Rise of the Empire Total War

Chapter 118: Peace talks

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Renato, who touched his gray nose, did not continue to ask, but closed his mouth angrily, and stood behind Richard without saying a word. The latter ignored the young knight and turned away. The matter of the three so-called soldiers who can communicate with God is temporarily decided in this way, but there is actually no other way for Richard except to put them to death.

On the second day, the mouths of the three soldiers were still blocked by the stinky cloth, and they were **** under the **** of the Danish soldiers. Many onlookers were soldiers. Among these soldiers were Lavannes, Empires, Germans, and Ramires. Despite the complex ethnic composition, the gods they believed in were not complex. They were either native magic deer or follow Richard. De came to this world with God.

When the onlookers gathered more and more soldiers, Toola Gris, who was in charge of the execution, stepped forward, holding the parchment recording the crimes of the three people, and shouted: "Soldiers, today we will approve these three people. The crime of blasphemy, burn their sinful souls with pure flames, let them enter **** and accept the punishment of the devil!"

"Blasphemy? How could they blaspheme..."

"Damn blasphemers, they should be thrown into the boiling cauldron to suffer!"


Listening to the comments of the soldiers onlookers, Toola Gris was expressionless. After a while, he raised his hands and pressed down the voices of the soldiers, reciting the crimes of the three aloud: "The first one, Ram Ya Duff, Peter Markham, and Mamadou Sangbo claimed to be able to communicate with the gods in their dreams, and then spread the revelations of the so-called gods in the army, letting an atmosphere of fear envelop the whole army and shake it. Military aspirations violated military laws."

"Second, they claim to be able to communicate with the Magic Deer, and believe that it is the Magic Deer God himself that appears, believing that his words and deeds are kind and correct. But how can the three lowest-level soldiers communicate with the gods? They only listen to the beliefs. The so-called divine side of the word identified the opponent as the Magic Deer God, which proves that their beliefs are too frivolous, and their confirmations are too arrogant."

"The third..."

As the crimes were exposed, the struggle of the three soldiers tied to the torture stand became more intense. Although the six crimes were basically fabricated out of thin air or added fuel to them, the soldiers onlookers did not know the inside story, they Only believe in what the senior leaders are willing to tell them, and blame the three poor soldiers for this.

Some soldiers may have noticed that something is wrong, but the human habit of conforming to the crowd and blindly obeys them so that they dare not speak out for the three soldiers, so they can only shut their mouths and join the accusation army.

When all the six crimes were read out, Toola Gris scanned the audience coldly, and then set his eyes on Richard, who was standing in the distance observing here. After a brief eye contact with the latter, he ordered the soldiers to set fire to them with pure The flame purifies the evil souls of the three prisoners.

"Ignite, execute!"

As soon as Toola Gris's voice fell, the three soldiers standing in front of the torture rack immediately used the burning torches in their hands to ignite the combustibles accumulated under the torture rack. The fire broke out almost instantaneously, and the surrounding combustibles were ignited. , The soldiers threw the torch into the center of the fire, and then withdrew a few steps one after another, looking at the three prisoners who were struggling in the raging fire.

The three prisoners could not make a sound because their mouths were blocked by stinky cloth. Their wailing and screams were all blocked in their throats, and they could only use their violent physical struggles to express their pain.

Standing in the distance watching the black smoke rising into the sky, Richard was silent. The young knight Renato behind him couldn't help but ask: "My Lord, those three soldiers really blasphemed the gods?"

"I don't know." There was a long silence before Richard said this.

"Before you arrived, news of Bandak’s rebellion had been circulated in the army. In order to avoid further panic, I had them arrested and interrogated. As a result, the three of them all claimed that they were in their sleep. Get the enlightenment of Magic Deer."

"How is this possible?" Renato's face changed slightly. "Someone must have passed the news to them before me in some way."

"I think so too." Richard said with a sneer, "but no matter how you look it up, you can't get the trace of the mysterious people behind them. For the time being, you can only end with the revelation of the gods."

"This..." Renato was speechless, but then he remembered something and asked: "My Lord, haven't you told the whole army about Bandak's rebellion?"

Richard nodded and said, "I plan to announce it in a few days."

"I respect your decision, but Lord Earl, we don't know the progress of the war in the kingdom. It's best to start as soon as possible."

"Before that, I must first resolve the war with the Ramirez people." Richard said, turning to look into Renato's eyes, facing his gaze, and said: "Knight Renato, to pull The Mires war has lasted from last fall to the present, and there is no satisfactory ending. I think not only I will be unhappy, but the soldiers under my command will also be unhappy, and even the dead soldiers who have returned to heaven. Will be happy."

The young knight Renato, who was stared at by Richard, only felt that he was surrounded by a pair of threatening and shocking gazes, which made him dare not express his attitude easily. At the same time he was shocked in his heart, he was also amazed, why such a young nobleman would There is such an aura.

"Master Earl, this is your freedom, and I will fight the enemy blood and blood under your command."

Richard, who had been sworn by Renato, just smiled, retracted his menacing gaze, and cast it to the north, towards the city of Yakik, which was still under siege.

Three days later, the negotiation between UU Reading www.uukanshu.com and the Ramirez King Croft finally ended. Although it was met with dissatisfaction and opposition from Prince Gaia, it finally came to an end.

This negotiation was almost a humiliating alliance under the city for the Ramirez people. Under Richard’s military pressure, Croft was forced to accept most of the treaties they proposed, not only to cede Abadran. To the Kingdom of Ravana, and at the same time, transfer a castle less than fifty miles north of Yakik to Richard, so that Richard can send troops to station-the army stationed in this castle can threaten the city of Yakik. Security prevents Croft from tearing up the covenant easily.

In addition to the loss of land, they also need to pay Richard 10,000 morse in war reparations, and in the next ten years, 20% of the kingdom’s fiscal revenue will be handed over to the Kingdom of Lavana, Lava Merchants from the kingdom of Navarre can also not pay commercial taxes or customs duties when they enter the kingdom of Ramirez.

Originally, Richard wanted to make the Kingdom of Ramirez a vassal state of the Kingdom of Lavana, but Croft was strongly opposed. In order to prevent the negotiation from breaking down, Richard had to be disappointed to remove the treaty. . But even so, the signed contract can still make the Ramirez completely decline, unless they can get a leader like the head of state.

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