Rise of the Empire Total War

Chapter 109: Gai Yajun to

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"Retreat! Retreat! Retreat!"

Andreas didn’t know that this was the first time his offense was frustrated. He only knew that every second arrow passed by him, or nailed to the shield he raised, so that the strong koto-shaped shield would be He trembled for this, and besides that, the heart-piercing screams of his comrades were also irritating his eardrums all the time.

"We failed again!"

Retiring from the battlefield, Andreas looked at his comrades who were still struggling in the snow on the battlefield. He bit his lips weakly and sat on the ground like a frustrated. He exhaled. His heat melted the little snowflakes falling from the sky, and the heat radiating from his body also dissolved the snowflakes that fell on his body, turning into snow water, and dampening his armor.

"Ah—help me—who will save me—"

"Oh, God--"

On the battlefield, the soldiers shot down by the defenders during the attack were still lying in the cold snow and screaming. The blood from their wounds dripped down the armor to the ground, staining the white snow. From a distance, it looks as beautiful as plum blossoms.


Accompanied by a stern sound of breaking through the air, an arrow shot through the wounded soldier’s throat. He lost his vitality before he even screamed, letting the hot blood gush out from the wound, covering his body and the surrounding ground. Dyed red, the hot blood melted part of the snow at the same time. The blood mixed with snow water quickly gathered into a shallow puddle. Snow flakes fell into it from the sky from time to time, and then it was dissolved.

After the howling of arrows tearing through the sky, there will be one poor life returning to the kingdom of heaven. After repelling the attacking Ravana soldiers, the Ramirez who defended the city took pleasure in shooting the wounded who could not resist. Every time a wounded was shot, a wild laugh appeared on the wall, as if taunting outside the city. Attack the defeated enemy.

Anger is brewing in the hearts of every imperial and Danish.

Looking at this scene, Richard was expressionless, but no one noticed that in his clenched fists, the nails were almost deeply pinched into the flesh of his palms. He can't lose his mind. Once he loses his mind, he will give an error. instruction.

"Let the soldiers return to camp so they can rest."

Finally, he said indifferently that although the soldiers who received the order were unwilling, their awe of His Majesty Caesar made them follow the order and return to their camp.

"Your Majesty Caesar, successive failures have affected the morale of the soldiers. If no change is made, there will be soldiers mutiny or exile..."

"How is the situation with Copperfield and Pabara." Richard did not answer Condela's words, but asked about the other two battlefields.

"They just launched a feint, so there were not many casualties." Kondela replied helplessly, knowing that Richard deliberately did not want to answer what he had just said.

"We won't launch a siege these days, let the soldiers rest for a few days."

"What?" Kondela was taken aback, looked at Richard's calm face, and quickly promised: "Yes, Your Majesty Caesar."

"In a few days, another Ramirez army should also arrive." Richard whispered softly, letting a cloud of Condra listen to the other army in Richard's mouth. The army is very puzzled.

He soon knew what the other army Richard was talking about.

Three days later, a large army appeared to the east of Yakik. This army held a red and white checkered flag. The number was about 3,000. The leader was the one who was taken away by Croft. Prince Gaia!

"Yakik, I'm back again!"

How high-spirited the former down-and-down prince is now, with the support of the army, he decided to sweep away his previous shame and regain the city of Yakik!

At this moment, Yiqi suddenly rode his horse into his army. After seeing him, the knight rolled over and dismounted and said respectfully to him: "His Royal Highness, Richard, Earl of Cuban of the Kingdom of Ravana, thinks I want to meet with you and discuss the siege of the city."

"Richard?" Gaia was stunned, but he quickly realized that Richard's name could not be more familiar to him. It can be said that during this period of time, the commander of the Ravana people, Earl Richard The most feared existence of the Kingdom of Miles-he led an army to defeat the main force led by the old king Oveko, regained the occupied cities of Mumba and Sauronburg, and then marched into the Kingdom of Ramires without fail.

He knew about Richard’s siege of Yakik. Although there was a faint fear of him in his heart, Gaia chose to lead his army on the expedition. Compared with Richard’s danger, he was taken away from the throne and expelled from the king. The shame of both made him even more concerned.

Now, Richard has taken the initiative to send someone to meet him, but Gaia's heart has risen infinite doubt.

"What does he want to do?"

Gaia was so confused in his heart that he dared not go away. He was afraid that after Richard's invitation was rejected, he regarded himself as an enemy in anger and sent his invincible army to fight against him... At that time, he said It's too late for everything, and now that Richard wants to interview himself means that he has not included himself on the opposing side.

"You lead the way, I'll go with you." He decided immediately and said to the knight.

"No, your Highness, what if that Richard wants to disadvantage you?"

"Yes, if something happens to you, the kingdom really has no future!"


Seeing Gaia's promise, the army nobles behind him fry the pot and shouted to stop their prince, but since Gaia has made up his mind, how could he be so easily shaken? He waved his hand to the nobles behind him and said, "I know you are thinking about me, but I went to see Richard for the consideration of all of us. ~ www.readwn.com~ If Richard’s The invitation is rejected. How do you guarantee that he will not include us on the opposing side and send his invincible army to meet us?"


Before the nobles could continue to speak, Gaia waved his hand and said: "Needless to say, I will take my guard with me. They will protect my safety."

"As you wish, Your Royal Highness..."

Now that Gaia has talked about it, the nobles are not good to continue to persuade them, so they can only let Gaia go. They are also worried about the Royal Army of Ravana led by Richard. This kind of main force of the fighting kingdom can still be used. The existence of less wins more, it is better not to fight or not to fight.

Regardless of what the nobles thought, under the guidance of the knight, Gaia and his guards soon came to the meeting place with Richard. This is a farmhouse abandoned because of the war. Under the cleanup, it can barely become a place for conversation.

Gaia was nervous, and Richard was also nervous. He was betting that Prince Gaia, the commander of the Ramirez army that appeared suddenly, was willing to negotiate with him. If he was right, the next siege war would say It can be easier if not sure.

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