better with his dominant hand, but he was aware of the need to strengthen his right hand as well.

"Repeat it with your right." Leon instructed.

Ian did as he was asked, and he felt the difference this time as his fist collided with the bag.

"Good, keep it up." Leon said with a nod as Ian continued to punch the bag as instructed.

"Now, knee it." Leon told Ian.

Ian did as he ordered, gripping the punching bag and using his knees to attack.

"Clearly you are better with your fists than your knees." Leon said with a laugh as he corrected Ian's form.

Leon watched as Ian did two more rounds of punching and kneeing the bag.

"Keep it up until Camilla and I are done." Leon instructed. "You can take a break every five rounds, hydrate yourself then practice again."

"Alright." Ian said with a nod as he panted.

"Two more and you can rest, go." Leon said with a nod as Ian resumed punching the bag.

Ian was so focused on doing as Leon instructed him, that by the time he had finished five repetitions he didn't realize how exhausted he was.

"Good, again!" Ian heard Leon call out as he turned to watch as Leon taught Camilla how to fall.

Despite learning how to fight on the streets, Ian knew how important knowing the right way to fall was.

He had broken his leg several times because he didn't know how to fall properly at the start.

"Ian, don't rest for too long!" Leon called out as he noticed Ian watching them.

Ian simply nodded and drank from his water before returning his attention to the punching bag.

After two more sets of punching and kneeing the bag, Ian finally heard Leon tell Camilla that they were done for the day.

"Tired?" Camilla asked as Ian joined her and Leon on the mats once more.

"Very." Ian said with a nod. "We need to eat, I'm starving." Ian said as he touched his stomach.

"We can have something whipped up." Camilla told Ian with a laugh. "Join us?" Camilla said as she invited the bodyguard.

"I can't." Leon said as he shook his head. "I have work to do. I'm always busy so don't get offended that I'm rejecting your offer."

"Alright." Camilla said with a nod. "Come on Ian, let's get some food in you before shopping."

Ian ground at the thought of shopping as Camilla dragged him to the elevator, leaving an amused Leon behind in the gym.

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