"You are not making any sense." Camilla said as she looked at John, puzzled by his words. They were the bosses? How crazy was that.

"This place is owned by the Reyes Group." Ian said as he recalled what Emilio Reyes had told him.

"Not by the Reyes Group." John said as he shook his head. "It's owned by a Reyes and was built to serve a purpose."

"You are being very confusing." Camilla said in a frustrated tone as their food was served.

Ian couldn't help but smile as he saw his sisters' faces light up at the sight of the meal in front of them. 

He knew that like him his sisters also had to give up so much and suffer a lot because of their family's fall into poverty.

"Are you sure this meal won't cost you too much?" Sam asked as she looked tentatively at Ian. It was as if she was waiting for his permission to eat the food.

"Sam, yes, go eat, go enjoy your food." Ian told his sister with a smile.

"This must cost a lot." Karina said as she took a bite of the meat in front of her. "Are you sure we can afford this Ian?"

"Karina, the food is already in front of you." Ian groaned. "You're already eating it." He said as he rolled his eyes.

Camilla couldn't help but laugh at the interaction between the siblings as Karina rolled her eyes back at her brother and continued to eat her food.

"What do you mean that it's owned by a Reyes but not by the Reyes Group?" Ian asked John steering the conversation back on to the topic.

"First of all it's not public knowledge that Solaire Towers is owned by the Reyes Group, that much I'm sure you know." John began to explain. "Now the second part is that Solaire Towers is actually owned by the Reyes Heir and was built mainly to house his people."

"His people?" Ian asked, confused by what John meant. 

"You, his assistants." John said as he pointed at Ian and Camilla. "Leon, his bodyguard, which he doesn't know by the way. And me, his driver, right now all of us are being prepared for when he returns, but when he comes back, the real work begins."

"Wait, if you're the Reyes Heir's driver, what are you doing here already? And why are you driving us around?" Ian asked as he was confused with what John had said.

"As I said, I've been working for the Reyeses for a very long time. I know the family and I've been training for my role for years." John explained. "They saved me and I am simply paying them back."

"It seems the Reyeses have a thing for saving people." Ian said with a chuckle.

"You too, huh?" John asked with a grin.

Ian simply replied with a nod.

"It still doesn't make sense why we are their bosses here. We are all employees of the same person and family." Camilla said as she shook her head in confusion.

"You do know that the Reyes Group operates quite differently, right?" John asked. "In other companies, secretaries and assistants are simply there to help the CEOs or Presidents, to the Reyes Group you guys are very different."

"I know that we have many tasks that are out of the ordinary, that's why there are such high requirements for the role." Camilla said with a nod.

"Did you know that Marco So, owns the largest amount of shares of the Reyes Group, after the members of the family?" John asked. "The assistants of the Reyes Group are basically the bosses of anyone who is not a vice president in the Reyes Group, and all Vice Presidents tend to have the surname Reyes somewhere in their lineage."

"I never thought taking this job would have so much power and responsibility." Ian said with a frown. "I just wanted a job, not something like this."

"That's why Mr. Reyes and his son had to select the next assistants carefully." John told Ian with a nod. "It's a very important position that could easily be abused. Absolute power can corrupt absolutely."

"I just hope I don't go down that path." Ian said with a frown.

"You won't." Camilla said as she reassured her friend. "Let's promise to make sure that the power and responsibility of our jobs don't corrupt either of us. I don't want to see you go down that path and I don't want to become that kind of person either."

"I promise, I won't let you." Ian said with a nod.

"So does this mean that technically, my brother and Camilla are your bosses?" Sam said with a grin as she looked at John.

"Yes and no." John said with a laugh. "Just think of it as we have the same position, but theirs is a little bit higher. I won't follow them blindly, but as long as they don't abuse my trust I will follow them."

"So complicated." Karina said as she massaged her temples. 

"It's like you didn't grow up in a complicated household." Ian teased as he laughed at his sister.

Growing up there were many rules and practices that they needed to follow. As the grandchildren of the head of the family they were expected to act a certain way and meet certain goals.

They couldn't simply be who they wanted to be. They needed to represent the family at every age.

"Sir." Someone said, making Ian jump in his seat, he hadn't expected anyone to approach him.

"Sorry sir." A man who looked to be the same age as him said as he frowned next to Ian. "I didn't mean to startle you."

"Who are you?" Karina asked as she looked at the man.

Ian frowned as he observed his sister's reaction. It was clear that she was physically attracted to him.

"I'm from the security department, my boss asked if you wanted to watch?" The man asked as he handed Ian a tablet.

"Oh, I thought you meant watch downstairs." Ian said as he took the tablet from the man.

"That can be arranged if you wanted to." The man said in a serious tone. "We just thought you would prefer to finish your meal before heading down. Would you like to keep it on mute or would you like earphones to listen?"

Ian couldn't help but grin. Something urged him to listen to Manuel suffer, the man had caused him way too much pain for him to just let it pass.

"You have earphones?" Ian asked.

"Yes." The man from the security department said as he handed Ian a set of earphones.

"Thanks." Ian said with a grin as he powered on the tablet.

"Here, sir." The man said as he tapped on somethings on the screen and live footage of what was happening in the security office was flashed on the tablet.

"You guys keep eating, this will probably ruin your appetite." Ian told his siblings, Camilla, and John.

"Oh, I want to watch this." John said with a grin as he pulled his seat behind Ian to watch.

"Barbarians." Camilla said as she rolled her eyes and continued to eat.

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