Rise of the Empire Total War

Chapter 98: Solenburg

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"My Lord Baron, this is the team going to Solenburg to deliver supplies."

A deliberately lowered voice rang from the woods on the small hills on the side of the road. If you look closely at this area, you will be surprised to find dozens of people hiding inside.

As soon as he finished speaking, the person called the baron said bitterly: "These stupid villagers dare to deliver supplies to the rebels. They really don't want to live anymore."

"Master Baron, shall we do it?"

"Do it, let them regret their actions!" After the baron finished speaking, he drew out the sharp sword worn on his waist, then smashed into the void in front of him, shouting: "Get out! Kill!"

The baron's words seemed to be the sound of a flare gun before the race. Before the word "kill" was finished, the soldiers hiding in the woods rushed out of the hiding place, shouting slogans to kill the sparse villagers on the road.

Immediately afterwards, there was a one-sided slaughter!

When these soldiers conscripted from the barons fought the unarmed villagers (actually not unarmed, some of them would carry farm tools), they acted like divine help and hungry wolves entering the sheepfold. The villagers who were killed were so frightened that they were crying and howling.

The battle ended soon. No, this can hardly be called a battle, because the villagers are powerless to resist, they can only be slaughtered one-sidedly, or kneel down to beg for mercy, or run away, and then the chasers who are chasing up kill them from behind. die.

Then, all the supplies that the villagers were preparing to bring to Sorenburg fell into the hands of the soldiers from the baronial Mata and became their spoils. In addition to the spoils, the captured villagers would be deprived of their status as free citizens and become Mata. Serfs of barons, serfs of low status.

This kind of thing is not only happening here. Since Baron Mata advocated that Sauron lead several barons to unite to prepare to meet the king, the three barons except Baron Gil have launched an action and will go to the village team of Sauronburg. They were all intercepted in the wild, their supplies were snatched away, and people were forced into the ranks of serfs.

Not only were the outgoing teams attacked, in order to further attack the strength of the rebels, the barons led their troops to looting the villages attached to Sorenburg. The guarding power of those villages was almost zero. After killing two or three militiamen, The rest of the villagers who were organized by the village chief to defend their homes began to flee.

Thick smoke symbolizing disasters floated from the village and covered the sky in this area. Within the thick smoke, the soldiers laughed presumptuously, cursed by men, and screamed and cried together to form a unique song. Symphony of Disaster.

The barons who plundered the village did not let their subordinates kill people indiscriminately. As aristocrats, they knew that leeks could not be uprooted all at once. They could only cut off the roots of the leeks, or else the leeks would lose the chance to regenerate. The same is true for these villagers. , Leaving them alive just to wait for the villagers to have savings before they come to vote for him.

When the earl of Sorenburg noticed that something was wrong, the villages attached to him had already been looted by the barons, leaving behind a large number of hungry people without food. These hungry people went to Sorenburg to ask their lord for help. However, At present, the Count Kheed Fatai, who was the first to surrender the Ramirez, is naturally unable to distribute the precious food in the warehouse to the hungry people.

Kheed didn't know that his refusal actually caused an uproar among the hungry people outside the city.

Since ancient times, the peasants have basically belonged to the ruled class who are submissive and submissive. Their requirements are not high. As long as the ruler can give them hope of survival, it is enough. However, Kheed directly refused when the peasants outside the city endured hunger. In response to their request, it instantly detonated a little spark in the crowd. Instigated by several people, the peasants who were abandoned by Kirchid raised their farm tools, raised their banners, broke with their former lords, and ransacked the small gathering place outside the castle. They took their spoils and evacuated Sauronburg. .

The number of these rebellious peasants was only five or six hundred, and most of them were old and weak women and children who were incompetent, but even so, they still chose to resist.

But unfortunately, they encountered the cavalry vanguard sent by Richard on their way out. The cavalry group led by Sir Frank reacted quickly after being surprised, and led the knights under his command to charge these peasant rebels, just one face to face. The peasant army that easily decided to rebel was defeated. Except for those who were lucky, the rest were either killed in battle or caught up in a brainstorm.

Poorly, they just came out of the wolf den and looked like a tiger's den. After being caught by the Lavannes, they would not have the chance to regain their freedom. They were very likely to be sold as slaves or become low-status serfs.

As the news spread that this peasant rebel army was annihilated by the Ravanaian vanguard, the entire Sauron collar was in shock. Count Kirchid quickly ordered the strengthening of the walls of Sauronburg, hoarding supplies, food and drinking water, and the nobles, such as Baron Gil, who also held high the flag of the Kingdom of Lavana, were so happy that they had no choice but to eat a pot of pulp to welcome the king.

On November 24, 1109 in the continental calendar, the soldiers of the Kingdom of Lavana came to Sorrenburg. On the same day, the four barons in the region led their troops to vote.

When Richard met Baron Jill again, he could no longer recognize each other. After four years of ups and downs, Baron Jill changed from a vigorous young knight to a mature greasy middle-aged uncle, not just him. His temperament has changed, and his body is much fatter compared to four years ago.

"Yueyue is really a pig-killing knife~www.readwn.com~ Richard sighed with emotion in his heart, and then he was glad that four years of time did not make himself as unbearable as the other person.

While Richard was talking to several barons, the army began to build camps around Sauronburg. Sorrenberg, built on a small hill, is not easy to defend and difficult to attack, but the **** still makes it more difficult to advance equipment such as siege towers. In addition, the arrows shot by the defending archers who have the advantage of the terrain will also Fly farther.

However, Solenburg still has a very obvious flaw. The castle was not built facing the river. The nearest water intake point is also not far from the hillside (that is, the back of the Ravana camp). It is difficult to obtain water. Therefore, as the siege time passes, the crisis of water shortage will plague the commanders and defenders of the entire castle.

Richard did not realize this. After discussing with several barons, he stood in the hot camp and looked at the strong castle with worry. In the battle four years ago, the old king Ha The Ravana army led by Routh paid huge casualties and failed to conquer the castle after all. In the end, it could only rely on signing a contract to bring it into the rule of the kingdom.

And today, four years later, how much will Richard pay to win it?

He didn't know.

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