Rise of the Empire Total War

Chapter 126: Tucheng

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"All dead, all people dead..."

A thin figure walked slowly on the wide stone avenue. He was still holding a hen in his arms. Judging from the swollen belly of the hen, it was obvious that he was pregnant.

"Old Hart, Old Toad, Deep... they are all dead..."

The young man murmured, not caring about what was happening around him. Behind him, a few people in ragged clothes followed him quietly, one of them holding a sword in his hand and slightly rusty. Iron sword.

"Chop him, grab that chicken and roast it." One person's eyes kept suggesting to the person holding the sword. Although the latter could see it in his eyes, he was slow to do it. It seemed that he was hesitant to do it. Although there was only one young man they followed, it was not difficult to see that the other person was a soldier in the armor.

"Hurry up," another person urged softly. They hadn't eaten for several days, and if they didn't replenish their body energy, they could fall down at any time.


As soon as the sword holder gritted his teeth, the iron sword in his hand was raised high and he was about to cut it off. Suddenly, there was a sound of horseshoes behind him. The cavalry appeared in their sight!

"No, it's the cavalry of the Kingdom Army!" One of them recognized the identity of the cavalry at a glance. The village they lived in was ransacked by such cavalry (in order to punish the residents of Cork for supporting Bandak's rebellion. Chad gave an order to allow his sergeants to plunder civilian property and capture any living Cork as a slave). If it were not for luck, he might have been abducted together with the villagers.

"Hide it!"

The sword-bearer yelled in a low voice, ran forward and dragged the unshackled young soldier directly into the bushes on both sides of the road, and covered his opponent's face with his muddy hands to prevent him from making a sound. Several of his companions Seeing all this in my eyes, although I was puzzled, I didn't say it due to the current situation.


After waiting for a while, the sound of horseshoes of the cavalry came into the ears of several people from far to near. When they reached the place where they just stood, they only felt the sound of horseshoes appearing on their heads. I was so scared that I was trembling and panicked all day long.

Fortunately, the cavalry team didn't notice anything unusual, and they went straight along the stone paved avenue. After a long time, and after confirming that they would not come back, they breathed a sigh of relief and walked out of the bush where they were hiding. When all of them were standing on the avenue, their eyes were cast on the young soldier standing beside the sword-bearer. The latter had experienced a sudden change and recovered. He held the hen in his arms tightly, vigilant. Look at everyone.

"Hey." The sword bearer asked aloud: "We saved you. What's your name?"

"I, my name is Xirui, a soldier at Omar Outpost." The young soldier said nervously, "What about you?"

"My name is Pierre and I come from Kili Village." The sword bearer first introduced himself, then pointed to several of his companions, and said: "He is Oleg, he is Gary, and he is Sergio. Come from Kili Village just like me."

After the introduction, Pierre did not wait for Sirius to speak, and continued to ask: "You said you were a soldier in Omar's post, why did you appear here?"

"I, our outpost was attacked, except for me, all died..."

"It's all dead?" Pierre was shocked and looked at each other with several of his companions. One of them named Gary asked quickly: "Then how did you escape?"

"I was in the stable at that time preparing to take out the weeds to build a nest for it." Said Xi Rui, while raising the hen in his arms, "the enemy's attack has no sign, I can only hide in the weeds. Watching them being killed by the enemy..."

As he said, his eyes seemed to have the tragic situation of a comrade who was pierced in the abdomen by a spear before his death, and his body couldn't help trembling slightly.

Seeing him like this, several people exchanged their eyes again, and finally the person named Oleg interrupted Xirui's memory and said, "Xirui, you haven't eaten for a long time since you escaped from the outpost, right? How about we divide this chicken?"

When Xi Rui heard this, without thinking, he flatly refused: "No, this is the only thing left by Dip and the others. I want to bring it back to Robe Town!"


"It's so fragrant, I haven't eaten such a delicious roast chicken in a long time." The young Xirui smiled satisfied as he chewed the chicken that had been roasted by the fire and began to drip. You baked delicious."

"That is, Oleg is the person who cooks the most food in our village." Pierre bit off more than half of the chicken leg and muttered, "He was once used by Rob Town to prepare the food for the mayor. "

"That's what happened before." Although the praised Oleg was humble, the bright smile on his face that could bloom directly told others that he was very happy.

The crowd chatted and finished eating the hen that could have lived for a while, and then they extinguished the fire and walked towards Rob Town.

This is the result of everyone’s discussion. Villages and outposts that are not protected by city walls are particularly vulnerable to being captured by the cavalry coming and going like wind by the Kingdom Army. It is not safe to stay in the wild all the time. In addition to being careful of the troops that may appear, beware of those fierce ones. Wild beasts and thieves roaming in crowds.

No matter which one is staring at, with the force of the five of them with only one iron sword, they can only wash their necks and wait for death.

However, four days later, when they escaped the many crises along the way and came to the safe town of Robe, they were shocked by the horror in front of them.

This town with a permanent population of more than one thousand people has been captured by the Kingdom Army. The wooden walls have collapsed for several sections. The corpses of civilians can be seen everywhere on the streets.

Looking at the abandoned town~www.readwn.com~ Xirui almost slumped on the ground. He remembered the family and friends who lived in the city. Regardless of the shouts of Pierre and others, he gritted his teeth and rushed directly into the collapsed city gate. , Straddling the corpses of soldiers hacked to death by iron tools, stumbled and ran towards the home in the memory.

Finally, he came to his door, the building in front of him was intact, not even the door was damaged. Xi Rui walked to the door with hope and knocked on the heavy wooden door, one, two, three times... No matter how many times he knocked, how big the movement was, no one responded.

At this moment, an exclamation sounded from the other end of the street, and he reflexively followed the sound to see that it was Pierre and others, who were surrounded by a rough cross, and the expressions on their faces were full of fear.

"What's the matter?" Sirui yelled, and ran to Pierre and the others quickly. When he saw the contents of the cross clearly, a look of horror appeared on his face.

On the rough cross, the **** body of the old mayor was nailed to death, and a parchment written in Lavana was pasted on his chest:

"This is just the beginning. Any towns and villages, civilians or nobles who dare to support Bandak's rebels will be severely sanctioned by the Royal Army!"

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