Rise of the Empire Total War

Chapter 140: Siege (4)

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The long horn once again sounded outside the city of Ravana. Accompanied by the sound of the horn symbolizing the offensive, the phalanx of soldiers from the siege side slowly advanced, the flags lined up, and the air of killing was like wind and rain. To the city wall.

"The enemy has attacked the city! Prepare to defend, prepare to defend!"

On the city wall, the defending soldiers screamed to warn other soldiers, and a tense atmosphere enveloped the entire length of the city wall.

Yesterday's tragic war has made the defenders fearful, but they can't retreat, they can only firmly root in the wall to resist the enemy's attack.

"Your Majesty Caesar, the atonement camp is all in place, and you can attack the enemy at any time under your order!"

At the eastern siege camp outside Ravana City, listening to the report from the deputy general Kondela, Richard nodded his head, his eyes moved with the army formation of the redemption camp, looking at the special red skull banner, and said in a deep voice: "The old rule is that the catapult first performs three volleys, and then the archers suppress them forward, and then let them move forward with the siege equipment."

"Your Majesty, they are just some humble prisoners of war. Do they need to be treated the same as our soldiers?" Kondela asked puzzledly.

"Of course, if they blindly let them serve as cannon fodder to die, they will undoubtedly try their best to avoid the battle, or after attacking the city wall, they will fight back and attack our people."


Condra still has something to say, but Richard waved his hand and interrupted him, saying: "I know what you want to say, I am not blindly tender, I will let the soldiers line up behind them. Serving as the supervising team, the archers will also monitor the situation of the atonement camp. Once someone intends to disrupt the military's mind and take the lead in retreating, the deadly arrow will pierce his head mercilessly."

"Understood, Your Majesty." Kondela nodded, and then walked towards the atonement camp, conveying Richard's order.

Then, the nine siege scales and catapults in the eastern siege camp roared again, and huge stone bullets were thrown out of the skin at the end of the throwing arm, whizzing in mid-air, drawing arcs, and then defending on the wall. The horrified eyes of the soldiers hit the wall, making the walls of Ravana tremble and groan badly.

The huge stone bullet shot by the siege party not only hit the city wall, but a few stone bullets also crossed the tall city wall and fell into the city. After hitting a building, it penetrated its wall and destroyed everything inside. The building was roaring immediately. It collapsed in the sound and became a ruin, and the residents inside were also buried.

The attack on the eastern siege camp seemed to have opened the curtain on the Richard’s offensive. After the eastern siege army’s catapult fired lethal projectiles, the western siege camp under the command of General Charles also launched an offensive. The Kuban navy deployed on the Fabrizi River. All of them came out, and the ship-borne ballista also began to roar at the sea wall. Stone bullets were shot out, hitting the surface of the sea wall hard, and then bounced off and fell into the river.

Compared with the **** land battlefield, the war that broke out on the Fabrizi River was much more harmonious. The Lavana garrison without a navy could only hold on to the solid sea wall under the siege of the huge Kuban fleet. They used the large crossbows deployed on the city wall to fight back, but the large crossbows they were equipped with were not only scarce, but also lacked experienced operators. They could only be crushed by the enemy's ship-borne ballistas.


The officer’s roar sounded from the deck of a Hawke battleship in the Kuban Navy. The ship-borne ballista equipped on the battleship immediately ejected stone pellets. The stone pellets tumbled in the air and issued a scream of tearing the air. Actually, it accurately hit a large crossbow machine that was being loaded. The stone projectiles almost instantly shattered the fragile wooden body of the large crossbow machine. Cause killing.

"Offensive! Your chance for atonement is here!"

Looking back to the eastern siege battlefield, the dense arrow rain shot by the archers above their heads, the atonement camp soldiers in the phalanx, carrying ladders and pushing heavy siege towers, swarmed towards the city wall. They looked like black. Driven by Richard's soldiers, he rushed towards the city wall desperately like a flood. The officers in the phalanx held up their swords and kept uttering their voices to inspire the running soldiers. Their image resembled the Soviet political commissar in the film and television drama Richard had watched.

Whoosh whoosh—

Just after the phalanx of the penance camp entered the bow and arrow range, rounds of black arrows soared up from the city wall. After shooting arrows, the defending archers couldn’t bother to check the results, and hurriedly stooped to hide behind the wall to defend the enemy from shooting. At the same time, he drew the arrow from the quiver, and used the bow to draw the arrow. Only waiting for the command of the officer, he ventured away from the wall and continued shooting.

"Raise a shield! Raise a shield!"

The black arrows fired by the defenders flew in mid-air for a few seconds and then fell into the dense atonement camp. The attacking soldiers were so dense that the defending archers didn’t even need to aim, and they could shoot a hapless one just by feeling. .

Jingle bells—

The arrows that fell almost in a parabola fell like raindrops into the atonement camp square. When they touched the shields, they made a clanging sound, then they were bounced off, and fell to the ground along the gap between the shields, and then they were stepped on by the soldiers. In the mud, it snapped off after making a crisp sound.

Even so, there were still many unlucky soldiers who were shot by arrows that penetrated from a tricky angle, and screamed to their knees. Blood flowed from their fingers covering their wounds, dripped on the grass, and absorbed by the soil.


A screaming scream came from mid-air, and the faces of the soldiers in the atonement camp changed drastically. After witnessing the siege yesterday, they naturally understood what the screaming sound meant. An officer at UU Reading www.uukanshu.com looked up. Go, as expected, in his horrified gaze, a large crossbow ripped through the sky and shot towards the crowd with a terrifying howling sound. In just one breath, it shattered the soldier's high shield, and then penetrated through the soldier under the shield. The body, without losing momentum, took the pierced body of the soldier and shot at the soldier behind him, plowing a **** path in the crowd in the form of candied haws.

"Speed ​​up! Speed ​​up!"

The officers shouted that the officers of the atonement camp were basically selected from the captured veterans. They have rich combat experience and can respond in time, but they are so weak in response to the deadly large crossbow. , A large crossbow bolt pierced from the shooting port of the tower, and directly took a shouting veteran officer in the horrified eyes of people, and nailed it to the soft ground, blood gushing out from the hideous wound , The officer stared at the crossbow bolt that passed through his body, feeling the vitality passing through his body...

"Erect the ladder!"

Finally, after paying a lot of casualties, the soldiers of the atonement camp lifted the ladder to the high wall of Ravana City. The soldiers worked together to erect the ladder and put it on the wall under the shouts of the officers. Some soldiers stood on the ladder. At the bottom, use your body to stabilize the ladder to prevent it from losing its balance and collapsing. The rest of the soldiers began to climb under the leadership of the officer!

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