Ian stood over Manuel, for the first time in a very long time he had the upper hand. 

"Sir?" One of the security personnel asked as they waited for Ian's decision. 

Ian could tell that they were very anxious. For some reason they sought out his approval and validation. This was something Ian couldn't understand at all.

"Is there somewhere here where we can hold him temporarily?" Ian asked as he continued to glare at Manuel.

"Yes sir." The security personnel said with a nod as he waited for Ian's instructions. "We have some holding cells at the security office. We can keep him there if you'd like."

"Please take him there for me." Ian instructed.

The man who seemed to be the highest security personnel in the area quickly organized for Manuel to be taken down to the security office.

It seemed that the men were making a public display of them subduing Manuel, embarrassing him even further. 

They quickly grabbed Manuel by the shoulders and cuffed him behind his back.

"I told you not to do it." Ian heard Manuel's sister hiss as she approached him.

"Keep the sister in custody too. I don't think it would be a good idea to let her walk freely out of here." Ian instructed.

The leader of the group nodded as he gestured for two more men to take her.

Seeing as his sister tried to retaliate, the men holding Manuel forced him on his knees, embarrassing the man even further.

Ian could see how much Manuel wanted to act out, to scream and shout, but he was at a disadvantage. Not only was he cuffed and on his knees, but he was also out numbered and it seemed that Ian had more influence over the people in the room at the moment.

"What the fuck!" She screamed as the men tried to get her to cooperate. "Wait till our father hears about this, you will all regret it. You are nothing but employees!"

"Miss, you really messed with the wrong people." A security personnel said with a laugh as they dragged Manuel's sister out of the restaurant.

Ian wanted to laugh as they dragged her out kicking and screaming. She kept demanding to see whoever was in charge, but clearly she was ignored.

"Why didn't you take them together?" Ian asked the leader.

"It would be dangerous. We would be in a small confined space with two hostiles. It's safer this way." The man explained.  "Plus he was quite horrible, a little more embarrassing moments won't hurt." The man said with a chuckle.

After a few minutes the leader of the security team signaled the remaining men to take Manuel from the restaurant to the security office. 

They dragged him up, much faster than they needed, making Manuel suffer even more.

"Move." One of the guards said as he pushed Manuel by the shoulder.

"I swear Lim, you will regret this." Manuel hissed before he was once pushed to move.

"Don't you fucking dare order me around!" Manuel shouted as he glared at the security personnel behind him.

"I wouldn't challenge the staff here." John said with a laugh. "They aren't your typical guards. They are trained to serve the best of the best. You underestimate the people around you."

"Shut the fuck up!" Manuel shouted, earning him another punch from Ian.

Manuel's face was thrown to the side as he spat blood from the impact of Ian's fist with his face.

"You'll pay for this." Manuel threatened as he was nudged forward once more by the security personnel.

"If you don't move, my men will carry you out, trust me you don't want that." The leader of the security team said with a grin. It was as if he was daring Manuel to answer back.

At first it seemed like Manuel was going to fight back, not satisfied with the embarrassment and punishment he had already suffered today.

Ian was shocked when he dropped his head in submission, allowing the security team to lead him out of the restaurant.

When Manuel and the men that were taking him to the security office were out of sight, the crowd that had gathered dispersed and Ian and his group were left alone.

He was surprised to find that the leader of the security team had stayed behind and waited for things to settle.

A waiter quickly walked up to them and asked if they were ready to have their meal.

"Please, I'm starving." John grumbled, making Ian and Camilla laugh.

"Sir." The leader of the security team said as he approached Ian.

"You don't need to call me sir, Ian will do just fine." Ian told the man.

"It would be very disrespectful of me to call you by your first name, sir." The man said.

"If you insist." Ian said with a sigh. "Is there anything you need from me?" He asked the man.

"Would you like us to rough him up a bit, show him how wrong he was?" The man asked.

"You can do that?" Ian asked with a surprised expression. "Won't it get you in trouble with your boss or whoever is the higher authority here?" 

The man gave Ian a puzzled look, as if he had grown two heads and was speaking nonsense.

"Do you want him beaten up or not?" John asked Ian casually. "Just answer the question."

"Of course I want him to learn a lesson, but I don't want these guys getting into trouble because of what I want." Ian said as he shook his head.

"They won't get into trouble, Ian." John said with a sigh. "I'll explain why later. Just tell them what you want done and don't worry, things will be fine." John told Ian with a grin.

Trusting John Ian turned to the leader of the security team. 

"Rough him up, I want him to learn that there are consequences to his actions and that he cannot keep looking down at people." Ian told the man.

The leader nodded in return, acknowledging Ian's instructions. 

"Also, try to avoid the face, I think I did a number on him and anything else will have consequences." Ian instructed.

The man nodded and left.

"Now where is that explanation you owe us." Ian said as he settled back into his seat.

"Well, technically you and Camilla are their bosses." John said with a laugh confusing the pair.

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