As the elevator door opened, Ian was surprised to see that there were only two units on the floor, he assumed that one was his and the other was for Camilla.

Ian casually walked over to his door and unlocked it with the key he was given. The unit had a fingerprint lock, he assumed that he would have to set that one later on.

As he pushed the door open, Ian was shocked by the size of the unit. From where he stood he could tell that it had a second floor. He was surprised to see the unit semi furnished, it had couches and tables, but no personal accents, something he guessed the Reyese intended for him to add on.

There was a large living room at the center, to the right he spotted what looked like a dining room and a kitchen. To the left he spotted a double door which he chose to explore. Ian walked over and pushed the doors open, it led to a brightly lit home office with an amazing view of the city below.

Ian noticed there was an envelope on the desk, curiosity got the best of him and Ian walked over to pick it up. It was an unassuming white envelope, no logos, just a simple scribble 'To Ian' written on the outside.

Placing his bag on the table, Ian sat and pulled the letter from inside, and it read:


You do not know me yet, but we will be working quite closely together in the years to come. I was ecstatic to hear from both my father and my sister that you had shown up to the interview. You may not remember me, but we went to the same school back during my elementary days, after that I had to leave for further education.

I hope you like the accommodations we have provided, dad and I spoke about it last time we met. I suggested this place, I hope you like it. Feel free to change anything and everything, this place is officially yours, spend the money in the credit card dad gave you, trust me, you can't drive us bankrupt.

I know the years ahead will be tough, and it may be another five years before we do meet and you start working on the job you are being trained to do. I know my dad has a good eye for talent, and I'm confident that Marco will be a great teacher.

So until we have to step up to our real jobs, enjoy, learn, we will meet someday.

The Reyes Heir'

Ian read the letter several times over, he was quite surprised to see that his future boss had somehow managed to send him a personally written letter.

He was even more shocked by the fact that the Reyes Heir had remembered him from their elementary days. In all honesty, Ian didn't even remember the man's first name. It was tradition in their school to call each other by their last name, so he had called him Reyes and he was called Lim.

It was only his best friend, Damien Park, that called him by his first name.

Ian sighed and tucked the letter with the other documents and valuable files he had with him, it wasn't everyday that the future head of the Reyes Family wrote you a handwritten letter.

He further toured his new home, the other side of the first floor did lead to a dining room with an adjacent kitchen, it had an open floor plan and was divided by a breakfast bar. The countertops were all black marble and the kitchen appliances were all top of the line and brand new.

The fridge was empty and there were no plates or utensils, Ian assumed that this was the part where he was free to choose or style on his own, they were mostly going to be small purchases.

He left the kitchen and headed up the stairs, there were four bedrooms on the second floor, three smaller ones and another that Ian assumed to be the master bedroom.

When Ian entered he was shocked by the size, it was even bigger than Jas' place where he was currently staying. It had a large window to one side that opened up to an amazing view of the city. It had a remote controlled curtain which Ian played with for a bit.

It also had a huge walk in closet which was connected to the bathroom.

While Ian was exploring the room his phone began to ring, it was his father.

"Hey dad, what's up?" Ian asked as he took a look at the bathroom.

"Is your interview done?" His father, Richardo Lim, asked over the phone.

"Yeah, I got the job dad, I start tomorrow." Ian announced quite happily.

"That's great news son!" Richardo Lim said as he congratulated his son over the phone. "What company?"

Ian had forgotten that only Jas knew that he was interviewing for the Reyes Group, he didn't want to get anyone else's hopes up that he would get in.

"Oh, ummmm, the Reyes Group dad." Ian informed his father.

There was silence on the other end of the line.

"Dad?" Ian asked.

"Oh, yeah, that's good. The Reyes Group is a good company. I know the CEO, you should have told me, I would have given him a call." Richardo Lim told his son.

"It's alright dad, he actually mentioned you." Ian said with a laugh. He was worried that his father wouldn't be happy with him working for the Reyes Group, seeing as he and the CEO knew each other.

"Emilio mentioned me?" Richardo Lim asked in shock. "Wait, you had an interview with Emilio?"

"Yes dad." Ian said.

"What job did you apply for that you had to be interviewed by the CEO?" Richardo asked his son, clearly confused as to how Ian ended up with an interview with Emilio Reyes.

"Why don't we have lunch and I can explain everything to you and mom?" Ian asked.

"Alright, mom is cooking, come home quick." Richardo told his son.

"Actually dad, I was thinking we could have dinner out." Ian said as he walked back down to the first floor and sat on the couch.

"Are you sure Ian?" Richardo asked his son in a worried tone. "Can you afford it? I know you are tight on funds now. I don't want you spending on things that are unnecessary."

"I can afford it dad, I got a signing bonus from the Reyes Group." Ian told his father.

"Alright, where then?" Richardo asked.

"Remember that spanish restaurant we used to eat at? Amalia's?" Ian asked his father.

"Ian, it's quite expensive there, I don't want you spending too much." Richardo Lim said, now scolding his son.

"Dad, it's fine. Just meet me there. Bye." Ian said dropping the call.

By his estimates it would take his parents and siblings another hour to get to the restaurant, so he had time to take a quick tour of the building.

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