Rise of the Empire Total War

Chapter 121: Night attack on the rebel fortress

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The earth under the night was pitch black, and the hazy moon was covered by layers of dark clouds. Almost no light was projected on the earth. Therefore, everything outside the fortress was so pitch black, and you could not see your fingers.

Although the temporary fortress is not as exaggerated as reaching out with five fingers, the faint flames can only illuminate a small area around it, and the farther place is swallowed by darkness, giving people an unrealistic anxiety.

This temporary fortress has been besieged by the Army of the Kingdom of Ravana for several days. Although the enemy outside the city has not launched an siege, but besieged this fortress built on the top of the hill, the defenders still dare not relax their vigilance and will make arrangements every night. The patrol, although the soldiers in the patrol were not very wary.

"Clang clang..."

Because the walking pace is too large, the armors inevitably collide and rub against each other to make such a sound. In the silent night, such a sound is undoubtedly particularly harsh.

Antonio and his fellow soldiers from Cochrane also walked across a section of the wooden wall with ease, and handed over the task to the other team in front, and then they were responsible for patrolling the long section of the wooden wall underneath. Task.

It is a very boring thing to turn around on a long wooden wall, and while patrolling, you must maintain sufficient vigilance. Although Antonio and the others are indifferent to the vigilance above, they still have to look What you have to do, otherwise you will not be caught patrolling and drove, it is not as simple as a whip.

"Antonio, when did you say that the Kingdom Army outside would launch an siege? They just surrounded and did nothing, which is worrying."

Listening to the inquiries from fellow villagers behind him, Antonio could only make a helpless expression, saying: "I don't know, but they'd better not attack the city. Once a war breaks out, we soldiers must be the first to go to the battlefield."

The questioner did not continue to speak. He shrugged, left the queue, stepped on the wooden boxes stacked behind the wall stack, stepped on the wooden wall stack with one foot, and started to untie his belt. When the soldiers saw this, they all smiled and said, "Rani, are you going to leave your body fluids on every corner of the wall?"

"If I can, I'll do this." The soldier named Rani replied, and at this moment, a dark figure suddenly appeared from under the city wall. Before Rani found out, a spear stabbed straight up. , Penetrated his lower body in an instant, Rani only had time to let out a scream and fell from the wall. The laughter and laughter suddenly turned into horrified calls. At the moment Rani fell to the ground, several arrows were shot from the wall. Through the throats of several soldiers.

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

Accompanied by the crisp bells, the screams of the soldiers were particularly harsh in this silent night, and the entire temporary fortress was shocked by this. The soldiers awakened from their sleep and ran out of the camp with sleepy eyes and followed them. In the sight of the city wall, the soldiers of the Royal Army of Ravana have climbed up the city wall with unknown tools to fight the surviving patrol soldiers.

"Capture the city gate! Capture the city gate! (Danish

On the city wall, a walking tomahawk cavalry shouted loudly, while struggling to sever the spear that pierced him, then kicked the attacker heavily, kicked the opponent back several steps, and then he kicked it up again. The terrifying battle axe struck the enemy sideways, cutting off the opponent's head directly.

Under the cries of the Danish soldiers, the Nordic axemen who climbed the city wall went along the city wall and killed them towards the city gate. They wielded giant tomahawks and threw a **** fog in the crowd. Almost all the corpses of the defenders fell on their way. It was torn apart, and people's stumps and broken arms and sticky, fishy visceral fragments could be seen everywhere.

This was a long-planned night attack. After surrounding this small temporary fortress, Richard decided to let his soldiers launch a night attack. The siege for several days was just to prepare and paralyze the defenders. It proved that his strategy was very successful.

Under the sudden attack of the Danish army, the wall of the temporary fortress fell almost instantaneously. The patrol on the wall was already the target of the archers and crossbowmen at the very moment of the attack. The torches in their hands made them become The most conspicuous moving target.

The gate of this small temporary fortress was captured by the sturdy Nordic axe soldiers in a short time. After eliminating all the defending soldiers who were still resisting, they opened the wooden gate and sent a signal to the long-awaited main force outside the city. , Immediately afterwards, a large number of imperial and Danish troops rushed into the temporary fortress along the city gate and fought with the hastily assembled defenders.

Most of the defending soldiers who were awakened from the dream were unarmored and unarmed. After they rushed out of the camp, they rammed around like headless flies, and finally rammed into the fortress and were killed on the spot.


In the melee, a rebel soldier was pierced with the spear of a heavy sergeant. Then the heavy sergeant picked him up and threw him aside. The rebel soldier who was penetrated through his body was thrown out like a rag doll. He directly knocked down a brazier, and the firewood still burning inside spread out, igniting the surrounding cloth camps.

The fire spread quickly, and all creatures are afraid of flames. On this night of melee, the fear of flames in the bones of the rebel soldiers is infinitely amplified, mixed with the terror of encountering night attacks, and their psychological defense is here. Completely collapsed in a moment.


On the other side, the battle roar and fire on the top of the opposite hill alarmed the temporary fortress where Gehrman was located. They gathered on the city wall and looked into the distance. Outside the flashing black shadow, there was only flames in the sky~www.readwn.com~ Among the crowd of onlookers, an officer suggested to Gehrman wearing a robe: "Master Gehrman, do we want to Send someone to rescue? It seems that the fighting situation is very bad for us."

Hearing the officer’s suggestion, Gehrman hardly considered anything, and shook his head and refused: “No, it’s pitch black outside the city wall. No one can guarantee that Richard will deploy ambushes on the road. If we really send reinforcements soon. In his conspiracy?"

"Then we are here to watch Richard's army slaughter our soldiers?"

"We can only pray to Huanlu that the soldiers on the opposite fortress will be able to repel the enemy." Gehrman said with a sigh. Now that he has nothing to do except watching the show, he has committed an irreparable crime. It was so wrong that the small fortress was in danger of being destroyed overnight.

"Sebas, starting from tomorrow night to increase the number of night patrols, our Earl Richard is not a commander who can only attack upright." He said solemnly.

"Understood." The officer named Sebas could only helplessly promise. The destruction of the small fortress seemed to be a matter of time, but it was a pity that nearly a thousand soldiers were stationed inside.

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