Rise of the Empire Total War

Chapter 108: Soldiers approaching the city

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The blizzard lasted for more than half a month. It was only in early January of the following year that Richard was surprised to find that the road conditions had allowed his army to leave Abadlan and march towards Yakike.

So, with enough food and grass, Richard’s army reopened. In addition to the original nearly 6,000 soldiers, his army had more than 600 soldiers led by Lord Pabala. These soldiers basically They are all Abadran's militias, and their combat effectiveness is not high, so they can only be used to strengthen their momentum.

In fact, as mentioned in the previous article, Richard’s army, except for the army that came with him from the Kuban island expedition, is basically of this kind. Thank goodness.

Fortunately, the enemies he faced were basically of this kind. After all, the medieval conscripts could not allow the lord to have a powerful army, while the army recruited by Richard from the system as a standing army faced the army of this era. Undoubtedly occupy the advantage.

At the same time Richard went on the expedition, the vengeful Prince Gaia also left the fief with almost all the army owned by him and the nobles who supported him, and headed for Yakike on the unmelted snow.


On January 28, 1110 in the continental calendar, Richard led his army through the Yakik hills and approached the capital of Ramirez.

Looking at this "city of a thousand hills", Richard's eyes are full of fiery heat. What a magnificent city this is. The tall and heavy city wall encloses the city built on several hills and crosses the boulder. Looking into the city from the stacked walls, the streets are in order, and the buildings are no less than two floors. In the center of the city, a tall tower full of Vadasian characteristics rises from the ground, overlooking the ground. everything.

Looking at the tall tower, Richard couldn't help but compare it with the Sky Tower in Ravana City, and finally came to the conclusion that the ancient Sky Tower built by the Tertzi Empire hundreds of years ago was compared to Lamy. The towers later built by the Reis were even more magnificent.

After admiring the distant tower, Richard ordered the soldiers to besiege the city and cut down nearby trees to build a barracks. He didn’t need to use siege equipment because he didn’t let the soldiers be trapped in Abadran. I'm idle, but make full use of the time to build equipment, and then bring them together.

However, Richard quickly discovered embarrassingly that the number of his troops could not completely encircle the city. If he wanted to completely encircle Yakik City, he would need to invest at least 30,000 to 40,000 military forces-however reasonable. Cha De had only six to seven thousand soldiers, unless everyone knew how to do this, otherwise he would have to obediently attack the east gate with all his strength.

Not only that, the siege equipment built with Abadran as a model is also in an awkward state. The walls of Abadran were a few meters shorter than the walls of Quik, and the equipment used to attack the city was therefore much shorter. People could not follow it to climb the walls at all.

Reluctantly, I can only add a piece from the original foundation. The ladder used to climb is okay, and it can easily be extended to fit the length of the Yakik city wall. However, the complex siege tower cannot be like this. In addition to tearing down the top and rebuilding it, the artisans under Richard's army have nothing to do.

"I can only attack this wall with all my strength." Richard reluctantly said to Condra, "Before knowing the number of defenders in the city, I am afraid that the division of troops will be broken by each."

"No, the necessary division of troops is also necessary." Kondela shook his head, holding his whip's right hand towards the east gate of Yakik City, and said: "The Ramirez people don't know the specific number of our troops. We It is necessary to divide the troops to prepare for the attack on the other gates of Yakik, not only to attract the attention of the defenders to force them to divide, but also to prevent them from attacking from other gates and assaulting our army."

After finishing speaking, he added: "Your Majesty, apart from our imperial army and the Danes, only the army led by Mabucu is capable of a war. The rest are just vulnerable militias. Instead of letting them Staying behind us to watch the war on wasting food is worse than using waste and letting them play their role as much as possible."

"What you said makes sense." Richard was persuaded. He nodded and ordered: "Yakik City has three gates, just enough for our army to be divided into three parts for siege. Just let Mabu The military commander Copperfield of the Kurren and the Lord Pabala of Abadran pretended to attack the other two gates respectively."

Hearing Richard's arrangement, Kondela was not calm in an instant, and quickly said: "Let Pabara lead the army alone, don't you worry that he will betray the kingdom of Ramirez?"

"I'm a little worried in my heart, but I can't do anything." Richard shrugged helplessly and explained: "However, even if Pabala rebels, it will have little impact on us. Our army can easily crush in the field. They, at best, will have to be a little more troublesome when the time comes, and they will divide their troops to besiege the city gate again."

"What's more, Pabara has rebelled, and Abadran has not rebelled. As long as Abadran is still in our hands, we can withdraw at any time and rely on that city to stand firm."

"The necessary precautions are still necessary." Kondela reminded, "Let a team of Danes go with them. If the enemy breaks through the siege, it can also help. If Pabara intends to defect, he will directly cut it off."

"Dane? No, no, no." When Richard thought of the nervous Nordic guys, he quickly shook his head and refused. "

He didn't want to see that the Nordic big guys missed a fighter plane because of their alcoholism ~www.readwn.com~ and were directly wiped out by the mutinous Abadlans in cooperation with the defenders.

"I will send a team of heavily armored sergeants to act with Pabara." He said.

After the decision, Richard issued the order to the entire army. Copperfield had no objections, and directly took his soldiers and part of the baronial army to the west gate of Yakik.

And Pabara was obviously dissatisfied that Richard had allowed his direct troops and the remaining Baronies to go with him to the East Gate. In his eyes, this was how Richard did not trust him.

However, despite the many dissatisfaction in his heart, Pabara did not dare to attack, so he had to endure his aggrievedness and set foot on the way to the east gate. There is no way, people have to bow their heads under the eaves, not to mention that in the army except him are all Ravana people. Once there is a conflict, he can only become a temporary hero in blood and fire. A wave of GG was played in it.

What? You said he can choose to return to the embrace of the kingdom of Ramirez? I'm sorry, even if he is in the uprising, he can't change the fate of ultimate destruction. With Richard's inevitable character, all those who dare to betray themselves will not have a good end!

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