As Ian dressed, he gave Camilla a call. He knew she would be pissed if Ian didn't tell her that Seth was in his apartment.

"You better have a good reason for calling me Ian." Camilla grumbled as she answered the call.

"Seth is here." Ian announced.

"Seth is in your apartment? I thought we had thirty minutes?" Camilla said as Ian could hear cups being tossed into her sink.

"I thought so too but he came knocking on my door." Ian said as he changed his clothes.

"Okay. I'll be right over." Camilla said as Ian could hear her climbing the stairs to her room. "Don't tell him about Manuel till I get there, I don't want to miss out on the fun." Camilla threatened as she dropped the call.

Ian laughed, he knew he was right. Camilla wouldn't want to miss Seth's expression when he heard about Manuel and the shirt burning incident.

He also knew that Camilla had a lot of mafia related questions that she wanted to ask Seth and being in a private setting was perfect for Camilla's curiosity.

As soon as he was done dressing up, Ian made his way down. He found Seth admiring the apartment's layout and finishings. 

"Interestingly, half of the stuff in my apartment was bought and arranged today." Ian said with a chuckle as he gestured for Seth to join him in the kitchen. "The place came semi furnished, but there were a lot of things that were missing." Ian explained.

"The Reyeses really take good care of their employees." Seth said with a nod as he sat at the dining table.

"Coffee or tea?" Ian asked.

"Coffee please, thanks." Seth said with a smile.

Before Ian could even approach the coffeemaker a maid suddenly appeared and told Ian that she would make their coffee for them.

Ian thanked the maid with a smile as he joined Seth on the dining table.

"The maid came with the unit." Ian said with a laugh. "If it were up to me I would do everything on my own, but the Reyeses want us to focus on our jobs."

"Makes sense." Seth said with a nod.

"Hey Seth!" Camilla greeted as she entered Ian's apartment.

"She has a key?" Seth asked as he pointed at Camilla.

"You could say that." Ian said with a laugh as Camilla walked over to the maid and informed her of how she wanted her coffee.

"Living alone in such a big space gets lonely, we have most meals together. At least except when his girlfriend is around, she doesn't like me." Camilla told Seth.

"So why did you decide to come over earlier?" Ian asked Seth as the maid placed their drinks in front of them.

"I didn't have anything to do and my dad has been nagging me to investigate some odd behavior coming from several businesses across the country, many of which are in the capital. I honestly don't want to do it so I told him I had plans and went here." Seth said with a shrug.

"Couldn't you have stayed in your own apartment?" Ian grumbled. "I was about to fall asleep when you arrived."

"Dad would know I was lying if I went there." Seth explained.

"What kind of odd behavior are you talking about?" Camilla asked as she took a long sip of her coffee.

"Well, for one a huge number began to panic as they were served notices from the Reyes Group." Seth explained. "I mean it's only normal that the Reyes Group gives out notices, but the way these businessmen reacted was just way over the top. Some came to us begging for protection."

"Oh." Camilla said as she looked at Ian.

"Don't worry, if the Reyes Group is planning something I won't ask." Seth said with a smile. "I wouldn't shelter them against the Reyes Group, nor would my father. If they crossed the Reyeses it's all on them."

"At least they came to your father and not your brother." Ian told Seth.

"For matters this big my brother wouldn't dare intervene." Seth said as he shook his head. "There was another odd occurrence though, it seems like many companies are planning to pull out from working with someone, we just can't find out who."

"Well, this will entertain you." Camilla said with a grin as she leaned forward. "Will I tell him or will you?" She asked Ian.

"We met someone very interesting yesterday." Ian said with a smile. "Someone who was here at Solaire Towers waiting to meet you."

"Ugh, not again." Seth said as he rolled his eyes. "I don't understand why people insist on trying to meet me. I already said that I won't be taking over the family and yet they come here and cause trouble."

"This isn't the first time?" Camilla asked.

"Unfortunately, no." Seth said with a sigh. "I already warned the security team here as well as  my bodyguards, but they've gotten craftier and crafiter." 

"So you know about the holding cells in the basement?" Ian asked.

"I've been there a couple of times. Had to convince several mafia members to stop showing up here, after that they avoided Solaire Towers like a plague. It's only the desperate businessmen that come here now." Seth told Ian and Camilla.

"Do you know Manuel Juan and Mica Juan?" Ian asked Seth.

"I've met them once or twice I think. Manuel Juan pays one of my men for protection. I probably met him at a birthday party or something. I can't remember." Seth told Ian as he tried to recall how he had met Manuel. "Were they the one that caused trouble?"

"Yup, and they just so happened to use you as an excuse." Camilla said with a laugh.

"It's a long story." Ian said with a sigh.

"Shorten it, I'm sure you can." Seth insisted.

"Well, Manuel and I have butted heads in the past, and let's just say that Manuel is one of the reasons why my family could never recover. So when he saw me at the restaurant yesterday at lunch time, he couldn't resist flinging insults." Ian quickly explained making Seth laugh.

"Please tell me the security team dragged him away." Seth said.

"Oh they did, after Ian punched him." Camilla said proudly. "That's not all, so the security team roughed him up a bit, then Ian took a few jabs. His sister was so frantic that she decided to tell me all of their family's secrets and provide me with proof."

"Idiots." Seth said as he shook his head. "I don't know why they insist on trying to meet me. This isn't the first time I've heard of them being at Solaire either."

"Oh, you'll find the next part hilarious." Camilla said with a grin. "Tell him Ian."

"This better not be disappointing." Seth warned.

"Trust me, it's not." Camilla told Seth.

"I noticed that his shirt was some limited edition shirt that was way too expensive for him to afford. So I had the security team take it off of him and I burned it. He freaked out when I did because apparently it wasn't his, it belonged to one of your men." Ian said as he resisted the urge to laugh.

"Damn, that Manuel Juan kid is crazy." Seth commented as he shook his head. "I'm guessing that's not the end of the torments you have lined up for him." 

"Not in the slightest." Ian said as he shook his head.

"Those odd activities you were telling us about? That was us." Camilla boasted. "And the family that's about to lose it's head is the Juan Family."

"So I suggest you tell your men not to protect them when the time comes. Because I have a bone to pick with them and I am not going to hold back." Ian said with a grin.

"Good, I can finally get them off of my books. They have been nothing but loss after loss." Seth told Ian and Camilla. 

"I think they might have been looking to meet you because their companies are on the verge of bankruptcy, or at least that's what it looks like based on the proof Mica sent me." Camilla explained.

"Whatever it is, I know they deserve it." Ian said with a serious look on his face that intimidated even Seth and Camilla.


For those that have been asking, yes Ian's and Camilla's personality are very different here compared to Never Judge because they are much younger.

If you are reading one of my novels for the first time, Rise of the Disgraced Heir is a spin off of my other novel, Never Judge.

Don't worry the two novels can be read independently of each other.

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