As the security personnel walked closer to Manuel and Ian, Ian's heart beat faster. He couldn't get into trouble so early on in his employment.

He would get fired, no one would hire him. He was sure that Manuel would spread word of his previous run in with the law and he would be basically black listed from all the good companies.

Ian couldn't figure out what had gone wrong, he had a better grip of his temper normally. What was so different now? Was it because Manuel was insulting Camilla? Probably. Ian could never take it when men looked down on women.

He was sure that after the Reyeses found out that he had lost his temper, he would lose his job. They couldn't have someone with such a tainted record as their employee. It would ruin their name, especially in such an important position as the CEOs assistant.

Ian quickly regretted letting his temper get the best of him.

"Not so tough now, huh?" Manuel said as he wiped the blood off of his lower lip as he slowly got back up on his feet. 

Ian didn't even notice at first that he had broken skin as there was some drops of blood on his knuckles. He quickly wiped it on his pants, but it had somewhat dried and it left a stain on him.

He glanced at the security personnel as they whispered among themselves, seemingly discussing what to do next. 

Ian gulped as he visibly became nervous. This couldn't be happening to him, not so soon. No wonder people claimed that he and his family were bad luck. 

A part of him was now starting to believe that they brought nothing but dark times on those around them.

He looked at Camilla and wondered what misfortune he had brought to her by simply being her friend. 

Ian felt guilty about being selfish, about thinking that after years of keeping people out he could finally have a friend in Camilla.

And John, he hadn't known John long, but the driver had made a mark on him. He liked John, he liked his sense of humor and how he seemed to find everything entertaining.

Did he also bring misfortune on someone he just met?

"Don't over think." Ian heard Camilla say as he was pulled back from his toxic thoughts.

"People like you are the reason why top families fall." Manuel hissed. "Worthless brats that don't know who to respect. Had you let me have my way I would have given you a chance, maybe a job, I heard you are desperate for it." Manuel said with a grin.

"Take him. Take him out of here!" Manuel pointed at Ian as the security personnel stood in front of them.

They looked at each other, Ian couldn't tell what was running through their minds. Their faces didn't register whether or not they would listen to Manuel or not.

After a few moments one of them nodded as the other spoke.

"Mr. Lim." The security personnel said. He seemed to be their head, Ian began to worry what they would do to him.

"Look, I didn't mean any -" Ian said as he quickly panicked and tried to reason with them. He was willing to do anything at this point.

"You should take that scum out." John suddenly said from behind Camilla. Making Camilla gasp at his words.

They didn't expect John to make things worse for them, and now he was speaking so informally to the security personnel, ordering them around.

"Ah, Mr. John, you're having lunch with Mr. Lim." The security personnel said in a respectful tone. A tone that confused Ian, how did this man know John? And why was he so respectful to John?

"Yeah, this man disturbed Ian." John said as he pointed at Manue who glared at John.

"And who the fuck are you?" Manuel asked as he looked at John from head to toe. "You don't look like someone important."

John returned Manuel's look as he observed Manuel as he glared at John.

Suddenly, John started to laugh, making Ian think that he had gone crazy. 

"John, what the hell?" Camilla asked as she looked at the driver. "Are you trying to get us into more trouble?"

John looked at Camilla and shook his head.

"You'll understand soon enough." John replied with a grin as he turned his attention back to Manuel.

"You're a cocky bastard." Manuel hissed as he looked at John. "It's like you want to get thrown out of here and banned. I'm the son of a very powerful and rich man while you are probably a nobody from some slum."

"Yeah, next to Ian, I'm a nobody." John said with a laugh as he looked at Ian.

"What?" Ian asked, he was extremely confused by John's actions.

"You guys should deal with him." John told the security personnel.

They in turn looked at Ian. 

"Mr. Lim, is this person bothering you?" The security personnel asked as he pointed at Manuel.

"What the fuck?!" Manuel shouted. "You should be asking me that. Don't you know who my father is? If he hears about this he will have this place shut down."

John once more laughed at Manuel's reaction. It seemed this man looked way too highly of himself and didn't understand the situation he was in.

"Trust me sir, we are more afraid of Mr. Lim than of you." One of the waiters who had been standing nearby said with a laugh. "You may not know who he is, but we do. And trust us, he is the last person in this room that you want to piss off."

"You are all crazy!" Manuel shouted. "He is a kid whose family can't even feed themselves. They lost everything because of their stupidity and because they are bad luck!" 

"Manuel!" His female companion said as she seemingly began to look embarrassed by his reaction.

"Don't act like that Mica! Don't be embarrassed by your brother." Manuel told his sister Mica in a stern tone.

"Are you really not going to deal with him?" John groaned. "He is getting annoying." He told Ian.

"Sir, what do you want us to do?" The security personnel asked as he looked at Ian. 

Ian paused for a moment, it was the first time that he had the opportunity to get back at Manuel. After all the suffering the man had caused him, he actually had a chance this time.

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