Rise of the Empire Total War

Chapter 114: Baden VS Sophie (Part 1)

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In an unknown plain in Ravana, the 1,000 Kingdom Army led by Sophie, the military commander of the kingdom, confronts the eight hundred rebel forwards led by Bandak’s only son Baden. Both are sergeants of the Ravana Kingdom. They are also compatriots living in the same country.

However, under the leadership of their respective commanders, they stood here, raised their shields and weapons, and brought the killing to their compatriots.

"May the magic deer protect me so that I can survive this war. After the war is over, I am willing to participate in the search activities organized by the priests every year to search for the caves inhabited by the rotting trees..."

Amidst the soldiers’ low-pitched prayers, the war gradually kicked off. The light infantry on both sides walked through the phalanx listed by the melee infantry and stood at the forefront under the beating of the officers. , Behind them, the phalanx formed by the melee infantry moved forward slowly, and only after the confrontation between the light infantry was over, they would fight the enemy's main infantry.

"The archer is ready to shoot! The Javelinmen keep going!"

After the enemy entered the range of the bow and arrow, the officers on both sides called out orders. The archer among the light infantry immediately stopped advancing, set up a bow and led the arrow in place, and aimed at the opposite enemy light infantry. Then, the officer drew out his sword. He slashed forward in the void and shouted: "Let's release the arrow!" In the next second, the archers reflexively released the fingers that hooked the bowstring, and the deadly arrow immediately rose into the air, after tracing arcs in mid-air. , Fell into the enemy army and shot over several hapless soldiers.

Archers on both sides fired at each other and suffered casualties. Arrows flew horizontally in the air. From time to time, unlucky soldiers were shot by the arrows, screaming and falling to the ground, covering their wounds and groaning in pain. At this moment, the Javelinmen on both sides entered the range, and then raised their javelins to throw at the enemy. The javelin with its own armor-piercing effect can easily penetrate the body of the unarmored light infantry and nail it to the ground.

"Shoot! Shoot!"

The javelin officer roared loudly, and the light infantry around him threw their javelins at the enemy. However, at this moment, a javelin flew towards him. Before the officer could react, the deadly javelin split instantly. The simple leather armor on his body penetrated his body and then nailed it to the ground. The officer grasped the javelin inserted into his chest in disbelief, feeling the weakness of the whole body's power flowing from the wound, he opened his mouth and wanted What was said, blood foam slowly emerged from it. After struggling for a long time, he stopped slowly and lost his breath.

At this moment, with the order of the rebel commander Baden, more than one hundred javelin cavalry roared out of the army, brandishing their javelins to charge the Royal Army soldiers who were fighting with their own light infantry. The threat of the cavalry made The Javelinmen who had lost their commander trembled and wanted to retreat.

However, the fast-running rebel cavalry did not give them a chance to hesitate. Just a few breaths, the coming and going javelin cavalry rushed into the javelin range. They used the speed of their horses to throw deadly javelins at the enemy. The javelin quickly passed through mid-air, making a whistling sound of tearing the air, and shot straight at the javelinmen who were shaken by the army.

After throwing the javelin, the rebel cavalry did not care to check their results. They drew out the cavalry sword hung on the side of the horse, and screamed into the crowd. The leading javelin cavalry wielded the sword and directly cut off a javelinman. Blood spurted from the cross-section of his body, dyeing the body of the Javelin Cavalry red.

"Retreat! Retreat! Retreat!"

If the charge of the Javelin Cavalry only shakes the mind of the Javelinmen, then the head of the first soldier is cut off is the last straw that crushes the camel. Since ancient times, the cavalry has been the natural enemy of the light infantry. The javelinmen did not dare to contend with it.

Seeing this, the archers behind quickly turned their targets, ignoring the enemy archers still shooting, sending deadly arrows to the arrogant enemy cavalry. At the same time, with the order of Earl Sophie, his one hundred Yu's light cavalry rushed into the battlefield like a wild horse, chasing and killing the enemy's javelin cavalry.

Under the sudden turn of arrows, the javelinmen were caught off guard. Several knights were hit by arrows and screamed and rolled over and fell. On the chest, guessing that his chest was sunken in, the poor knight couldn't even let out a scream, so his eyes burst out, blood foaming at the mouth, and he immediately lost his breath.

This round of blows also allowed them to spot the enemy cavalry who was leaping towards them. The commander of the javelin cavalry headed by raised his sword high in the air and turned in a circle, and then took the lead to rush out of the chaotic crowd and ran to the side of the battlefield. Go, he wants to set the battlefield between the cavalry outside the infantry battlefield-in other words, he wants to fight in a wider battlefield, so that the long-range firepower of his cavalry can be fully utilized.

After drawing away the Kingdom Army cavalry, the rebel commander Baden pressed his lips tightly and stared at the Kingdom Army infantry in formation. The opposing infantry was taught and trained by Richard soldiers on the Ramirez battlefield. Although it cannot be as disciplined as Richard's army, it is still better than the soldiers under his command.

"Let the light infantry retreat, and the next is the battle between the melee infantry." He ordered the messenger next to him, who immediately took the order and loyally conveyed the commander's order to the whole army.

Then ~www.readwn.com~ the rebel light infantry who had the upper hand retreated to the flanks of the melee infantry, giving the battlefield to the comrades behind them. The Kingdom Army light infantry opposite them did the same, but compared to the rebel light infantry, among them More people were stained with blood and embarrassed.

"Stupid Baden, still dare to fight me head-on at a disadvantage in terms of numbers?"

Watching the rebel infantry keep advancing, Earl Thorne said with disdain, he immediately rushed to the front of the infantry phalanx, drew out his sword, and raised it high, so that everyone's eyes were focused on him. Channel:

"Warriors of the kingdom, the opposing army followed a young child to the battlefield and raised arms to the royal family that they should have been infinitely loyal. They abandoned the honor in their hearts, abandoned all virtues, and were willing to become a rotting tree. Slaves of Huanlu! Loyal followers of Huanlu, hold on to your spears, let your sharp swords out of their sheaths, raise your strong shields, and fight against the slaves of the decaying tree, against the despicable rebels who dare to betray the kingdom !"

"Defeat the enemy! Our army will win!"

"Our army will win! Our army will win! Our army will win!"

On the side of the Kingdom Army, the shouts are screaming, full of infinite killing intent!

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