Unlike this morning, Leon was now wearing more casual clothing making him stand out among the members of the security team.

"Mr. Leon." The man with Ian's group said. It was clear that this man regarded Leon quite highly as he bowed to Leon.

"Leon isn't just some bodyguard." John whispered to Ian and Camilla. "He is one of the best soldiers in the military."

"What's he doing working for the Reyeses then?" Camilla asked.

"When he was younger Leon got into some trouble, and it was a member of the Reyes family that saved him." John explained. "His main job will be to ensure the safety of the Reyes Heir. But until that man comes back, Leon does other jobs for the Reyeses."

"And security at Solaire is one of them?" Ian asked in a sceptical tone.

"Solaire Towers is meant to house the Reyes Heir's most important employees, so yes, the security of this place is also his priority." John said with a nod.

"Are you gossiping about me?" Leon asked as he looked at their direction.

"Of course." John said quite confidently as Leon rolled his eyes at the driver.

"If you have any questions, Ian, Camilla, you can ask me. John is known for pulling pranks and having a filterless mouth. He can't tell what's right from wrong sometimes." Leon said with a serious expression on his face.

"That's what the Reyes like about me, I'm honest and I don't keep secrets from them." John told everyone proudly. "But when it comes to others, well, that's a whole different thing. I will be loyal to the Reyeses till my death and after if the world demands."

Ian and Camilla were surprised as John switched from being happy and jolly to a more serious personality. 

Leon simply shook his head as he turned his attention back at Ian and Camilla. 

"From what the team tells me, this man insulted you in public?" Leon asked Ian.

Ian simply nodded in reply.

"They've beaten him up, do you want to rough him up too?" Leon asked.

"What will happen after?" Ian asked Leon. He wanted to know what would become of Manuel.

"In all honesty, that's up to you." Leon said with a shrug. "We could simply let him walk out of here as if nothing happened, or you can call the police to arrest him."

"Under what charges?" Ian asked.

"Trespassing." Leon said simply. "Of course we can also claim that he assaulted you,that one is easy enough to stage."

"Let the police deal with him." Ian said with a nod.

"There is actually another option." Leon suggested as he looked at Ian with a serious expression. "But this one isn't something I can arrange, you'll need to talk to Marco. I doubt he would refuse."

"What is it?" Ian asked as he leaned forward, even more intrigued.

"I just know that Marco has done this in the past and in fact the Reyes family actually encourages us to flex this little muscle once in a while." Leon said in a cryptic tone.

"I'm listening." Ian said with a nod.

"Check which companies his family works with." Leon said. "If they have ties to the Reyes Group, threaten them that the Reyes Group will stop working with them if they continue to work with Manuel's company."

"The CEO would allow that?" Ian asked.

"They would prefer that over the more brutal choice, yes." John said, joining in on the conversation. 

"And what if Marco says no?" Ian asked.

"Marco will not refuse." Leon assured Ian. "The Reyes family likes to make sure that they care for their people. As long as you are loyal to them and don't do anything evil, then they will do everything in their power to help you."

"Wouldn't the Reyes Group have too many enemies if every single employee did this?" Ian asked. The plan was good, it was something he would rather do than physically assault Manuel. But the suggestion seemed too perfect, as if it were a plot for a movie.

"It's not something that they extend to all of their employees." Leon said with a knowing grin. "Only those that work closest to them. But of course, the Reyes family has enough enemies as it is, what are a few tiny families to add to that list."

"Ian, they hired us to be efficient and to get our jobs done." John said in a serious tone. "If we are distracted or can be deemed as a risk to the Reyes family then we are useless. That's why they help us, so we can do our jobs right."

Ian nodded as he truly understood what John and Leon meant. 

"I'll talk to Marco as soon as I can, but for now I want to let out my anger on Manuel." Ian said with a grin. "I also want him to be scared, I want him to fear for his name and for his safety, can the police hold him for a bit in jail?" He asked Leon.

"It can be arranged." Leon said with a nod as he waved a member of the security team over and gave them a few orders, one of which was to instruct the police on how to deal with Manuel once he was in their custody.

"So Ian, what did this bastard do to you?" Camilla asked, she had been itching to ask that question since she first saw Manuel earlier in the restaurant.

"He called me names, I beat him up, he paid the police to take me into custody then he, his father, and his father's men beat me up. But just as they were about to kill me, my dad and grandfather somehow managed  to save me." Ian explained briefly.

"How many months ago did this happen?" John asked.

Ian shook his head.

"Not months, years. Almost six years ago." Ian said as he watched their shocked expression.

"Six years and he still hasn't gotten over that one time?" Camilla asked Ian.

"Well, he usually gets his way. He didn't get what he wanted that time so he has been obsessing over it, I guess." Ian shrugged. "Honestly, I'm surprised he remembers, it's not like he lost anything that night. I almost lost everything because of him."

"Then we better tell the police not to go easy on him." Leon told Ian with a grin as he nodded at a guard nearby.

"I just want him to feel what I felt, the fear of the possibility of not coming back." Ian said with a frown as he looked at the door. "I want him to be afraid, to feel that he will lose everything."

"Perfect, I could do with letting out some steam as well." Leon said with a chuckle as he opened the door to the room where Manuel was being kept.

Ian had no idea what Leon was planning, but he trusted the man enough to know that Leon had a plan and Leon wouldn't let him down.

Inside the room, Ian could see as the siblings were held in separate cells. 

Manuel's sister was clearly sobbing in a corner. She seemed untouched, but afraid.

Ian wanted to feel sorry for her, but the more he recalled the way she acted, the less he felt for her.

She wasn't that different from her older brother, they had grown in the same household and valued the same things. Ian felt no pity for her, she was old enough to know better at this point.

In the cell next to her was Manuel. His formerly pressed and clean clothes were now torn, dirty and bloody all over.

His face only had a cut, clearly the members of the security team had avoided hitting him there. Making sure that if he were to step into the public again he would still be presentable.

"He was beaten black and blue, don't be fooled." Leon told Ian as his face remained calm. "Shall we?" Leon asked as he gestured towards Manuel's cell.

Ian nodded as walked towards the cell, Manuel refused to look Ian in the eyes as he approached. 

When Ian was standing inches in front of his cell, Manuel, who was seated on the floor, refused to look up at Ian.

"Are you enjoying having our roles reversed?" Ian asked as he grinned at Manuel.

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