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Ian and Camilla didn't stay any longer than necessary at Marco's home. They knew that the couple would probably want some alone time.

So as soon as they were done with their meal they left and drove home.

The drive home and the ride up to their apartments were silent. It seemed that both Ian and Camilla were thinking deeply about what had just happened.

When they finally made it to their rooms Ian quickly reminded Camilla about dinner with Seth the next day before finally climbing into bed and falling asleep.

Ian had no idea that he had just collapsed from exhaustion.

The next day he suddenly sat up from bed as he woke in a jolt from his phone ringing like crazy.

When he grabbed his phone from the night stand and saw that no one was calling, he suddenly recalled the office phone tht Marco had given them the night before.

He quickly got up and walked to the table in his room and picked it up.

"Hank, why are you calling so early in the morning?" Ian grumbled as he lay back down on his bed.

"Early? Ha! Someone had quite the night it seems." Hank teased. "Check the time again Ian." 

Ian groaned as he rolled over to check the time on his other phone.

"What the-" Ian said as he saw the time.

"Yes Ian, good afternoon." Hank said with a laugh. "It's 2 pm. I've been trying to call you since 10 am but it seemed you were dead to the world. Camilla mentioned something about you having had a long day yesterday so I decided to call you after lunch."

"Ugh. I basically slept the day away." Ian grumbled as he got up and made his way down to the kitchen.

"Good afternoon sunshine!" Camilla greeted with a laugh as she pointed at a plate with food at the other end of the table.

"You are a blessing! Did I ever tell you that Camilla? You are just amazing!" Ian praised as he walked over to his seat.

"Is something going on between you and Camilla?" Hank asked over the phone. 

"No." Ian replied with a laugh. 

"Did he ask you if we were dating?" Camilla asked Ian as if reading his mind.

Ian simply nodded in reply, making Camilla laugh.

"No, Hank. Ian is a great guy, just not my type." Camilla said as a maid handed her a mug of coffee.

"Why did you call?" Ian asked in a serious tone as he took a bite of his lunch.

"I just wanted to give you an update that we've already made all of the threats and you should be getting some calls today." Hank said excitedly.

"Wow, it seems like you enjoyed making those calls." Ian said with a grin.

"I got to use my full name, of course I enjoyed it." Hank said with a laugh. "I don't like flaunting that I'm a Reyes, but I sure as hell love using it to threaten people." 

"You are crazy." Ian said in between bites.

"Don't you have any missed calls on your phone yet?" Hank asked. "I know Camilla already has some."

"People have started to call you back?" Ian asked.

"Yeah, but I decided to leave it for tomorrow. Let them simmer in their fear." Camilla said with a mischievous grin.

"She's brilliant by the way." Hank commented as if he already knew what Camilla had said.

"You heard her?" Ian asked.

"No,  but she told me about her plan earlier. She didn't want to wake you and wanted to tell someone, so she told me." Hank said quite proudly.

"Thanks Hank, I'll probably do the same as Camilla and let them stress over their mistakes. Have a good weekend." Ian said as he dropped the call.

Ian looked at both phones.

His personal phone had several missed calls and messages from Jas making him groan. He didn't want to deal with Jas today. Too many things were going on in his life, he just wanted to focus and to have some peace.

Ian quickly messaged Jas that he had to work and had a work dinner tonight that's why he couldn't meet up with her. 

He asked her if they could meet next weekend since he was already expecting avery busy work week ahead.

As soon as he finished messaging his girlfriend, he turned his attention to his work phone. 

Ian was shocked to see hundreds of missed calls and frantic messages. The messages made him laugh. Clearly the people who didn't believe them yesterday now knew their mistake.

"The messages are funny." Camilla said as she spotted Ian smiling. "It's like they were suddenly slapped in the face and now they come crawling asking for our forgiveness,"

Ian laughed at her analogy. She was right, these people were now begging for Ian to forgive them.

"Will you ask them to wait a week too?" Camilla asked Ian.

"No, ask them to pull out all of their partnerships with the Juan family by Tuesday." Ian said. "Tell them that if they can't then they will have to suffer the consequences."

"I thought you wanted Manuel and his family to think that they had the upper hand?" Camilla asked.

"They will never tie this incident to me." Ian said as he shook his head. "They think too lowly of me to even consider that I could come up with a plan to get their customers, suppliers, and partners to leave."

"Alright." Camilla said with a nod as she got up and made her way out of the kitchen.

"Where are you going?" Ian asked Camilla as he noticed that she was on her way out of his apartment.

"Well, I was going to get some rest. We still have dinner with Seth tonight and I want to make the most of my weekend." Camilla said with a shrug. "Yesterday was just way too eventful." She laughed.

"Oh." Was all Ian could reply as he realized that she wanted to have her alone time.

"Are you becoming clingy?" Camilla teased as she flipped her hair and walked out the door. "Don't forget, I'm not into you." She said with a grin as she slammed the door behind her, leaving Ian in shock.

Ian decided to follow Camilla's lead and just laze around the rest of the day. It was the first time in a long time that he simply lay on his bed not worrying about anything.

He had decided to temporarily ignore Jas and her escapades or Manuel and whatever his family was plotting against Ian.

Ian was already falling asleep when his doorbell began to buzz.

He groaned as he got up and checked the time. It was six thirty in the evening, thirty minutes before they were supposed to meet Seth in the restaurant downstairs. 

When Ian took a look at who was outside, he was shocked to find Seth standing by the door. 

He opened the door and glared at Seth.

"I still had thirty minutes." Ian complained as he let Seth in. "How were you even able to get up here?" He asked.

"You told the receptionist to just let me next time. So they let me up." Seth said as he looked around Ian's apartment. "This place is ten times larger than mine." 

"Can you just stay here while I get dressed?" Ian asked as he made his way up to his room.

"I promise to behave." Seth said as he raised his right hand.

"Five minutes.." Ian told Seth as he quickly went up to his room and got dressed.

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