Rise of the Empire Total War

Chapter 99: Fire attack

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The siege of Sorenburg has lasted for nearly a month, but Richard's army has never made any progress.

The difficulty of the castle in front of him was beyond his expectation. Not to mention the **** that slowed the advancement of the siege equipment, the stubborn resistance of the defenders also forced the Ravana who had attacked the wall several times to retreat. On the wide **** leading to the city wall from the Wana camp, many heroic Lawana soldiers fell on the wall stained with blood.

Richard finally understood why in medieval wars, the commanders were unwilling to attack a strong castle, because this would pay a heavy price and might not be able to win, so they were more inclined to encircle for a long time and wait for the defenders. After being forced to surrender, the mountains and rivers were exhausted and then occupied.

Therefore, it often takes several years to break a castle, but Richard does not have so much time to waste on the siege. What he needs is a quick fight.


"Your Majesty Caesar, the spy you sent to the Kingdom of Ramirez, Renado Errach, brought back the latest information. Please have a look."

Outside Fort Sorren, at the army camp of the Kingdom of Ravana, the adjutant Kondra presented a scroll to Richard and reminded him aloud.

"Is there any information coming back so soon?" Richard was taken aback for a moment, then took the scroll in Condra's hand, opened it, took out the information written in parchment, and started to check it.

I forgot to say that in order to better grasp the advantage of this war, Richard asked Wanran to become the spy of the city’s underground world boss Renado to investigate the latest situation in the kingdom of Ramirez during his stationed in Luwen City. This kingdom that was able to lie down for four years and then avenge the enemy, even if it killed the king and smashed their main force, Richard still did not dare to let go of it easily.

Therefore, Renato pretended to be a businessman and sneaked into the kingdom of Ramirez with his team that he had accumulated over the past four years. He just didn't know what new information he had obtained in just over two months.

With a feeling of doubt, Richard read the content written in German on the parchment verbatim. After he read it, his face was expressionless, leaving Condra on the side uncertain about what he was thinking at the moment.

"Your Majesty...what's the matter?" Kondela asked cautiously.

"Civil war broke out among the Ramírez people. After King Owicko died, his little prince Croft gathered the ruined army and returned home. I don’t know what means was used to make the soldiers loyal to him. Those soldiers and the king’s capital The nobles supported Croft as the new king. The orthodox heirs took advantage of the chaos and fled back to the fief, and joined other nobles who did not approve of Croft to join forces to conquer the false king."

"At this time, the Ramirez people will have a civil war?" Condra was a little speechless, but he quickly lit up, and said: "Your Majesty, this is the best opportunity God has given us. The Ramirez people are busy. In the civil war, we have more time to deal with the traitors in Sauronborg."

Hearing this, Richard sighed: "I understand this, but there is a hidden enemy behind us who is still about to move."

"You mean... Bandak, Earl Cork?"

"Yeah." Richard closed his eyes slowly, nodded, and said: "The news from Ravana City, Bandak and his party members have assembled an army, I am afraid that something will happen soon. "

"If Bandak launches a mutiny at this time, the situation will be seriously unfavorable to us." Kondra frowned, resting his chin, and said: "At that time, there will be Sauronberg before Bandak, if they secretly If we conspire to unite, we will fall into the awkward situation of two-line combat, and we may even be wiped out."

"That's why I'm so anxious." Richard sighed, sat back in his chair, rubbed his temples, "Although we haven't lost a battle after the Eastern Expedition, the situation is still so difficult. Now we can only hope. There are reinforcements from Kuban. As long as the reinforcements can arrive in time, even if Bandak launches a rebellion, we have the capital to play against."

"Reinforcement?" Kondela asked suspiciously, he had no idea about the reinforcement.

"It's the brother of Christ who has been calling from God to come all the way to help." Richard explained to his loyal lieutenant with ease in German: "That is a powerful army with nearly two thousand troops. With their Join, the situation we face will be much better."

"So that's the case." Kondela nodded, knowing that he was full of curiosity about the Christ Brothers Richard was talking about, and that would allow Richard to give such a high evaluation, presumably it would not be a weak chicken.

"However, we also have to be prepared that reinforcements will not arrive in time." Richard suddenly changed the conversation and ordered: "Send a wandering horse to patrol the border in Cork, and return to report as soon as Bandak is dispatched. , We can’t be stabbed in the back unprepared.”

"What about Sorrenberg?" Condra asked.

"Continue the siege." Richard said, but then added: "Let the soldiers cheer up and don't let an enemy go. Let them have a chance to unite with Bandak."

"Understood, Your Majesty Caesar."

After Condra stepped back to deliver his order, Richard walked out of the camp slowly and looked at the castle built on the slope, with a crazy light flowing from the corner of his eyes.

"It seems that it is time to try that method..."

He whispered.



"Assemble! Assemble!"

The army camp outside the Ravana Kingdom in Sorrenburg, accompanied by the stern shouts of the officers, the soldiers rushed from their camps to the open space in front of the barracks and assembled in units of companies.

After the melee infantry was assembled, I was surprised to find that the light infantry equipped with bows and crossbows had already assembled, standing behind the shallow ditch, waiting in full battle.

"What is this going to do..."

"Does Your Majesty Caesar want us to attack the city at night?"


Twos and threes of discussions sounded from the crowd. Richard, who was completely clothed, only glanced at the crowd, then looked at the walls of Solenburg, where the defenders who were awakened by the movement of the Lavannes were gathering in panic. , The silhouettes of the people on the city wall surged, and from time to time you could hear several scoldings.

"It's time to start~www.readwn.com~ Richard said to the messenger behind him, who immediately opened his throat and conveyed his orders loudly. Soon, Richard's orders spread to the whole army. Passed to the ears of the front row of light infantry.

"Ready to shoot!"

After receiving the order, the light infantry commander Sharp yelled loudly, and his archers immediately used their bows to draw arrows, putting special arrows on the bowstrings.


Sharp's order sounded again, and then several soldiers holding torches pushed the torches into the shallow ditch in front of the archers. The next second, the flame ignited instantly and quickly filled the entire shallow ditch. In the ditch, flammable asphalt has been poured in advance.

"Rocket ready!"

Before Sharp's words fell, the archers used the fire ditch in front of them to ignite the arrows of the special arrows on the bowstrings. Then, they heard a stern "Shoot!", countless rockets instantly rose into the sky, burning. The rocket almost covered the entire sky, traversed a beautiful track and fell into the castle!

At this moment, it's as if the end is coming!

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