Rise of the Empire Total War

Chapter 128: Half a year later

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In a blink of an eye, time came to January 1111 in the mainland calendar.

It has been nearly half a year since Richard arrived in Fort Cochrane and commanded the siege. In this half a year, Richard's army only besieged the main city of the area built on the hill, not once. Offense.

The battle situation in the west will be heard from the scouts from time to time. Bandak really deserves to be a general trusted by King Harous. His rebels completely defeated the Royal Army led by military commander Sophie in the Lavana area and captured this one. The young nobles came to the royal capital with the mighty soldiers of the great victory.

After that, there was a fierce siege.

The city of Ravana, which is traversed by the wide Fabrisi River, has a solid marble wall. The towering arrow towers on the walls are equipped with large crossbow machines every tens of meters. The defenders rely on these deadly wars. Sharp weapons and strong walls stubbornly resist repeated attacks by the rebels. Although they are small in number, they still appear to be able to handle the waves of attacks by the rebels.

In the past six months, Bandak’s power has not been weakened by the war. After he led his army to besiege the city of Ravana, McPherson, Earl of Mafugat, who defended the city of Mattidoud, finally made up his mind to join. The camp of the rebels, bring all the troops he assembled in the city to join Bandak. As a result, the rebels besieging the capital have rapidly expanded from more than 4,000 to more than 11,000.

It is worth mentioning that after Sophie, Count of Mabucu, was captured, he was forced by Bandak’s threat, so he could only order his soldiers to stop fighting Bandak and return to his hometown to guard the city of Ravana. Was weakened again.

Until January of the following year, the garrison of Ravana City still had more than 600 loyal guards to the royal family, nearly 1,000 city garrisons, and more than 2,000 militiamen. They didn’t need to worry about the supplies, they just went straight through. The Fabrizi River in the Sea of ​​the Sea allows cargo ships to deliver food and other materials directly into the city. It can be said that as long as there is no rape, this city is a city that will never fall.

As long as they hold onto the city of Ravana, they will never fail in this civil war. This is the belief that everyone in the city firmly believes in, and it is also the reason why they can stick to it. King Lawrence believed that Richard, who was still in the east, would definitely lead his army to support him. He would not stand idly by and watch Bandak win.

However, in fact, Richard really intends to sit and watch Bandak "smash into Tokyo and take his bird's seat", otherwise he would not have spent a little half a year under Cochranborg. No progress will be made. No.

Even if he is blocked in Cork and unable to advance westward, it is not impossible to order General Charles of Kuban to lead his army to the city of Lavana. Can exit sadly.


The snow is still falling.

Standing in front of the commander's camp, Richard stretched out a hand, feeling the coldness brought by the snow falling on his palm, and couldn't help sighing.

The stubbornness of the defenders of Fort Cochrane was beyond his expectations. Although he was not in a hurry to take the castle, after half a year of siege, the defenders inside still had no thoughts and plans to surrender, which made him feel that Irritable.

How long can the grain in Fort Cochrane support them? Richard doesn't know. The grain he looted from the soldiers in Cork was consumed a few months ago, and now it's all from the east. The grain brought in from several cities sustains the whole army.

However, spending all the time here is no way. Governor Maximilian wrote to Richard not long ago to report that the continuous collection of grain and the recruitment of farmers to deliver grain has aroused dissatisfaction among the people in the community. The voice of opposition to the war is getting louder and louder. If this kind of thing continues, it may not be long before there will be a riot.

This is not alarmist. In fact, there have been small-scale peasant riots in Mumba, but they were quickly suppressed by the nearby baron. The leader was beheaded and the body hung on the side of the road to be eaten by crows. Others participated in the riot. The peasants were all arrested and imprisoned in the baron’s manor and became lowly serfs without freedom.

Although this was only a trivial riot, it still sounded the alarm in Richard's heart. If he does not make progress, the situation will go in a direction that is not conducive to him.

At the same time, the Gehrman rebels still stuck at the junction of Cork and Luwen are like a thorn stuck in his flesh, threatening him all the time.

However, according to the news from Toola Gris, the rebels in the fortress had already used up their food. They either chose to rush out of the fortress and fight to the death, or they could only raise the white flag and surrender to the kingdom army outside the city.

Richard naturally wanted them to surrender. Once more than two thousand rebels surrendered, he would get more than two thousand soldiers, and they would be incorporated into POW camps as cannon fodder for the siege. Isn't he fragrant?

Speaking of prisoner-of-war camps, there are now more than 400 soldiers in the prisoner-of-war camp. Richard also selected more than 800 soldiers from the civilians or soldiers who had been forcibly taken in the Cork confinement and included them as prisoners of war. Make meritorious deeds. When there is no war, they have to do the hardest things for the army as coolies, and they have to receive simple military training from instructors.

"Your Majesty Caesar." Just as Richard was staring at the falling snow, a familiar voice pulled him back to reality, and he turned his head to the visitor, with a questioning expression.

"Your Majesty," said the visitor. "Our cavalry encountered a group of cavalry from the west. They claimed to be from the city of Ravana."

"From the city of Ravana?" Richard was taken aback, and asked: "Do they identify themselves?"

"Yes." The visitor nodded and said, "But you should be very interested in one of them."


"Princess Stephanie." He replied.


"My dear cousin Stephanie, why are you here?"

Facing Princess Stephanie, whose face was covered by tulle in casual clothes~www.readwn.com~ Richard opened her hands and asked with a smile.

"I'm here to ask you for help." Stephanie said calmly. "The rebels have been besieging the city of Ravana for three months. I was ordered by my father to take advantage of the rebels' defenses to slack in the night. Only then can I rush out of the encirclement with this team of knights and come to see you."

"Have you worked hard all the way? Let me go to the camp and rest for a while." Richard said distressedly as he looked at the princess with a lot of snowflakes on her body.

"Yeah." Stephanie nodded, and followed Richard into the barracks. Her appearance attracted the attention of many soldiers. They stood on the side of the road and watched Richard walking by after a long time. She who was together, although her face was hidden by the tulle and she couldn't see her appearance, but she could still see her beauty from the slim figure.

"What are you looking at? Return them to me!"

The lieutenant Kondra who was following Richard yelled, and when the soldiers saw the officer's anger, they turned around and drove off.

"Is this Richard's army?" Looking at all this silently, Stephanie thought to herself.

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