Rise of the Empire Total War

Chapter 111: Spring ploughing

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A chilling roar sounded from the **** city wall. The entire city wall and the ground seemed to tremble due to this. Looking along the roar, the surrounding defenders saw a scene that they will never forget. The big beaten man was waving a terrifying tomahawk to break a defender in front of him trying to resist the attack, his intestines mixed with blood and water fell to the ground, making a disgusting sound of crackling.


Such a disgusting and cruel scene, even the most experienced veteran of the defending army, could not accept it for a while. Soon some people couldn't take care of being on the battlefield and bend over and spit it out. More people turned pale and had legs. Soft and timid.

"God, what kind of enemy are we fighting with..."

Such thoughts arise in the hearts of many people, but the gods they believe in will not tell them the answer. The Danes who had lost successively in the previous siege battles have finally gotten vent. They are like the Germanic berserkers in Luo Zhanli, who wantonly set off a rain of blood in the crowd.

Seeing the scene on the city wall, Richard smiled with satisfaction. The addition of the Gaia Army made the defenders who should have defended his section of the city wall been forced to separate part of the army, which allowed Richard’s soldiers to break through. Out of power.

Depending on the performance of the soldiers, the enemy army guarding this section of the city wall will soon collapse. After all, no one can raise the courage to fight under the attack of the violent Vikings.

However, it turns out that Richard was still too naive. Croft, who graduated from the Royal School, was not a mediocre person. He hid the elite soldiers, just as the **** imperials and Danes on the wall were about to defeat them. When the army was in the army, this elite unit suddenly joined the battlefield. The former was caught off guard and was almost driven off the city wall. All the soldiers of this elite unit wore heavy armor and possessed superb combat skills. A wave of strength was injected into the originally shaky defender's line of defense, which saved this line of defense.

Richard knew that there was no way to make new progress today. Instead of continuing to let the soldiers waste their precious lives in this flesh and blood winch named Yakik, it is better to take the initiative to retreat.

So, under his sign, the bugler blew the horn of retreat. The soldiers on the wall listened to each other and looked at the enemy with superior strength in front of them. They still chose to obey the order and start the attack. The tower retreats.

This withdrawal is one month later.

A month later, time has slowly entered the spring. This was supposed to be a good time to cultivate crops, but the war is still going on. More than 10,000 soldiers of the three forces are trapped in the quagmire called war and cannot get out.

Richard’s army is okay. They are all soldiers recruited from the system. They don’t need to participate in spring ploughing. The soldiers under Pofil, Croft and Gaia are different. The soldiers they bring are basically peasants and militias recruited from the territory, and they are always concerned about the farmland in their homes.

For a time, riots broke out in the armed forces of the three forces, and the calls for soldiers to return to their hometowns on an armistice increased day by day. The defects of the medieval conscription system were exposed to Richard.

Richard doesn’t matter. In addition to the levies sent by the nobles, there are more than 4,000 system soldiers in his army. With these more than 4,000 soldiers, he can still maintain the war. Lead the conscripts back to the Kingdom of Ravana. As for Pabara, the lord of Abadran, Richard was worried about letting him return to his turf. The supply line that maintained Richard’s army would pass through Abadran. Once Pabara ran back, what would happen? Small moves, even if the soldiers can fight, they can only lose without a fight.

Compared to Richard’s indifferent, Gaia and Croft are like ants on a hot pot. The main body of their army is basically conscripts. If they are released back, only those cities that do not need spring ploughing are left. The militia and the scarce standing army are simply not strong enough to continue the war.

To fight or not to fight? This became the most worrying topic of the two Ramirez royal families.

Regardless of their worries, Richard still surrounded the Ramirez capital in a leisurely manner. Although he didn't know how long the food in the city could last as a defensive turtle, he knew that his logistics was completely lacking. The problem is, as long as he is not cut off, he can even be surrounded for another year or two. Anyway, his direct army is a standing army that pays military salaries and can afford it.

In order to prevent a major riot in the army, Richard approved the request of the military commander of the Mabuku leader Copperfield to return to Rawa with his army and all the conscripts in the army who wanted to return to their hometown for spring ploughing. Before the soldiers left the barracks, Richard distributed the Morse coins in the spoils of Sauronborg to the thousands of soldiers returning home as a reward for fighting alongside him.

Although Richard, who spent thousands of morse coins, felt a little distressed, he knew that his prestige could be greatly enhanced if the news was passed back to the country-the invincible young earl was also a generous commander. .

Watching the conscripts embark on their way back to the country, Richard set his sights on the soldiers who were left behind. These soldiers were all militiamen recruited from cities and towns. Although the number was small, their combat effectiveness and equipment were comparable. The peasants who left are undoubtedly much better~www.readwn.com~ In addition to the militias, some nobles also stayed behind with a small amount of their standing army, knights, and knights.

Oh, and the poor Lord Pabara of Abadran. Because of Richard’s distrust, the lord could only stay here with his soldiers and fight for the new master-but from the knighthood, Richard De and him are actually equal, but Richard has far more strength than him, he can only choose to surrender.


The news that Richard asked the soldiers to return to their hometown quickly spread to the city of Yakik and the military camps of the Gaiya Army. This was undoubtedly adding fuel to the fire. The soldiers seemed to have some kind of encouragement. They gathered in groups. Get up and make a legitimate and legal request to the officer or the lord. Their request is so legal that the two Ramirez royals have no reason to refuse—no, Croft is surrounded by groups. The status quo of the besieged water can be used to explain the reasons why they cannot be disbanded.

In the Gaia army, not only the soldiers are pressing on the commander-in-chief, but the nobles accompanying the army are also pressing on him. These nobles who support Gaia take the soldiers recruited from the territory to participate in the war, which does not mean that they will be selfless. Dedication, willing to see that my domain will fall into a shortage of food in the future because of no one in spring ploughing.

Gaia: I'm too difficult!

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