Rise of the Empire Total War

Chapter 120: Stumbling block

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"The whole army set out to suppress the rebellion!"

Outside Lu Wencheng, the Kingdom Army who had repaired the whole day set off again and headed west.

Richard was very confident. Judging from the information he obtained about the rebels, most of the troops that prevented him from returning were low-combat militias and peasants. The heavy infantry with the power of World War I was only a few hundred men. , More importantly, the number of cavalry in this rebel army is so small that it can't pose a threat to Richard at all.

If this is in the field, Richard can easily crush the enemy frontally. But in the case of enemy defenses relying on temporary fortresses, Richard had to be cautious. After all, attacking an enemy with defensive facilities under any circumstances would always pay a high price.

"Master Earl, you don't have to go that way." When marching, Renato, a young knight from Lavana, said to Richard, who was taken aback and asked quickly: "What do you mean?"

"When I went to Yakik City, the rebels were already fortified here. In order to avoid accidents, I followed the advice of the local residents and took another less-known path. The path is very narrow and can only be used for It’s safe to pass by alone."

"Where is that path?" Richard continued to ask.

"It's in the southwest, it's estimated to be there in four days," Renato replied.

"Yes, Renato Knight, you are responsible for leading the way. I will let a team of foot knights go with you." Richard promptly issued an order: "After crossing that path, you find the opportunity to touch it from behind and cooperate. The main force flanked the rebels back and forth."

"Understood, Lord Earl." Renato hurriedly saluted his promise. From his excited face, it was not difficult to see that the young knight was very satisfied with Richard's appointment.

Seeing him, Richard couldn't help sighing in his heart. Renato was too naive. If he thought that the walking feudal knights who followed him would obey his orders, it would be really true. Whimsical, the proud group of knights would only obey the orders of Richard or the imperial nobles. People like Renato who were just little knights were not birds.


Five days later, the army arrived at the road guarded by the rebels. This stone-paved road passed through the center of the two hills. The road was lined with low bushes and trees in twos and threes. On the hills on both sides of the road, the rebels established The two temporary fortresses are very conspicuous, and the flags hanging high above seem to be sworn to Richard's sovereignty.

The arrival of Richard's army made the soldiers in the rebel outpost on the road panic. Knowing that their resistance was useless, they changed hands and abandoned the outpost and ran back to the temporary fortress to report to their general. Richard was not in a hurry, he waved his hand to signal the army to stop advancing, then gave Kondela a few words, and looked at the wooden fortress on the hill with interest.

The wall of this fortress is very simple, just a wall made of three or four-meter-high logs. There is a circle of trenches that are not deep outside the wall, and it is not known what is inside.

In terms of scale, the fortress on the right should be the main part of the rebel forces stationed, and the flags hanging inside are also the most. Looking at the smaller fortress, Richard suddenly had an idea in his heart. Since he can't eat two fortresses at the same time, why not break them separately and attack the weaker fortress?

What's more, Richard doesn't think that the rebels will watch them assault, and they will definitely come out to rescue. At that time, Richard only needs to come to the rescue, which can greatly weaken the rebels.

Just as he was imagining the next war, a group of cavalrymen walked out of the temporary fortress on the right. In the eyes of everyone, they quickly reached the outpost, and then the truce horse was put on the spot, watching Richard and him far away. The army.

After a while, a horse was separated from the cavalry team. The knight was dressed in fine armor with a rough and unhurried face under his nose helmet. He met the gaze of the soldiers of the Kingdom Army and walked slowly in Richard's direction. He quickly entered the range of the crossbow machine, and Toola Gris, who was standing next to Richard, asked softly: "Your Majesty, do you want to order the soldiers to release arrows and shoot him?"

"No, let's see his purpose first." Richard also replied softly, and then returned his gaze to the knight.

At this sight, the knight once again strangled the truce horse, stopped in place, like a victorious rooster, nodded and looked at Richard and others, and said loudly: "Dear Count Richard, I am Lavana. Gehrman Corbett, the military commander appointed by His Royal Highness Bandak, the most orthodox heir of the kingdom, is honored to meet you, the famous general who defeated Ramirez."

Listening to Gehrman’s words, Richard lightly smiled at the corners of his mouth. He tactically leaned back and looked at the military commander from Cork. He smiled and asked: "General Gehrman, you are stationed. Are you here to welcome me and my triumphant army?"

"If you are willing to support His Highness Bandak as the legal ruler of the Kingdom of Ravana, we will welcome you, the hero who defeated the Ramirez invaders, with good wine and food, and even give all the territories you conquered you."

"But." Gehrman's conversation turned, like a smiling tiger, and said: "If you insist on the rule of the pseudo-king, then we can only regret to welcome you and your army with sharp swords."

"Hehe." Richard seemed to hear the funniest joke of the century. He pointed to the elite army behind him and said with full pride: "My army can easily defeat the Ramirez people on the battlefield. I don’t think your poor soldiers can defeat them.”

Gehrman, who was ridiculed by Richard, was not annoyed~www.readwn.com~ still carried a calm expression, "Your Excellency, the outcome of the war is unpredictable. With loyalty to His Highness Bandak, We will stay here forever. If you want to pass this avenue, you can only step over our bodies."

"In that case, let's see the real chapter on the battlefield." Richard said with a sneer, raising his hand in a please gesture to signal Gehrman to leave. The latter saw it and didn't say much, turning the horse's head. Go in the direction of

Seeing him leaving behind, Toola Gris next to Richard asked again: "Your Majesty, do you want the crossbowmen to shoot? Now shoot him to death, we can start when the rebels have no leader. Attack and break through their defenses in one fell swoop."


Listening to Toola Gris’s words, Richard hesitated, and the reason in his heart told him that he should take the opportunity to attack and quickly solve this obstacle, but his subconsciousness that has been nurtured by the nobles in this world for four or five years has prevented him from doing it. Out of this kind of thing.

Until Gehrman walked out of the range of the crossbowmen, Richard sighed and said with a wry smile: "The soul in my body does not allow me to agree to your proposal."

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