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"He left Ramirez with the army and embarked on the way back to Lavana. No one knows what he will encounter in this war that engulfed the entire kingdom, and no one knows that he can give a divided kingdom. What does it bring...——"The History of Lavana""


"Target Lu Wencheng, let's go!"

On May 11, 1110, the Army of the Kingdom of Ravana, who had fought in a foreign country for nearly half a year, slowly moved away from the station outside the city of Yakik. Before leaving, Richard ordered a team of Nordic swordsmen and two teams of swords and spears. The militia went to take over the Kara Castle ceded out in the contract. Although these hundreds of people are not many, the Ramirez people who threaten the emptiness of national power are more than enough.

Oh, forgot to say, although Prince Gaia, who was unilaterally abandoned by Richard, was dissatisfied with the behavior of the former, but the weaker he dared not take any action at all. He could only unwillingly lead his army to evacuate, return to his fief, and wait for the mobile soldiers. War against the usurpers.

However, Richard will not allow him to restore his kingdom. King Croft, who has signed the Treaty of Deprivation of Power and Humiliation of the Country, is very suitable. With a new king, it is uncertain whether he will continue to implement the treaty. Therefore, Richard's army stationed in Kara Castle actually meant to deter other forces.

Seeing the formation of the marching army heading westward, Richard clenched the reins in his hand, but his mood drifted into the system. The sudden outbreak of civil war in the rear caught him off guard, although he had been mentally prepared before that, but It still feels tricky when the war really happens.

In order to be foolproof, Richard decided to use the remaining 16 troop summoning opportunities. Even if the 64 teams of soldiers summoned were not allowed to join the war immediately, they could still defend Kuban Island and Port Bell-Richard He has already included Port Bell in his sphere of influence. It is impossible for him to allow any forces to move this port city, not only because this city is an important fulcrum for the communication between the island and the mainland, but the cash cow-like textile workshop is also another important one. the elements of.

[Using 16 Danish unit summoning opportunities will give you 64 Danish units. Confirm the summon? 】



[Summon is complete, you will get Nordic Swordsman×11, Sword and Spear Militia×13, Dismounted Chivalric Knight×5, Dismounted Tomahawk Cavalry×3, Nordic Axeman×3, Civilian Archer×8, Crossbowman×4, Nordic Archers x 6, scout cavalry x 2, chivalrous knight x 6, crossbow cavalry x 3, attacking 5430 soldiers. 】

[If you summon more than 5000 soldiers at a time, the system will award an additional general who will appear outside your capital with the army. 】

[Royal generals: Charles

Age: 19

Command: 4 (Although this person is not an outstanding general, but some measures are quite remarkable)

Virtue: 0 (this person is a solid person, neither noble nor evil)

Loyalty: 5 (Once you find out that this will make your boss happy, this person will go all out)

Piety: 5 (this person is quite religious)


Born to be a general: this person is born to be a general, suitable for fighting with the army (command force +2)

Obey the doctrine: This person obeys the basic doctrine and often prays devoutly (pious +1)

Understand mathematics: This person is knowledgeable and understands mathematics far beyond ordinary people (siege equipment construction +10, city trade income +5%)

Talented and intelligent: This person is extremely talented and quite intelligent (command power +1, city trade income +2%, taxation +2%)

Helpful: This person is willing to help others and has always given generously to others in critical situations (tax -2%)


Tutor: A noble who frankly admits that he needs to study in depth is a wise person (Pious +1, city-city trade income +5%)]


It is really lucky for me to get such a general. Richard thought of it. Although the virtue of this general named Charles is zero, this does not affect his ability. Judging from his characteristics, it is obvious that he is a general who prefers to manage the city, and he is still a general who is capable of literary and military skills.

This time, he obtained more than five thousand soldiers and a general who can be alone. Richard was very happy. However, these soldiers could not immediately join the war. To be precise, the only way they wanted to join immediately was to land in Port Belle by boat. , And then marched towards Lavana along the stone paved avenue, assisting the royal family in defending the capital-even if they can even face the rebels alone with their strength.

This is the happiness of explosive soldiers. Save a large wave of summoning opportunities and use them all at once, thereby obtaining a large number of soldiers to fight for themselves. It is a pity that no one except Richard has the opportunity to experience this happiness.

Ahem, not much nonsense. After the initial joy, Richard used the system to order the new general Charles to temporarily serve as the governor of Kuban, deploying defenses on Kuban and Bell Harbor, and at the same time sending out riders to wander around the city, guarding against the infiltration of small groups of rebel forces.

If it is not for remote contact, only allowing Richard to operate unilaterally, and unable to obtain the information of the opponent's encounter, he even wants to learn from the commander of a certain transportation brigade who came to Boss to micromanage the class from a long distance. (Another popular explanation is that Richard can only order the other party to act without knowing the other party's current situation, and the other party cannot report the information he knows to Richard.)


After half a month, Richard led the army to Lu Wencheng.

Governor Maximilian returned here very early after setting up the government affairs of Mumba City, and relying on the support of the residents, he recruited defenders to supplement the losses in the previous siege, and some more soldiers were able to supplement Richard. German army.

So far, Richard’s army has 315 feudal knights, 408 dismounted feudal knights, 357 heavy sergeants, 658 spear militias (including the newly added Luwencheng spear militia), 675 crossbow militias, and 174 Nordic swordsmen, 112 sword and spear militia, 189 dismounted Nordic Tomahawk cavalry, 75 Nordic axe soldiers, 265 Nordic archer, 180 crossbowmen, 220 scout cavalry, 262 Nordic tomahawk cavalry~www. readwn.com~Adding more than 700 militiamen from Abadran and more than 200 soldiers provided by the nobles of Ravana, a total of 4,840 people. The army of four to five thousand people removes the Lord Paba of Abadran. Apart from the more than 700 militiamen brought by La, they were basically reliable fighters.

When he led his army into the war a year ago, Richard's command was also more than 5,000 soldiers. Now, although the number has been reduced, the quality of the army has made a qualitative leap.

While allowing the army to repair supplies in Luwen City, Richard obtained information from Governor Maximilian about the rebel forces stationed at the border between Cork and Luwen. According to the results of the investigation by Maximilian many days, the number of this rebel army is about 3,000. They cut off the main roads between the two places, and Richard must defeat them if he wants to pass.

It is worth mentioning that the commander of this rebel army was not known to Richard, but an unknown little nobleman in the Bandak faction.

Even so, Richard still dare not take it lightly.

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