"Jutian, what are you doing here?"

Seeing the usurper who closed the cell door and walked into the cell, the prisoner asked hoarsely.

"I'm here to tell you good news, Mary." Jutian said with a smile and looked at the beautiful face of the prisoner.

Judging from Jutian’s sight, the prisoner held in Gabuferta is indeed the former queen of the Kingdom of Lavana, Mary from Lavana!

Although being held in such a dark and damp cell that only accepts a small amount of sunlight for six years, Mary's face is still so beautiful, and her eyes are still shining with hatred and resistance.

"What can you tell me?" Queen Mary looked at Jutian, who was approaching step by step, warily.

Seeing Mary's appearance, Zhu Ti'an was amused secretly, and said: "It's news from the Kingdom of Ravana."

"What?" As soon as she heard of the Kingdom of Ravana, a trace of panic flashed in Queen Mary's eyes, but she was quickly covered up in her eyes, and she asked calmly: "What happened to the Kingdom of Ravana?"

"The first news, your two brothers are dead, and the current king is Bandak."

"You mean, Lawrence and Burris are dead?" Mary was taken aback and looked at Jutian in an incredible way. Seeing that the other party didn't seem to be deceiving herself, she hurriedly asked: "What happened? How could they possibly die?"

"Bandak provoked a civil war, killed King Lawrence and Burris, occupied the city of Lavana, and became the new king." Jutian said, looking forward to the queen's eyes full of teasing: "And the second This news, Richard, whom you have always remembered, led his army to conquer the Kingdom of Ramirez, forcing King Croft to sign an alliance under the city and declare war on Bandak."

"I am looking forward to whether our Prince Richard can continue his undefeated reputation in the war against Bandak."

After listening to Jutian’s words, Mary was shocked. She could not think that after less than a year of his father’s death, Bandak couldn’t wait to launch a war against Lawrence to claim the throne. She could not even think that her own flesh and blood could actually be there. Foreign countries have achieved such great achievements.

But soon, she realized something. She raised her head and stared at Jutian warily, the enemy who killed her husband, and said: "Jutian, what do you want to do?"

"What can I do?" Zhu Tianan put on an innocent and disgusting look, spread his hands, and said: "All thanks to your dear brother Bandak, he invited me to send troops to eliminate Richard's heartache. If he hadn’t sent an envoy, I couldn’t find a reason to intervene.”


"Don't worry, my dear Queen Mary." Jutian looked at Mary's slender figure hidden under the old linen clothes, with a greedy light in her eyes: "I will catch Richard back safe and sound, and take him and You were locked up in Gabefel Tower together and spent his sad life."

"But before that, let me take the place of the late King Alfonso to comfort your empty soul!" As soon as Jutian's words fell, the whole body rushed towards Mary like a beast aiming at its prey, although the latter did something. Beware, but her thin body was still pressed under her body, and she could only make fierce struggles.

"No, let me go, no, you can't do this, Magic Deer will punish you, no!"


After a long time, Zhu Tianan walked out of Gabuferta contentedly. While tidying up some messy clothes, he instructed the guard soldiers: "Be vigilant and let the servants take care of her, but don't let me She fell ill before bringing that **** Richard back!"

"Understood, Your Majesty!"

After the order, Jutian took the guards and left Gabfirta. Although this was not the first time he had desecrated Queen Mary, the taste still made him linger for a long time. Compared with Queen Mary, Ippoli The women in the Tuo Palace are as disgusting as the village girls in the country.

Returning to the court, Amuro, the military commander appointed by Jutian, just came back. This general who followed Jutian since he joined the army also participated in the civil war of the kingdom six years ago. It was he who led the army to break the city of Nord. The city gate allowed the rebels to enter the city.

"Your Majesty, the call-up order has been sent, and nobles from all over the kingdom will lead their soldiers to gather outside the city of Nord before the specified time."

"My dear Amuro, how long it will take, I can't wait to fight our Prince Richard."

"Your Majesty, it will take one month at the earliest. Now this season, the farmers are plowing the fields. It hasn't been the season of war in previous years, so the speed of assembly will be delayed." Amuro said.

"Damn it," Zhu Tianan said displeasedly, and then he asked: "How many soldiers can we gather now?"

"At present, the army that can be used in Nord City, including your Janitor, has a total of about 2,000 troops." Amuro said, and then introduced its composition: "Including 800 forbidden troops. The guards and 1,200 standing troops in charge of defending the king's capital."

"Only two thousand people? Not enough~www.readwn.com~ Zhu Tianan shook his head, with a little regret: "Listening to the news provided by our ally Bandak, Richard has more than eight thousand troops ( Bandak did not tell him about the sudden addition of troops on Kuban Island), is it incredible? Six years ago, there were even sixty soldiers by his side. "

Listening to Jutian’s words, Amuro nodded and praised: “Indeed, regardless of his position, Richard’s abilities are indeed excellent. In just six years, he has gone from being a down-and-out prince in exile to possessing the entire prince. The powerful earl of the eastern part of the Kingdom of Wana, with his current strength, can even establish a new principality."

"If he is not the exiled prince of the Kingdom of Winster, the journey may stop at establishing the Principality, but unfortunately he is." Zhu Tianan sighed, "To be honest, if you want to kill such an excellent nobleman, I still have something in my heart. Reluctant to give up."

"Giving birth, behave like Richard!"


On the other side, after several days of marching, Richard finally led his army to the city of Ravana and arrived at this magnificent capital built on both sides of the Fabrisi River.

The traces of the siege war not long ago still remain on the marble walls of Ravana City. The blood from some of the soldiers who died even melted into the marble walls, and the scarlet traces could not be removed no matter how they were washed.

Looking at this somewhat familiar city, Richard had mixed feelings in his heart. In any case, he could not think that one day he would command his army as the siege party to besiege this city that is entrusted with his good memories. In his heart, the city of Ravana carries all his memories and longings for King Haraus.

"Grandfather, I'm back." He said to himself in his heart.

"My loyal soldiers, build a siege camp, and we will eventually conquer this great city!"

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