Stepping out of R Tower, Ian thanked Marco, the man had given him a quick run through of what to expect. It seemed that the CEO of the Reyes Group was not an easy man to please, he had many expectations and Ian and the other trainee would need to meet those.

As finally left the building behind him Ian couldn't help but look up and smile, he couldn't believe that what he had expected to be just another interview for an ordinary job would land him in the CEO's office.

Ian couldn't help but grin, he had been through so much over the years and this job was like a step towards the right direction.

"I can't believe it." Ian muttered to himself as he took a look back at R Tower. It glistened against the morning sun, from tomorrow onwards until he reached his goal it would be his workplace.

Ian was now faced with a new dilemma, who to tell first, his girlfriend or his parents. Knowing Jas she would have felt bad if she was the last to find out, but this kind of news was something he wanted to share with his family first.

After walking for a bit he realized he had forgotten something, he quickly fished out the car keys that Mr. Reyes had given him, Ian had been so excited that he completely forgot about the car.

Running back into the building, Ian was greeted by a laughing Marco. It seemed that the assistant knew he had forgotten about the car and that he would be back.

"Too excited were we?" Marco teased as he signaled for Ian to follow him to the elevators once more.

"And you just let me leave?" Ian asked, shaking his head and laughing as several employees watched them.

"Get used to this." Marco said, signaling towards the employees who quickly turned away. "As someone that works directly for the CEO and for his heir people will want to be friends with you. They will want to know everything, you'll be like a mini celebrity in the office."

"Clearly most of them are fake." Ian scoffed.

"Most, yes." Marco said as they got into the CEO's elevator. "You'll learn to tell the real people from the fake ones soon enough."

They didn't descend far, they were only at the 2nd basement parking level when the elevator doors opened.

"Normally I would use the other elevators, even if we have the privilege of using the CEO's elevator." Marco explained as they walked towards a row of brand new cars. The first few were clearly luxury cars and Ian doubted any of those were his.

"Riding the ordinary elevators allows you to catch some gossip, plus it doesn't hurt to interact with people." Marco further explained as they continued to walk.

"Nice cars, aren't they." Marco said as he noticed Ian eyeing the brand new luxury cars.

"Yeah, but they look like they've never been driven." Ian said as he looked back at the cars they had passed.

"They've been driven once or twice, they belong to the Reyes Heir." Marco explained. "I'll tell you more about him tomorrow, when Camilla gets in."

"Camilla?" Ian asked.

"Camilla Montero, the other assistant in training. She's a nice kid." Marco said with a nod as they approached a set of simpler vehicles.

"That Hyundai Sta. Fe is yours." Marco said as he pointed to a white SUV. It was definitely brand new, Ian walked up to it and clicked the remote, sure enough the vehicle unlocked.

"It's true, you know." Marco said with a laugh. "The car really is yours."

"I heard rumors that the Reyes Group took good care of its employees, but I never expected something like this." Ian said as he looked at the keys in his hand.

"You and Camilla are special, not everyone gets benefits as good as these. Enjoy them." Marco said as he walked away.

Ian decided to go and check out the condo unit that had been provided for him first, he wanted to see what he needed to bring over.

Based on the address it was a five minute drive from R Tower at a property calle Solaire Towers. Ian knew that this was one of the Reyes Group's high end developments and that a unit here could set a person back by the hundred millions.

"Good morning sir." A guard greeted him as he rolled up to the driveway.

"Hi, yes, I'm here to check out unit 49B?" Ian asked the guard.

The guard's expression suddenly changed, it was as if he was suddenly speaking to some rich businessman.

"Mr. So called ahead for you sir." The guard told Ian. "I will take your car and park it."

"Oh, thanks." Ian said as he climbed out of the car, taking with him his bag.

"Is that all you have sir?" A man dressed as a bellhop asked as he appeared in front of Ian.

Ian was stunned that a residential building would have a bellhop ready to assist it's residents.

"Yeah, I just wanted to take a look around." Ian said with a nod as the bellhop led him into the lobby.

"This is Mr. Lim for unit 49B." The bellhop informed the female receptionist.

"Good morning Mr. Lim. Is there anything I could help you with?" The woman said with a sweet smile.

"No, I'd just like to take a look at my unit." Ian informed her.

"There is an exclusive elevator for your floor sir, this way." The woman behind the receptionist's desk said as she walked towards another hallway.

"This one is for your floor and the penthouse." The woman said as she pointed at the elevator. "It requires a special card for you to use." As she said this she handed Ian four sets of cards. Ian was somewhat confused as to why he would need four sets but he thanks her nonetheless.

"Would you like a tour of the facilities?" The receptionist asked him.

"Maybe after I take a look at my unit." Ian said with a nod, he truly did want to know what facilities a luxury residence such as this would have.

"Very well sir, there are phones in the unit, just dial 0 and I will be right up to assist you." With that the woman turned and left.

Ian quickly hopped into the elevator and leaned against the wall, if the staff was already treating him like some high valued client, he wondered what the unit would look like.. He didn't expect anything luxurious at first, but now he was nervous.

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