Rise of the Empire Total War

Chapter 117: bad news

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"The false gods they believe in really give them predictions in their sleep..."

When he said this, Richard could feel Condela's tone clearly trembling.

Seeing Condela’s appearance, Richard suddenly had a hunch. If he didn’t say anything to comfort him, he would most likely doubt the God of Christ he believed in. It was like a game where he wanted to burn a heresy priest but was drawn into the group, believing in a heresy. The same as the pastor’s affairs officer.

"That's impossible, my dear Condra." Richard shook his head, and put his right hand lightly on the shoulders of the loyal adjutant, saying: "There is only one true God in the world, and that is the supreme **** Christ. As the lamb of God, we should not shake our faith in our hearts because of the means of false gods. Your ability to come from Europa to this mysterious world is itself a miracle of God."

After listening to Richard’s words, Kundera’s heart seemed to open up suddenly, his eyes lit up, and his doubts about Christ of God disappeared at this moment, saying: "Your Majesty Caesar, you are right, but the three who spread the rumors What should the soldiers do?"

"Take me to see and find out who is behind them."



Under the leadership of Condela, Richard came to a simple wooden house in the camp that was guarded by several soldiers. The three soldiers who were arrested for spreading rumors were **** and locked in by five flowers to prevent them from colluding. Individuals were stuffed with a stinky cloth in their mouths and tied to a pillar, unable to move.

As he walked into the wooden house, a damp and rancid smell puffed his nose. Richard frowned subconsciously. Then he looked at the three **** soldiers, and they could be seen from the scars on their bodies. The soldiers had been tortured before.

"Your Majesty Caesar, they are soldiers walking rumors." Condra pointed to the three of them and introduced. Following his voice, all of them raised their heads and looked at Richard with some unclear eyes.

"It's the news of the Bandak mutiny of the three of you walking in the barracks?" Richard stood there casually, letting the soldiers behind him remove the stinky cloth from the mouths of the three of them, "Why do you do this."

The obstacle in his mouth was removed, and the soldier from Mabukuling boldly replied: "Earl, the great magic deer told me. It told me in a dream that Bandak, Earl of Cork, set off a rebellion. "

"Yes, it was Magic Deer who told us." The other two agreed, and one of them went on to say: "The great **** also told me that this news must be told to others."

"It's ridiculous, as a member of the royal family, how could Earl Bandak set off a rebellion?" Kondela scolded, "you clearly intend to disturb the military's mind and help the besieged Ramirez!"

"No, we don't!" Mabuku led the soldier exclaimed, "If you really don't believe it, you can send someone back to have a look and prove everything with facts!"

"I will." Richard said coldly. Just as he was about to say something, there was a string of hurried horseshoes outside the house, accompanied by the soldiers' yelling, directly interrupting what he was about to say .

"What happened?" Richard turned and walked towards the door. Just as his forefoot stepped out of the door, he saw a young knight struggling to stop his horse. The horse was in pain and stood up, making a loud neigh. Stepped back a few steps before lowering the forefoot.

After the horse stopped, the young knight rolled over and dismounted, ran to Richard at a quick trot, half-kneeled on the ground, pulled out a scroll from his waist and raised his head high, saying: "My Lord, Bandak, Earl of Cork, launched a rebellion. The military chief Sophie asks you to lead your army back to your country to suppress the rebellion!"

"Rebellion really?!" Richard's eyes were shocked. He and Condra looked at each other, and then took the scroll held high by the knight, and directly opened the shell and pulled out the parchment inside to check it on the spot. When he finished reading it Later, the shock in his eyes had receded, but he looked at the crumbling city of Yakik unwillingly.

"His Majesty……"

Kondra stepped forward and asked in a low voice in German. Before he could speak, Richard raised his hand to interrupt him, and said solemnly: "Bandak and his allies launched a rebellion, and then the soldiers split into two directions, all the way. The march towards Ravana and the deployment of defenses along the Luwen border seem to be preventing us from turning back and supporting."

"Then shall we go back?" Condra asked.

"Yes." Richard gritted his teeth, almost squeezing the word out of his teeth. From his unwilling expression, it is not difficult to see how determined he was to give up the city of Yakik that could soon be conquered. .

The city of Yakik has been close to the end of the world during the long siege. As long as Richard persists for a few months to half a year, this fortified city will surrender on its own. However, it has been abandoned midway. All of the losses and casualties have become clouds.

Taking a deep breath, regardless of Condra's expression, Richard asked the knight who was still half-kneeling: "Young knight (it looks like Richard is not too old), what's your name?"

"Renato Pinedo, Lord Count!"

"Well, knight Renato, I will lead the army to go back to Lavana within a week, and you will be by my side first during this time." Richard said.

"It's my honor, Lord Earl!" Renato replied respectfully.

Asking Renato to stand up and follow behind him, Richard turned to German and continued to talk to Kondela: "Send an envoy to negotiate with the Yakikes. Although we are forced to withdraw, we still have to kill him before we leave. They make a fortune!"

"Yes, Your Majesty Caesar." Kondra replied, and immediately turned and left.

Seeing his departure, Richard then remembered the three soldiers in the house who had successfully predicted Bandak’s rebellion. He had a headache. This kind of people who claim to be connected with God is the most difficult to deal with. One can’t handle it. It will cause a commotion in the whole army-wait~www.readwn.com~ Richard suddenly remembered that the main body in his army is the Germans and Danes who believe in God, Christ, and the soldiers who believe in the so-called magic deer are just Accounted for a minority.

"These three soldiers must not stay, they must be put to death." Richard thought, whether or not, people who claim to be able to communicate with God or have been inspired by God cannot stay. They are full of harm to the ruler. Once they use the name of the gods to attempt to shake the power of subverting the ruler, the fools who have been deceived will support them without hesitation.

Thinking in his heart, he called the Danish temporary commander and commanded in Danish: "Toola Gris, ask your soldiers to prepare three fire racks on the school grounds, and to deal with them in front of all the soldiers tomorrow. The heretical criminal law executed the three soldiers inside."

"Observe my king!" Toola Gris replied, his voice was like thunder on the ground, so that the Ravana knight Renato who was following Richard looked at him.

Unable to understand the German and Danish languages ​​that Richard, Condra and Toola Gris communicated, the young knight asked curiously: "My Lord Earl, what are you talking to them?"

"This is not something you should ask, knight." Richard glanced at Renato coldly and warned.

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