Rise of the Empire Total War

Chapter 134: Jutian's hole cards

"According to the orders of Holy Caesar, the Danish Legion, set out!"

Warships carrying heavily armed Danish soldiers set off from Kuban Island, traversed the Kuban Strait, and arrived at Port Bell, which was actually included in Richard's rule.

This is the powerful legion that left the lair on the order of Richard and rushed to the battlefield of Ravana.

"General Charles, the scout cavalry commander Sandel has led the scout cavalry to leave Port Bell first, looking for information in the direction of Ravana."

In the port of Bell, General Charles, who had just stepped off the warship, heard the report from his entourage. He was taken aback and quickly reacted, saying: "I see, let the soldiers speed up the landing. Your Majesty’s army has entered Lavana. The territory is now, and we must rejoin him as soon as possible."

"Understood, General."

After the entourage retreated, General Charles looked at the groups of soldiers running off the deck of the battleship, and couldn't help but remember the order from Richard he received a few days ago. Richard, who was on the expedition, has not encountered any resistance since entering the Mafugat region, as if entering and leaving no man's land, he passed through the area in just a few days and entered the Lavana area.

Of course, Richard, who had left the area, left a lot of "gifts" to the people of Ma Fujia special leader. People who defended the empty villages and towns were contributed by the cavalry of the Kingdom Army, who dared to resist. All were executed, and a lot of wealth and food were taken away.

If it were not for those barons' castles that were too strong to attack, Richard would not have let go of these little nobles who were unfaithful to the royal family.

After entering the Ravana area, Richard played the banner of Stephanie and launched a war of succession against the usurper Bandak. In the next few days, he received the support of some little nobles who were still nostalgic for the king. Respond, but more aristocrats remain neutral. They do not support Bandak or Stephanie.

Facing Richard’s attack, Bandak seemed a little caught off guard. He didn’t expect that the opponent would actually move out of Stephanie’s banner. What made him even more concerned was that the chess pieces placed in Port Bell returned to Richard Kuban. The German army has already begun to mobilize and is gathering in Port Bell.

Hasn't his main force been brought to the kingdom of Ramirez? Why is there still a large number of troops that can be deployed on Kuban?

This question has been entangled with Bandak, making him puzzled, but his attention quickly shifted to how to resist Richard's attack.

According to the report from the spies, Richard's army is about 8,000, of which more than 3,000 soldiers are soldiers and strong men who serve as cannon fodder, and the remaining more than 5,000 are elite veterans who have retreated from the Ramirez battlefield.

According to the news from Port Bell, the army mobilized and assembled on Kuban Island also had 5,000 soldiers, although I don’t know where Richard had so many soldiers.

In this way, Richard has a total of about 13,000 troops, while Bandak’s total number of troops assembled in the capital is only close to 10,000, and even among the nearly 10,000 soldiers, there are still not many. The few can only shout 666 in the back of the salted fish.

That’s right, these salted fishes are the soldiers of Ma Fugat under the cowardly McPherson. They all say that the soldiers will be raging in their nests. This sentence is very appropriate for Ma Fugat’s army and has a reputation. Commanded by the Count of the Cowardly, the soldiers lost their faith in fighting.

But fortunately, Bandak did not fight alone. He sent a messenger to lobby King Jutian of Winster and sent a piece of good news. He successfully persuaded Jutian to send troops. In exchange, Bandak should bear everything. Military expenses, and paid fifty thousand morse coins.

Fifty thousand morse coins are a bit heavy for Bandak now, but it is worth it to be able to wipe out Richard's heartache. Even so, Bandak silently remembered Jutian's lion's opening in his heart. The elimination of Richard is something Jutian has been thinking about. It is obviously a win-win situation, but it has to be like this.

On the other hand, in order to eliminate Richard, the remnant of the previous dynasty that threatened his rule, King Jutian of Winster ordered the mobilization of half of the country’s army. The speed of the former exile prince’s development was beyond his expectations, which made him feel Deep fear.

Six years ago, Richard, who escaped from Nord, was surrounded by only a few dozen soldiers of the Janissaries. But in six years, he actually rose up in a foreign country and became the nominal Earl of the two places, and the territory he actually ruled. But there are more than two places, the entire eastern part of the Kingdom of Ravana is under his rule.

In addition, he also holds a powerful army in his hands. Judging by his terrifying development speed, if he is not killed as soon as possible, I am afraid that he will be given a few more years, and he will even be able to counterattack back on his own and regain the throne that should belong to him.

Thinking of this, Zhu Tianan couldn't sleep at night, with deep worries in his heart.

Fortunately, he still holds a winning hole card in his hand...

Thinking of the trump card, Jutian's eyes lit up, his face flashed with an obscene smile, and he quickly returned to normal. Following the guards, he walked to Gabuferta behind the Hippolito Palace. UU Reading www. uukanshu.com This is a towering tower. Although it is not as magnificent as the Sky Tower in Ravana City, it can still overlook the entire Nord City.

In Gabriel Tower, there is a very important prisoner. No one knows the identity of this prisoner except Jutian, but the only thing outsiders know is that he usurped the throne in Jutian. I was locked in later.

With the guards waiting under the tower, Jutian walked into Gabriel Tower alone. He looked at the portraits of the successive kings of the Stuart dynasty carved on the stone wall in the tower, with a hint of sarcasm in the corners of his mouth, and then stepped up the stairs. .

There are 18 floors in the Gabufel Tower. Starting from the fifth floor is the cell for prisoners. Since the completion of the tower, there are only eight prisoners at the most. The number of people who can be put in the Gabufir Tower is basically. They are all members of the royal family who have failed in political struggles. The most distinguished in history is the brother of Richard's great-grandfather. He was put under house arrest by his own brother in a coup d'état, and he spent the rest of his life on this tower.

And now, since Jutian became king, Gabrielta has only imprisoned one mysterious prisoner.

Stepping on the dust-free stairs, Zhu Tianan quickly came to the fifth floor. He looked in through the peephole on the iron door and confirmed that the prisoner was lying on the bed. Then he took out the key from his arms and opened the iron lock. , Pushing the door in, a damp smell puffed my nose—On the wall of the cell there was only a small window the size of a human head. There was very little sunlight that could pass through, so most of this cell was in a dark situation. .

Seeing the prisoner who was awakened by the unlocking movement, Zhu Tianan raised the corner of his mouth, put the key back in his arms without any haste, and strode into this dim cell...

(Let’s guess who this mysterious prisoner is?)

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