Marco's home was simple and clean, as a matter of fact it felt more like a modern styled hotel rather than someone's house.

"I don't really spend that much time at home." Marco admitted as he led Ian and Camilla through a hallway. "I'm usually at work or at the Reyes Mansion. This place has just become somewhere I rest."

Ian and Camilla looked around and noticed how the place was extremely clean as if it were regularly being disinfected.

"I don't like things out of place and my staff know that." Marco said as they entered a room that looked to be his home office.

"Take a seat, someone will be around to bring us some coffee." Marco said as they sat down on the couch in the middle of the room.

"Your place is really nice." Ian remarked as he looked around Marco's office.

Like the rest of the house it had a modern minimalist design with one side filled with books and the other filled with the latest technological advancement.

"Thanks." Marco said with a smile. "As you can imagine I don't really get that many guests, so you are one of the first few to have walked in here."

"It's an honor then." Camilla said with a smile. 

"I hope you guys can stay for dinner." Marco suggested. "I have a really good chef, I'm sure he can whip something up for us that you will both like." 

"Sure." Ian said as he continued to look around. The conversation and the atmosphere had turned incredibly awkward as Camilla and Ian resisted asking the question at the back of their mind.

At first the room was silent as Ian and Camilla looked around, luckily a maid came in with coffee and snacks, making Ian and Camilla feel relieved.

When the maid finally left the room fell silent again.

Suddenly Marco started to laugh, confusing Camilla and Ian as they gave each other a puzzled look.

"I know what the both of you are wondering." Marco said as he shook his head. "It's okay to ask me questions, you know. I am the person who walked your path before you."

"Well, I thought it would be rude." Ian said as he scratched the back of his head. 

"No, not rude." Marco told Ian and Camilla. "I'm sure you are wondering how I ended up owning such a big and empty house and why my life seems to be so lonely."

"Your life doesn't exactly seem lonely, I just thought you might have a wife." Camilla said.

"No wedding ring." Marco told Camilla as he held up his hand. "I've dedicated my life to the Reyes Family and not everyone understands that. My fiance does but things are complicated between us." Marco said with a chuckle.

"You have a fiance?" Ian asked in surprise.

"You guys thought I was married and now me having a fiance is a shock?" Marco said as he laughed at the two younger assistants. "Yes I have a fiance and I love her with all my heart. She's just very stubborn and things are very complicated between us."

"Oh, well, good luck then." Ian said as he gave Marco a smile.

"As for how I could afford this place, my family is quite well off and I do help manage our family business on the side. I do what I can as long as it doesn't interfere with my work with the Reyeses." Marco explained.

"So this property is from them?" Camilla asked.

Marco shook his head and smiled.

"No, this property and the community it is in is owned by me." Marco said with a grin catching Ian and Camilla by surprise.

"Y- y- yours?" Ian asked.

"You pick up a thing or two working for the Reyeses." Marco explained. "You also gain connections and earn capital. I have a decent amount of shares in the Reyes Group, some bought by me, some gifted by Mr. Emilio. With that money I built this place."

"Wow, Ian and I were just discussing how this community might be owned by the Reyes Group." Camilla told Marco.

"It's not, but that is an assumption many people make." Marco said with a laugh. "Apparently the fact that I live here makes people think this mansion was gifted by the Reyeses. So with them thinking that this community is developed by the Reyeses more people want to purchase property here." 

"Wow, just being associated with the Reyeses and the Reyes Group really had a huge impact." Camilla said in awe.

"It does." Marco nodded. "You will eventually reach a point where businessmen acknowledge you as an extension of the CEO. They set appointments with you and they do their best to get on your good side, at least the smart ones." Marco said with a laugh.

"And the not so smart ones?" Ian asked. 

"They will either act like they are better than you or they will ignore you. Most just ignore assistants like us, but there are those that want to treat us like scum." Marco said with a grin.

"Now, I've answered your questions. It's your turn to answer mine." Marco said as he looked Ian in the eyes. "Who is this Manuel kid, what did he do to you, and what do you want to do to him?"

Ian didn't hesitate as he told Marco about who Manuel was and about how he and his family had affected Ian's and his family's lives. 

Marco was silent the whole time, his expression remained placid as he listened to Ian's story.

Ian could see how Camilla was bothered by the way Manuel and his family had treated Ian. They didn't care about others, just about themselves.

When Ian was done telling his story, Marco shook his head and sighed.

"When you were first placed into consideration for the next CEOs assistant, we heard about those rumors and we heard about how you were sent to the police station for attacking Manuel." Marco explained. "I won't lie, it made us hesitate."

"What changed your mind?" Camilla asked as she looked up at Marco.

"Your future boss, the future CEO of the Reyes Group." Marco said with a laugh. "That boy is stubborn, if he wants something he will have it, and he wanted Ian as his assistant for some reason. He told us that if every person could be judged by rumors then the people in the Reyes family would be the worst of all."

Ian couldn't help but laugh at Marco's statement. He had heard all kinds of rumors about the Reyes family.

"These rumors are a sign of jealousy, they are a sign of another person's greed. Marco said as he shook his head. "I'm glad that that kid was insistent."

"I'm glad too, I look forward to meeting him." Ian said with a nod.

"Now, what do you want to happen?" Marco asked Ian. "The Reyes Family will always support its people. Even without me the two of you have enough influence and power to move the needle, but, of course you still need to be taught."

"How?" Ian asked.

"By using the Reyes Groups resources, for both of you there are barely any limits now." Marco informed them with a warm smile. 

Ian grinned as he thought of the plan he had formed in his mind.. He was going to make Manuel and his family regret the day they crossed him.

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