"Our roles are not reversed." Manuel hissed as he kept his eyes on the ground. "You are still scum and the moment I get out of this place my dad will have his men take you and finish what should have been done years ago."

Ian couldn't help but laugh at what Manuel had said.

Any doubt or fear that Ian had in the past was now gone. John's and Leon's words gave him confidence.

Ian trusted the Reyes Family, he trusted the CEO, and for some reason he trusted this future boss of his whom he had never met.

"Why were you here?" Leon suddenly asked.

"None of your business." Manuel said as he spat at Leon's shoes.

"Ugh, I just bought this." Leon groaned as he wiped the spit off against his pants. "You are disgusting."

"All of you will regret holding me here." Manuel shouted.

"Manuel, please, please don't anger them anymore. I just want to leave." Manuel's sister sobbed in the other cell, 

She might have remained untouched, but she was frightened. She had watched as men beat up her older brother and threw him back in his cell.

"Take her out." Leon ordered.

The guards with them quickly jumped into action, opening her cell.

Ian could hear as Manuel's sister began to scream. He imagined that she would be doing her best to stay as far away from the guards, kicking and screaming as they approached.

"Don't touch me!" She shouted. "Don't fucking touch me! You'll pay for this if you touch me!" 

Her screams were a mix of anger and tears, they felt like she was in pain, but Ian knew that Leon's men would never harm her.

She was definitely exaggerating whatever was going on in her cell, Ian didn't care. It was best if she overreacted, it would make Manuel break. 

"Please, please, get away!" Manuel's sister screamed in a shrill voice.

Ian watched as Manuel's expression shifted from stubbornness to worry with every scream that came from the cell beside his.

It was clear that no matter how horrible Manuel was to other people he cared deeply about his sister as he began to panic.

"Manuel! Manuel! Save me! Manuel help! Manuel please!" His sister screamed.

"Oh please, such a drama queen." Camilla scoffed as she watched from behind.

She had a clear view of both cells and she could see how Manuel's sister was simply backed up against the wall.

With every small motion that the guard made she would scream as if she was being tortured, and everytime the man took a step she would begin to beg.

Camilla wanted to laugh so hard at the sight, but if she showed that nothing bad was truly happening to Manuel's sister she knew that it wouldn't break Manuel.

"Such a loving older brother." Ian said with a grin. "Letting your sister fear for her life. Don't you want to know what the guards are doing to her?" Ian asked.

"Don't you dare hurt her!" Manuel shouted as he finally stood up, grabbing onto the bars of his cell.

"What will you do if we hurt her?" Ian asked with a laugh. He wanted Manuel to fear for his sister's life.

"Mica, Mica, stay strong. I'll get you out of there!" Manuel screamed as he offered his words of encouragement to his sister.

"Manuel, help me, get me out of here!" Mica shouted back as she begged to be saved.

"I swear Ian, the moment I get out of here you and your sisters better start watching your backs!" Manuel threatened. "I know people in very powerful positions! I know the fucking person that owns this place!" 

"Really?" John asked with a laugh as he eyed Manuel.

"If you know who owns this place then why are you in that cell?" Ian asked Manuel with a raised eyebrow.

In the cell next door the guard took another step forward making Mica scream for her brother once more.

"No please! Manuel please save me! Manuel!" Mica shouted.

Camilla couldn't help herself as she laughed at Mica's reaction. It was clear that the young woman was exaggerating her fear.

"Take her to another room, she annoys me." Camilla said with a sigh.

"Will you babysit her?" Ian asked as he glanced back at Camilla.

"Hell no, she's very very annoying." Camilla said as she rolled her eyes.

Ian turned and walked towards Camilla.

For a moment Camilla was worried that Ian would be mad at her for ordering the guards to take Mica out of the room.

"I want you to join them outside. Have the guards hold Mica outside the window, I want her to watch as her brother is beaten up. I want her to fear that the same thing will happen to her." Ian told Camilla.

"Sure. I can do that." Camilla said with a nod as she grinned.

"Don't hurt her, not a hair on her head." Ian warned.

"I won't just some mind games." Camilla said as she walked towards Mica's cell.

"I changed my mind, I want to have some fun with you." Camilla told Mica in an eerily happy tone. 

"Cuff her and take her to the next room." Ian told the guard with a nod.

"No, fuck you!" Mica shouted. "Don't touch me! No! Manuel! No, please don't let them take me Manuel!" She began to scream as the guard held her by the wrist and cuffed her hands behind her.

"I'll see you boys later." Camilla said with a wink as she led the guards that held Mica out the door.

"Manuel, please don't let them take me! Manuel save me! Please!" Mica started to scream as she tried to kick the guard that was holding her.

Ian wanted to laugh as he watched her pathetic attempt to get free.

The guard wasn't even holding on to her tightly. Mica was just weak and in a way illogical. She kept trying to kick when the guard holding her could easily take a step back.

In all honesty the guards didn't even have to hold her. She would have followed out of fear.

When the door finally closed behind Camilla and Mica, Ian grinned as he looked at Manuel.

"Switch off the cameras." Leon ordered to no one in particular.

Ian watched as the red lights on the cameras all switched off, signaling that they were no longer recording the scene in the cell.

"Now, let's have some fun." Ian said with a smile as he nodded at a guard who opened the cell door to take Manuel out.

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