Rise of the Empire Total War

Chapter 127: Fort Cochrane

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"I'm going to find my relatives, do you want to come with me?"

At the gate of Rob Town, Xi Rui, dressed in leather armor and holding an iron sword, looked resolute and asked a few friends who had known him with red eyes.

"Before answering this question, I want to ask you, where are you going to find your relatives?" Pierre asked.

"Follow the steps of the Kingdom Army, if they are captured, they must be in the Kingdom Army's prisoner of war camp." Xi Rui said with red eyes.

"After finding it? What are we going to do?"

"Look for an opportunity to sneak in, find where they are being held, and then take them away."

"Naughty, do you think the camp of the Kingdom Army can easily sneak in?" Pierre scolded: "They are a powerful army that has not failed against the Ramirez. You think you are better than the Ramirez. Is it strong?"

"Then what should we do?" Xi Rui asked unwillingly.

"To go to Fort Cochrane, or to Mafugat, we need to take refuge in the army, otherwise, with the strength of a few of us, we should not think about saving our relatives at all."

"Ma Fugat...you mean, take refuge in Lord Earl?"

Pierre nodded and said, "Yes, if anyone in the entire kingdom can defeat Richard and his army, there will only be our Lord Earl."

"But, when Lord Earl fights back, they may have been poisoned by the Kingdom Army..."

"Then we will take revenge on the Kingdom Army!" Pierre grabbed Xirui's wrist and stared into his eyes, and said, "A word, why not do it?"

"..." Looking at this friend who has known him not long ago, Xirui only felt that he had become stranger. The strangeness made him a little scared, but his words also made Xirui sober up. He was even the most basic. Recruits who have never experienced military training cannot rescue their relatives from the military camp.

"Okay, listen to you." After thinking about it for a long time, Xi Rui finally made up his mind. He gritted his teeth and agreed. Then Pierre, who was holding his wrist, smiled, released his hand and said: "I I know you won’t let me down. I’ve thought it over. With your status as a soldier, we can easily be accepted by the earl’s army instead of being considered a spy for the kingdom’s army."

There is one more thing he didn't say. If it weren't for the identity of the Chinese and Western Swiss soldiers, he wouldn't care about Xirui's iron-hearted plan.

After the group made a decision, they took off the leather armor of the soldiers who died in the battle and put them on themselves. At the same time, they took their weapons and ran in the direction of Ma Fujia.

They didn't know that leaving Cork this time became eternal.


"Your Majesty, our army has destroyed more than ten villages and four towns in the Cork Territory, killed countless (not counted) civilians, captured nearly two thousand civilians and dropped soldiers alive."

Outside Fort Cochrane, after listening to the report from the scout cavalry commander Arvid, Richard nodded indifferently, and did not feel guilty for the destruction of the residents of the Cork region by an order.

"How much food and money did you get?" He asked, looking at the map of Cork in his hand.

"We obtained more than nine thousand cous (couse: the weight measurement unit of the Valdasia Peninsula) of food, enough for our soldiers to spend two or three months." Avid said, a look of excitement suddenly appeared on his face. , But soon realized that it was wrong, changed back to that calm look, and continued: "In addition, we also robbed and pucked and collected silver coins, commodities, and commodities worth up to 14,000 morse coins Luxury goods and so on, as long as you want, we can contact the merchant at any time to exchange everything except silver coins into coins."

"Good job." Richard smiled and praised the loyal scout cavalry commander. "You have worked hard these days. Take a thousand morse coins from the spoils as a reward for you. "

"Thank you, Your Majesty." As soon as he heard that there was a reward, Arvid immediately half-kneeled on the ground happily, his face flushed, Richard saw him like this, smiled in his heart, put away the map, and waved to him. he is gone.

The soldiers produced by the system also have the same emotions and desires as normal people. They are also greedy for money and lust. The only difference from the natives of this world is that they are limited to the operation of the system and have unlimited loyalty to Richard, no matter what weakness others are grasping. No one would betray Richard.

Therefore, Richard will also reward these lovely people to satisfy their preferences. Those who like beauty will reward a graceful slave girl, and those who are greedy for money will reward wealth.

With a rich material foundation, Richard likes to do this kind of icing on the cake.

After Arvid left, Richard walked out of the camp and looked at the army that was still building a siege camp, and looked up at the castle built on the hill. He accompanied Harous as a victor five years ago. The king regained the castle from the Ramirez people, but he did not expect that today, five years later, he would actually command the war to regain the castle as the commander-in-chief of the rebels.

"Bandak, from the first meeting I expected that we would stand on opposite sides. It turns out that my prediction is so accurate." Richard murmured softly, his tone as if Ben Duck stood in front of him, listening to every word he said.


At night, the siege camp surrounding Cochrane had been completed. The experienced engineers from the Kingdom of Falnik were still instructing the prisoners of war to arrange the materials for the construction of the siege equipment tomorrow. Teams of heavily armed sergeants stepped in. Patrolling all places of the camp with a neat pace to guard against any possible sneak attacks.

In the center of the camp, inside the commander's tent with the Orioles flag hanging high on the top, a debate over how to capture Cochrane is ongoing.

"Your Majesty Caesar, Fort Cochrane is built on the top of a hill. It is easy to defend and difficult to attack. The siege equipment built by the Farniks are difficult to push up. I don't recommend that you attack directly."

It was Condra, the loyal adjutant who was the first to follow Richard.

"Yes." Avid, the commander of the scout cavalry, echoed: "After our investigation, there are eight hundred garrisons stationed in Cochranborg. Don't confuse these garrisons with the militias in those towns. They are all right. Bandak's loyal veteran."

"If this is a field battle, our cavalry can easily crush them, but the battlefield is on the wall..." Halfway through the conversation, the cavalry commander Sir Frank looked embarrassed and did not continue, but everyone in this room was smart. , Can hear his overtones~www.readwn.com~ After listening to the officers, Richard pointed to the map of the Kingdom of Lavana and the map of Cork on the desktop, and said: "As long as you can conquer Fort Cochrane Bandak is a duckweed without roots and cannot get any support. In fact, under our rampage, Bandak can't provide any support to Bandak anymore."

Everyone laughed slightly.

"Even though I haven't got any information yet, I don't know how Bandak's war is going in the west, but this does not prevent us from fighting." Richard said, pointing to the main city of Marty, the main city of Mafuga. Dout City: "Our'cowardly' Earl MacPherson still huddled in the fortified city of Matt Dout, letting Bandak and his army go west. I now estimate that Bandak should have already entered the king. Within the capital, there may be a confrontation with the army commanded by the military commander, or the city of Ravana may be besieged."

"If it is the latter, I have an idea, and I will let Bandak attack the city of Lavana. If he is defeated, our siege of Fort Cochrane will undoubtedly break his retreat. In addition to the death of the battle, he would only surrender two. A choice. But if he wins and enters the city of Ravana..."

"At that time, I, a nobleman who also has the claim to the Kingdom of Ravana, may allow Bandak to become the new king?"

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