Rise of the Empire Total War

Chapter 125: massacre

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"Rupert is back! He also brought back a chicken!"

While Xirui was standing on the tower thinking about his life, a surprise voice pulled him back to reality. He followed his reputation. It turned out to be an old soldier in the post riding on the only horse in the post, "Ah." "West Asia" came back. From his expression of joy with the harvest and the chicken tied on the side of the horse's belly, it can be seen that his trip has been very rewarding.

Then, the soldiers who had been sitting together got up and rushed to the veteran named Rupert. As they ran, they shouted: "Old Toad, what good things did you bring?"

"In addition to this chicken, I also brought back some salt and wild vegetables stored by the villagers." Rupert grabbed the tied chicken and said braggingly. "We can roast the chicken and eat it and stew the wild vegetables. Soup."

"Well done!" said the fastest soldier, and in a blink of an eye he ran to Rupert, took the chicken he was holding, and after observing it, said: "This is still a hen, look at this. There should be eggs in the chubby belly."

"So what, it's not wrong to eat." Rupert said indifferently.

"You idiot, let us raise this hen. Soon it will give birth to a brood of chicks. As long as we raise the chicks, won't we be able to eat chicken every day?"

Hearing what his comrades said, Rupert thought for a while and felt that it made sense, so he nodded and said, "Deep, are you in charge of this matter?"

"No problem." The soldier named Dip agreed with his chest. He had helped his family raise poultry before joining the army. Although he hadn't had a chance to return to his old business for many years, it was no problem to take care of him from memory.

The soldiers who ran with Dip also arrived. They couldn't help feeling depressed as they listened to the conversation between the two. It seemed that the chicken could not be eaten today.

"Take these wild vegetables to the stew and drink, just to settle the meal with black bread." Dip looked at his depressed comrades and suggested.

When it comes to black bread, everyone's faces turn green. The black bread delivered by the transport team from Robe Town is very hard. Its raw material is not only fermented flour, but also mixed with fine stones, wood chips, etc., which are not edible by humans. Gadgets, the hardness of the brown bread made of these raw materials can even be used as a weapon.

In the Omar post, there was a battle using black bread as a weapon. The result of this battle was that both sides were injured. Many people were beaten by black bread to bloodshed, and several hapless guys fainted on the spot.

If you want to eat such hard brown bread, you can’t do anything by just chewing on it. They need to soak it in water and soak the bread until it is soft before eating. If it is hard, it may damage your teeth.

The group then returned to the outpost with the "trophies". Dip, who held the hen in his arms, called Sirui's name from a long distance, and the latter ran to the entrance to greet everyone. This was his enlistment. The ex-uncle specifically told him that no matter what, as long as the veteran is calling him, he must respond in time, otherwise he will have a hard time in the future when he encounters a few veterans with bad temper.

"Sirui, you can make a cage with a few layers of grass in it, and then put the hen in it." Dip said as he handed the hen to Sirui. If it is eaten, if it is eaten by someone, we will eat you!"

"Yes, yes." The young Xirui was frightened by the warning from the veteran. He swallowed and quickly took the hen, hugged it in his arms, and ran to get busy.

He didn't know that Dip's command pulled him back from the entrance to hell.

Ask Xirui to build the chicken coop. Everyone continued to walk into the outpost, talking and laughing. No one noticed that on the horizon in the distance, a black line was gradually approaching. Behind the black line was a cloud of smoke and dust, in the middle of the smoke and dust. The flag of the Kingdom of Lavana and Richard's flag fluttering in the wind.

On the tower of the post, Hart, the veteran who was supposed to be in charge of the guard, was still sitting on the ground, leaning against the wooden wall, squinting his eyes and savoring the wine in the jug, not paying attention to what was happening on the distant horizon.

No one in the entire outpost stood by their posts, and the disaster of extinction had already come to their heads!


When the sound of horseshoes resembling thunder on the ground sounded near the outpost, these slack soldiers were horrified to find that the enemy had broken through the border military commander Gehrman’s defense line and broke into the Cork collar, feeling the ground trembling, and they screamed. He picked up his weapon and rushed to the gate of the outpost, trying to close the wooden door before the enemy cavalry arrived, but before closing, the Kingdom Army scout cavalry rushed to the front and threw a spear through the body of a soldier, and fell down. In the gap of a soldier, the brigade scouts cavalry rushed into the outpost, cutting the rebel soldiers blocking the way under their horses.

"Old Toad, ride'Asia' to Robe Town to report!" In the chaos, Dip shouted to his good friend. After hearing this, Dip shouted to his good friend, and the latter quickly rode on the old mare and followed another exit. Rushed out. However, after he rushed out several tens of meters, a spear tore through the sky and pierced into his back from the back with a screaming spear. The sharp tip of the spear penetrated his body and pierced out of his chest, nicknamed "Old Toad." Rupert didn't even have a chance to make a scream, so he dropped his horse and fell on the grass, his godless eyes were still staring in the direction where the old mare was running.

"Damn enemies, why are they here?"

The old Hart standing on the tower looked at the battle below and muttered to himself in fear. He then ran to pick up his hunting bow, shaking his hands and trying to take an arrow out of the quiver, but his hands trembled. The amplitude was too large, so that he couldn't even do something as simple as taking out the arrow, and even almost broke it when he was about to take it out.

Standing on the tower is most noticeable. The scouts and cavalry underneath saw his movements at a glance. One of the knights directly pulled out a spear inserted on the corpse of a rebel soldier on the ground, and pointed towards the old figure. Aiming, and then throwing it hard, the blood-stained spear flew out like an arrow from the string, and in a blink of an eye it penetrated the thin body of Old Hart. This veteran who will be able to return to his hometown in a few months is unwilling. He grabbed the spear that pierced his body, stepped back and fell down, bleeding from his mouth, dyeing his pale beard red.

The young soldier Xi Rui, who was hiding in the pile of weeds piled up in the stables, looked at all this in horror. He could only cover his face tightly with his hands to prevent himself from making a sound. He knew that once he made a sound, he was discovered by the enemy. , The deadly sword will fall on his head.

Just like old Hart and them ~www.readwn.com~The soul returns to heaven.


The spear pierced the abdomen of a rebel soldier and cut a large hole in his soft skin. The internal organs flowed out with blood. The poor rebel soldier screamed and fell to the ground, reaching out his hand to cover the wound. He wanted to plug the organs that flowed back, but the scouts did not give him a chance. He turned over and dismounted, drew the long sword from his waist, and stabbed the rebel soldier who fell on the ground forcefully into the chest, which directly resulted in him. s life.

This **** scene was seen by Xi Rui not far away. His stomach was turned upside down, and he couldn't help but want to vomit. His trembling body made the hidden weed pile shake off some weeds and made a slight noise. , Alarmed the scout cavalry who was wiping the blood stains. He looked at the stables with suspicion, slowly trying to get closer, and at this moment, the captain of the scout cavalry not far away shouted at him: "Chris, you What are we doing? We will move on after we clear out this post."

"Understand." The scout cavalry named Chris replied, and didn't want to check the movement just now. He inserted the long sword back into the scabbard, mounted his horse and turned away.

Seeing the cavalry leaving behind, Xi Rui breathed a sigh of relief, with the joy of escaping in his heart.

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