"Why the fuck are you still holding us here!" Manuel shouted as he grabbed on the bars of the cell he and his sister had been placed. "I want my lawyer, this is illegal!"  He screamed. 

"Manuel, I'm sure dad is on the way to come and get us." Mica said in a shy tone.

She was too afraid to say anything, she didn't want her brother to find out that she had provided Camilla with information on their family's illegal businesses.

"How can you be so calm and silent right now Mica?" Manuel asked his younger sister. "We are in a cell in a police station! If someone sees us then it will be the end for us!"

"You're exaggerating." Mica said with a frown as she leaned back against the cold cell wall.

"Really? Am I?" Manuel asked as he looked his sister in the eyes and walked towards her. "Do you know what really sealed the deal for the Lims? It wasn't the bankruptcy, it was the rumors that we spread. So I am not exaggerating."

"We have the resources to clear our names, the Lims didn't." Mica said as she rolled her eyes at her brother. 

At times like these when he was acting like a spoiled brat Mica wished that he wasn't her brother. But you couldn't pick family, and he was hers, it wasn't like she was the best person either. She knew she was flawed.

"Shut up." Manuel said as he slapped his sister across her cheek, making Mica gasp in surprise. She never expected her brother to hurt her physically.

"Wow, it's only been thirty minutes and you're already turning on each other." A voice from outside of the cell said in an amused tone.

When Martin turned around to see who it was he was surprised to find one of Ian's companions from earlier.

"Who the fuck are you and what are you doing here?" Manuel hissed. "I don't want to see scum like you."

"Scum, hmmmmm. . ." the man said as he walked across the cell tapping on the bars. "If I'm not mistaken I'm the one out here, and you guys are the ones in there. Who would be scum in the eyes of the public then?"

"Shut up!" Manuel shouted, making the man laugh. 

"The name is Leon by the way." The man said as he smiled at Manuel and Mica from outside their cell. "I just came to tell you that Ian has decided not to press charges and that you will both be set free. All the police are waiting for now is for your father to arrive."

Manuel continued to glare at Leon as the man smiled and left.

"Do you think he is telling us the truth?" Mica asked as she looked at him with hope filled eyes.

"I don't know, but even if Ian Lim doesn't drop the charges, we still have the upper hand." Manuel said as he sat next to his sister. "Remember, the Lims have no one and nothing."

Manuel and Mica sat in the cell for what felt like hours until finally they heard a familiar voice that brought Mica to tears.

"Manuel? Mica?" Their mother's voice said from the other side of the cell.

"Mom?" Mica asked as she looked up. When she saw her mother standing outside of their cell she began to cry. "Mom!" 

Mica quickly stood up and ran to the bars and hugged her mother through it. While Manuel slowly got up from behind her and walked after her.

"Mom, get me out of here, please." Mica begged as she cried.

"We will, you're dad and the lawyer are just getting the policeman, they will set you free, don't cry my beautiful daughter." Her mother said as she wiped the tears of her cheeks.

"Mom, I was so scared, we were just eating one moment then we were being thrown into these damp and scary cells at the bottom of Solaire Towers. We don't know what happened mom." Mica cried as she exaggerated her story.

Manuel ignored the fact that his sister had completely left out the fact that he had first gotten into a fight with Ian Lim before they were taken.

He also chose to ignore that she had exaggerated the condition of the cells they were kept in.

"I hope they didn't hurt you." Manuel's and Mica's mom said as she cupped her daughter's face and checked for any bruises or wounds.

"Mom they did, they hurt us and they scared us. Mom, they were horrible." Mica cried. 

"Don't worry, we'll make every single person involved with Solaire Towers pay." Manuel's and Mica's father said as he arrived with a lawyer and the policeman in tow.

"Dad!" Mica cried out. "Dad, Manuel said you would come! He said you would save us, Manuel was right!" Mica said as she continued to sob.

"What are you waiting for you idiot? Let my kids out!" Their father hissed at the policeman who was clearly intimidated by the businessman.

The policeman quickly scrambled to get the siblings out as he tried to figure out which key opened the cell that they were in.

"What's taking so long?" Mica asked in a more offensive tone. "I want to get out!" She shouted at the policeman.

"If my daughter spends any more time in that cell, I will report you to your supervisor for sexually harassing her!" Manuel's and Mica's mother screamed at the policeman. 

"Madam, it's not my fault, the key to this cell is not here." The policeman said as he shook his head. "Give me a moment, I'll be back, I have another set of keys on my desk the right one should be there."

"Then what are you doing still standing here, get my children out of that cell!" Manuel's and Mica's father screamed, making the policeman panic and run out to the next room.

"I want to know what happened and why you ended up here. And where is the shirt that Alfonso lent you?" Their father asked as he looked coldly at Manuel.

"It was Ian Lim." Manuel hissed. "For some reason he has influence at Solaire Towers, he had us taken and beaten up in a cell. He even burned Alfonso's shirt."

"So you weren't even able to meet Seth Dean?" His father asked.

"No." Manuel said with a frown.

"I have it! I have it!" The policeman shouted as he ran back into the room and unlocked the cell door.

Mica quickly ran out to hug her father, but was greeted by a cold glare, making her step back.

Manuel on the other hand stepped out slowly, he knew his father wasn't happy with the results and that he would have to suffer the consequences.

As Manuel approached his father, he kept his head bowed looking at the ground as he slowly inched closer.

"So you failed?" His father asked.

"Yes." Manuel said in a silent voice.

"You can't even take your failure as a man!" His father shouted as he slapped his son, the sound echoed through the room as Manuel was thrown the the ground.

"Why do I have such disappointments as children?" Manuel's father asked as he turned and left.

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