Rise of the Empire Total War

Chapter 113: Against the rebel striker

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"Your Majesty, Bandak, the insurgent, sent his son to lead some of the troops as forwards and has entered the Lavana area. I think we should gather superior forces to take the initiative to repel the rebel forwards and dampen the morale of the enemy."

The new military commander Sophie talked at the Telzi Palace in Ravana. Facing the civil war set off by Bandak, the young noble calmed down quickly after experiencing the initial panic. After calming down, he was eager to try. As a military commander, he is eager to use this war to improve his position in the heart of the king.

Yes, although he inherited his father’s title and military commander’s position, King Lawrence did not fully trust him, which made Sophie arrogant and unavoidable, and this war was the best way to show his talents. Good stage.

"My dear Sophie, how many people are the forwards of the rebels? How many troops have we assembled in Ravana?" King Lawrence did not eagerly agree, but asked calmly, and at the same time talked with Prince Burris on the side. Glancing at each other to confirm the look.

"The scouts I sent reported back that there were 600 rebel forwards, basically Bandak’s soldiers from Cork. And the strength we assembled in Ravana City is just the sum of the conscripts of the nobles everywhere. One thousand four hundred people, and this number is still increasing."

"It seems that it can be played once." Lawrence nodded and looked at his brother again, seeming to be asking the other person's opinion.

"I'm not opposed to sending troops." Prince Burris, Sophie's father-in-law, said, his voice hoarse and coughing from time to time, "Cough cough... But, just to be on the safe side, the royal standing army and your majesty's guards still stay. Garrisoned in the city of Ravana, Sophie...cough cough... you should lead the nobles to a beautiful victory."

"It's my honor." Sophie said respectfully with her right hand stroking her chest, and at the same time bending down to salute.

Burris had no objection, and Lawrence said: "In this case, Earl Sophie, you will take a thousand soldiers against our dear little nephew Baden."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

News of the new military commander Sophie's expedition soon spread throughout the city of Ravana. With expectations of the royal family, the citizens watched this young nobleman take the army provided by loyal nobles from all over the world to the battlefield.

In the marching team, Princess Sophia dressed in costume looked at her husband with unwillingness. Although they had no feelings when they got married, in a few years, Sophia had already developed feelings for him.

"Sophie, I am waiting for you in Ravana City to defeat the enemy and return triumphantly." In the background of the crowded voice, she grabbed her husband's hand and blessed softly.

"Sophia, don't worry, I will defeat the enemy and surround the city of Ravana." Sophie was draped all over, and the general armor made him even more powerful. He stroked the tender face of his beloved wife and smiled. : "I'm still waiting for the end of the war, let you take me to meet the prestigious Royal Highness Richard."

"Okay." Sophia nodded. In her unwilling gaze, Sophie let go of her hand touching her face, rode into the team, and drove forward to the city gate.

For some reason, looking at this familiar figure from back, Sophia's heart stabbed abruptly, and then she felt a vacancy in her heart.

"The omnipotent God, please bless Sophie and his army..." (Sophia was influenced by the cardinal during his stay on Kuban and converted to Christianity)



A large number of troops marched on the wide stone avenue, and the messy footsteps echoed all around. Seeing this army conscripted from all over the aristocratic lands that were still loyal to the royal family, Count Sophie was so proud. I can even imagine the scene of my triumphant return after the war.

It’s no wonder that he is very confident. He has been influenced by his father and King Harous since he was a child. He loves military affairs. Even more abundant, Sophie has at most only the experience of commanding an army to encircle and suppress the band of thieves running around in the collar.

In addition to his confidence in his commanding ability, the combat effectiveness of his army is also a major reliance. Not only is the army re-recruited from his Mabuco cons, but most of the soldiers in the army have accompanied Richard on the expedition to Ramirez. The kingdom’s experience has seen "veterans" who have been in battle.

At the same time, the "military pay" that Richard distributed before they dismissed also made the soldiers yearn for the war. In their eyes, participating in the war may not be an obligation before, but a rewarding "work." .

Richard didn't expect that his unintentional order actually gave the royal family a group of more reliable soldiers. If he knew it, he might smile and say that he was unintentional.

Keke, it's far away.

Along the convenient paved road, the royal army led by Earl Sophie marched eastward. In only half a day’s journey, his scouts met with the rebel scouts. The scouts on both sides immediately fell into battle-this is also the rebels and the rebel scouts. The first battle of the royal army.

The result of the battle was naturally that the royal army won. The scouts from Mabuku were trained by the leisurely Richard scout cavalry when they were besieging Yakik. Their melee ability was also enhanced, so they were killing them. After the death of an enemy scout, they returned with the body and horses of the enemy scout.

It was a good start~www.readwn.com~ Count Sophie was very happy, so he rewarded three scouts. Then, he ordered the army to move forward and finally encountered the rebels next to a trading post abandoned by the war. The two sides immediately set out their formations, and at the same time sent envoys to inform the enemy of the enemy's commander who was sacred.

For Baden, the commander of the rebel forward, Count Sophie had a very strange impression, except for knowing that he was Bandak's only son. For such an unfamiliar opponent, Sophie did not dare to underestimate the enemy. He asked the soldiers to form a defensive formation, which was the safest tactic.

While lined up, he silently observed the enemy on the opposite side. The rebel forward led by Baden was actually far more than 600 people. He conservatively estimated that there were also 700 or 800 people. Among these 700 or 800 people, except for the basic infantry. In addition, there are a hundred cavalrymen. These one hundred cavalrymen are light cavalry equipped with javelins and pose a great threat to him.

On the other hand, Sophie’s side, although there are more than a hundred cavalry, they are all light cavalry equipped with leather armor, light cavalry and cavalry buckler. It is okay to disperse the enemy light infantry to chase down the ruined soldiers. Behaved--though Thorne didn't intend to let the light cavalry charge the enemy, in his opinion, the light cavalry should fight the light cavalry.

It's just that, letting this group of light cavalry who are not equipped with long-range weapons chase the enemy's javelin cavalry doesn't feel good at all.

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