There was one thing Ian hated doing with his sisters, and that was shopping.

The two girls, Sam and Karina, had dragged him across Elissia Mall pointing out everything he should get for his new place.

He was glad that Camilla had tagged along, because she seemed to be just as interested in shopping as his two sisters.

"Oooohhh!" Karina said as she pointed at some kitchenware. "I think that would go perfectly in Ian's new place."

"You've never even seen my new place." Ian grumbled as he walked behind the two girls.

"No need, Camilla showed us photos." Sam chirped as she picked up some utensils she thought her brother would need.

"You took photos of my place?" Ian asked Camilla with a raised eyebrow.

"Our apartments are identical, I just showed them mine." Camilla said with a shrug as she picked up some things for herself as well.

"Why does it look like I'll be throwing a party everyday with all the things you are picking up for me?" Ian complained as his sisters continued to pick things out, pointing them out for the sales people to process. "Why am I buying so much more things than Camilla!" Ian complained.

"Because I don't have anyone else coming over to my place." Camilla said with a laugh. "At most it will be you and Leon and I don't know your girlfriend if she can stand me."

"Don't worry about Jas, Camilla." Karina said as she joined in on the conversation. "She's actually really nice. I think she is just stressed with work."

Ian frowned at the thought. He knew that someone was suppressing Jas' family because of him and his relationship with her.

"I just know to stay as far away from Ian as possible when she is around." Camilla said with a laugh as she showed Sam and Karina something she wanted to buy for her place.

"Why do I feel like I suddenly adopted a third sister?" Ian asked as he rolled his eyes at the three women.

"I would love to have another sister!" Karina said in an excited tone as she hugged Camilla.

Camilla laughed at the sisters' antics as they continued to buy things for their apartments.

"I think we need to go clothes shopping for your brother." Camilla pointed out.

"No I don't, I have enough clothes." Ian said as he shook his head. "We need to get these to the car first and back to the units so we can set everything up."

"First of all, I've seen your closet, and yes you need more clothes especially now that you are working." Sam argued. "And second we have a way to get things back, you brought John with you."

Ian frowned at his sister's suggestion. He had forgotten that the driver had insisted on taking them to the mall.

He said he felt so unwanted and unneeded because Ian and Camilla both chose to drive themselves everywhere.

Eventually, Ian gave in and let the man drive them to his home to pick his sisters up, then later to the mall for their shopping trip.

"Why don't Sam and I take the things to the car, while you and Camilla can go clothes shopping? I'm sure John can drive us to your place and we can set everything up before you arrive." Karina told her older brother.

"And what about us?" Ian asked.

"John can come back and fetch you." Sam said with a shrug.

"Makes sense." Camilla said with a nod.

"Why can't we all just go home?" Ian asked.

"Cause you need clothes, and Sam and I want to decorate your place." Karina said with a grin as she looked at her older brother.

"Fine, but don't go overboard, here are the keys." Ian said as he passed them the keys to his apartment.

"Can we do yours too Camilla?" Sam asked the older woman excitedly.

"Sure. Here." Camilla said with a nod as she handed her keys to the siblings as well.

"You guys might want to grab some lunch here in the mall while we work on your apartments." Karina said as she flashed the pair a mischievous smile.

"Why do I feel like I'll end up regretting this?" Ian grumbled as he watched his sisters leave him and Camilla.

"Your sisters are sweet, I wish I had siblings growing up." Camilla said with a frown.

Ian looked at her curiously, he knew many people that grew up as only children felt sad about not having siblings, but Camilla seemed sadder than most. It was as if she had lost a sibling rather than not having had one from the start.

"Are you alright?" Ian asked as he gave Camilla a concerned look. "If you're not we can go home with my sisters."

"No, I'm fine." Camilla said as she shook her head and gave Ian a weak smile. "I just remembered someone, well something. Don't worry about it, I have a therapist."

"Well if you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here." Ian said with a smile as they walked towards one of the high class shops for men's clothes.

"Are you sure we should be buying here?" Ian asked as he looked around.

Yes, he had been born to a rich family, but it had been years since he had bought at a shop like this.

"Your sisters said this was your favorite brand." Camilla said as she gave him a confused look. "To be honest I was quite surprised, not a lot of people know this brand. People normally flock to the more famous ones, this one is quite unknown."

"Mr. Ian Lim, is that you?" An older man said as he walked out from the storage room.

"Hi Henry." Ian said with a gentle smile as the man walked up to him and shook his hand.

"Wow, you've grown, I've been waiting to see you come back. How are your parents? And your grandfather, is he still giving everyone a pain in the ass?" The old man, Henry, said as he spoke to Ian in an excited tone.

"Grandpa is fine, so are my parents." Ian said with a nod. "Henry, you don't need to be polite, I know that you know what happened to my family."

"I do." Henry said with a nod. "But families like yours, they can't keep you down. You guys always keep fighting. And look at you now, you are back in my shop, and I see you are still wearing your grandpa's shoes!" Henry said as he pointed at Ian's feet.

"Well, you price them high and they last generations." Ian said with a laugh.

He suddenly remembered that Camilla was with him and that he had forgotten to introduce Camilla to the old man.

"Right, where are my manners?" Ian said with an awkward laugh. "Henry, this is Camilla Montero, she's a friend from work. Camilla, this is Henry, he is the owner of this shop. And before you get any ideas Henry I have a girlfriend, and it's not Camilla."

The old man laughed at how Ian had managed to predict what he was about to say.

"Nice to meet you Miss Camilla, I've been dressing Ian's family since his grandfather's time, and my father worked for his great grandfather and great great grandfather. We've worked for families like theirs for generations." Henry told Camilla with a smile.

"It's an honor to meet you." Camilla replied. "I've heard so much about your brand and how you only dress certain people."

"I don't want those new rich strutting around in my clothes when they look down at people." Henry said with a laugh. "I make some exceptions, but I prefer to pick my clients."

"You can afford to do that anyway, Henry." Ian teased. "Who is it now, the Reyeses, the Sebastians, the Laurences, the Chans, the Abads, the Carpios, the Roccis, who else am I missing?"

"A lot more." Henry said as he shook his head. "All people that don't want their names on tabloids."

"You must be amazing at what you do." Camilla praised.

"He is." Ian said with a nod, to which Henry simply shook his head.

"So what can we do for you young Mr. Lim?" Henry asked as he returned his attention to Ian.

"He needs a completely new wardrobe." Camilla said with a laugh as she walked over to the clothes displayed on the racks.

"Well, you know the drill Ian, let's get you measured." Henry said as he pointed at a pedestal with mirrors surrounding it.

Ian nodded as he stood on the pedestal like he did when he was younger.

Even if he hadn't been to Henry's in years, it just felt like things were slowly snapping back to how they used to be.

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