Rise of the Empire Total War

Chapter 110: Bloody fight

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No one knows what was discussed between Richard and Prince Gaia, but after Prince Gaia returned to the army, he directly ordered the whole army to unite with the Ravana people and besiege Yakik together.

At the same time, Richard also asked Pabala, who pretended to attack the east gate of Yaquik, to evacuate the barracks and give up his position to the new allies.

Many people in Richard’s army were surprised and skeptical about the joining of this Ramirez army. In their eyes, the so-called new Allies and the defenders who took over the East Gate position were also pulling forces. The Mires people, if they decide, they turned their guns to a wave of anti-Ravana national united front.

Richard is silent on the voice of doubt in the army. Although he does not have complete trust in Gaia in his heart, he does not believe that he will reunite with Croft who took his throne. In this era when even the buds of nationalism were not born, the nobles valued their own interests more than the so-called national interests.

Richard has given Gaia enough prospects for benefits. As long as Gaia is smart enough, he will not betray the agreement reached with Richard and turn against the latter.

Rather than defeating Richard together and continuing the impossible siege war, Gaia should choose to attack the capital city hand in hand with Richard. In the agreement reached between the two, after the fall of Yakik, Gaia only needs to let Richard plunder the city for five days to gain control of the city.

This was also proposed by Richard after careful consideration. Anyway, the city of Yakik is not a city that can be ruled so easily. Richard might as well plunder and gain a lot of wealth, and then voluntarily retreat.


Amidst the skepticism in the army, the Gaia Army, which took over the East Gate position, used the siege equipment left by Pabala to attack the city. This is a bloodier battle. One is the army that obeys the usurper, and the other is It is an army serving the legitimate heirs. Although the soldiers on both sides are Ramirez, they are merciless, like fighting their enemies, cruel and bloody.

"Offensive! For Your Highness Gaia!"

The stern roar of the officers resounded over the battlefield of the East Gate, and the soldiers loyal to Prince Gaia flocked to the tall and solid walls like a tide. They pushed together the ladder and other siege equipment, and raised their shields to resist the arrows falling in the air, but From time to time, soldiers were shot over by arrows and fell weakly into the snow, letting their blood stain the snow.

"Archer, 45° elevation angle, intensive salvo!"

The defending archers were doing crazy output, and the Gaiyajun archers outside the city started to fight back at will. Under the shouts of the officers, the archers used their bows to draw arrows. After receiving the shooting command, their fingers hooked on the bowstrings were reflexively released. Hearing the sound of bowstring vibration, the black arrow rain immediately rose into the air, drew arcs in mid-air and then fell into the city wall.

The rain of arrows that fell into the city wall immediately shot over a group of defenders who had not had time to evade. Some of the arrows even flew over the city wall and shot directly into the city, shooting some unlucky civilians who were still running around on the street.

A round of volleys of the Gai runner-up archers suppressed the firepower of the city wall defenders, who could only hide behind the solid walls and shiver, and could not get up to fight back for a while. And taking advantage of this time, the infantry pushing the siege equipment rushed to the bottom of the city wall and placed a rough-worked ladder on the city wall. Then, the soldiers raised their shields over their heads to defend against possible attacks and began to attack the city. The most common ant attachment in the war.

In order not to accidentally injure the friendly forces, the Gaia’s archers stopped shooting. In fact, the continuous high-intensity shooting has made their arms sore, and the arrows they shot have also lost their sights. If you continue to shoot, I’m afraid By the next day, most of them will not be able to draw their bows.

The Yakike defenders who had lost their firepower suppressed like an amnesty, and they stood up and greeted all the soldiers of the Gaia Army who were climbing the city wall, as if they were about to spread all the anger that had just been suppressed on the enemy infantry. However, the shields raised by the Gaiya infantry were able to block most of the attacks well. After being attacked, the shields they raised only shook and then climbed up again.

Seeing this, the defending officer promptly ordered the soldiers in front to retreat and retreat behind the shield formation formed by the shield infantry. The weapons and equipment of these shield infantry are similar to that of the spear militia. They are also spears and shields (and in fact , The infantry in this world are basically equipped with this kind of equipment), they stand a large shield in front of them, and their spears are placed on the gap between the shield and the shield, aiming at the ladder directly in front.

Under the common gaze of the defending soldiers, the first brave soldier of the Gaian Army climbed up the city wall and protruded half of his body from the wall. However, before he cheered for it, several spears were pierced at the same time and pierced instantly. Several transparent holes were opened in his upper body. The soldier's expression slowly solidified, with an unbelievable expression. Then, the spear was pulled out at the same time, and he fell from the wall without support. , And crushed several soldiers below.

The **** battle on the east gate city wall gradually kicked off, while at the south city gate on the other side, Richard's main attack also carried out a brutal battle in the same direction. With more advanced siege towers, Richard’s army continuously rushed up the wall and fell into close hand-to-hand combat with the waiting defenders. In addition to the imperial army, the more powerful Danes were also thrown into the battle. A Nordic man with a sharp long sword or equipped with a weird long sword and spear shouted slogans ~www.readwn.com~, creating a **** fog in the crowd.

The heat radiating from the people melted the snow on the city walls. The snow mixed with the blood splashed from the human beings flowed through the gaps between the stones, eventually converging into puddles of blood. The soldiers were fighting from time to time. He stepped heavily on the puddles, splashing flowers.


In the melee, the Danish soldier whose helmet had long disappeared was like an angry polar bear, roaring, his head was disheveled, and the tomahawk in his hand was stained with blood stains, and even broken pieces of meat could be seen. This walking Nordic Tomahawk cavalry struggled. He smashed the arm of an enemy who intended to attack him. The arm without any armor protection broke. With the spray of warm blood, the defending soldier who lost his arm immediately screamed and knelt on the ground, clutching his bones. In his horrified and desperate gaze, the terrifying battle axe raised again, and then slashed heavily, actually splitting the top of his head directly, and then all the way down, until it split his crotch. Just stopped.

The sticky and disgusting internal organs spilled on the blood-stained city wall, and people would slip if they stepped on it. The walking Nordic Tomahawk cavalry didn't care. He bent down and took out the slightly beating heart in the chest cavity of the corpse, and opened his mouth to bite it down. , Feeling the strong smell of blood exploded in his mouth, he let out a chilling roar like a mad beast!

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