Rise of the Empire Total War

Chapter 141: Siege (5)

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"Smash! Smash them down!"

On the walls of the city of Ravana, the defending soldiers listened to the officers’ roars and raised stones from the side to smash the climbing soldiers of Richard’s camp. The stones they threw heavily hit the leading soldiers. On the shield raised by one hand, his body suddenly lost his balance, screaming and fell from a high altitude, and then fell into the crowd, overwhelming a group of soldiers.

Not only falling rocks, in order to drive down the enemies who use the "ant attachment" tactics, the defending soldiers do whatever they can. They stand on the wall and hold spears to assassinate the climbing enemies. The climbing enemies are simply unable to resist. Let the spear sting.

In addition to the spear assassination, a pot of hot and stinking "golden juice" is also the weapon of the defenders. These so-called "golden juice" are made from human and animal feces, which not only emits a foul smell. It makes people almost faint, the unbearable high temperature can also scald the enemy, and its own bacteria can also cause wound infection-this is a biochemical weapon in the Middle Ages.

"Eat your uncle's feces!"

Amid the unbridled insults of the defending soldiers, a pot of hot "golden juice" was collapsed by them. Following the climbing camp soldiers was a wave of justice, and the hot "golden juice" poured on people. He immediately poured into his body along the gap in the armor. The severe pain caused the climbing soldiers to scream, but after he opened his mouth, the "golden juice" poured directly into his mouth, and the hot liquid corroded. Holding his throat, his vocal organ was instantly scrapped, and the pain made him subconsciously let go of his hand, and he fell off the ladder.

A pot of "golden juice" directly killed dozens of soldiers on a ladder on the spot. Although the remaining soldiers were not exposed to justice from the dung water, the miserable yells of their comrades still made their military heart shaken, especially when they saw Those comrades who had been almost scalded by the high-temperature liquid could not help their legs become weak and have no intention of fighting.

Compared with the city’s defense materials such as falling lithophyll wood, the “golden juice” with feces as the main component is obviously easier to collect. A large-scale defensive battle.


The sunset came as scheduled, and the soldiers of the atonement camp retreated to the camp under the dim light of the setting sun amid the low and sad retreat horns. The atmosphere before the expedition hardly changed. Before the expedition, their morale was not high. Morale has plummeted.

Watching the blood-stained soldiers walk into the camp dejectedly, Richard sighed. Although the resistance of the defenders was within his expectations, the casualties caused by such fierce resistance still made him a little overwhelmed.

Although the soldiers who died in battle were just the most worthless atonement camp.

However, in order to appease the soldiers and prevent the defeat of the atonement camp from affecting the soldiers who did not participate in the war, Richard ordered the stop of the siege and repaired the camp for a few days. After the armistice was issued, the interaction frequency of the messengers in the three besieged camps has increased significantly. Every day, messengers in light armor can be seen riding horses out of the camp and running in the direction of other besieged camps.

The sudden peace also let the defenders breathe a sigh of relief. No one likes war. They are forced by life, so they have to take up arms to resist the attack of Richard's army.

Both hands fell into a weird peace.

Finally, on the tenth day after the armistice, a messy army appeared outside the siege camp where Richard was located. The flags held by this army were complicated, and each flag represented the nobleman behind the army.

These armies are nobles who listened to Richard’s call to fight for Princess Stephanie. Although they had previously provided soldiers to the royal family to resist the rebels, after hearing that the king had fallen to the king and died in battle, they still took it without hesitation. The only remaining soldier in the collar responded to Richard.

The army brought by these little nobles is only three or four hundred people. It does not help the situation of the siege, but Richard personally led the generals and guards and took Princess Stephanie to a place far away from the camp to greet them. They, just like the old saying in their hometown: send goose feathers for thousands of miles, courtesy is light and affectionate. Although their gift was very slight, the heart was enough for Richard to welcome him personally.

The most precious thing in a country is these loyal people. As long as these loyal people are there, the country will not really perish.

For Richard and Stephanie’s personal welcome, these nobles seemed flattered. They swore on the spot to fight for the restoration of the legal rule of King Lawrence. All of them were human spirits, and they could understand more or less. How much sincerity is mixed with it.


Let the noble army re-establish a small camp next to the camp, Richard held a small welcome banquet in the army camp. As the object of allegiance to everyone, Princess Stephanie naturally became the heroine of the banquet. Although I dismissed these food-consuming banquets in my heart, Richard still held them. Before the banquet started, Stephanie saw his emotions, and while arranging Richard's clothes, she said softly: "Now is just the beginning. When we achieve greater results, more people will join our faction. In order to win people's hearts, holding a banquet is also indispensable."

After she finished speaking, she patted Richard on the chest lightly, and said grotesquely: "I don't know how you are born as a king, so why don't you look down on the most common banquet among the nobles."

Richard gave a wry smile and explained: "I don't look down on the banquet, but I think it's still during the war. It's not good to be extravagant and wasteful."

"You are right, but the nobles don't think about it. They only care about the final result~www.readwn.com~ Stephanie finished speaking, stepped back and looked at Richard standing in front of her. De, smiled and joked: "Our little prince is really handsome, and I don't know how many young women will be fascinated by you in the future. "

"Didn't you just fall in love with you?" Richard stepped forward and forcibly took Stephanie's waist and looked at her domineeringly. Because Richard was a head taller than Stephanie, his sight It is from the top view.

Stephanie blushed, gave Richard a light punch, and tweeted: "I didn't."

Hearing that, Richard pretended to be sad and said: "Then I am very sad. I haven't even been hooked on the most beautiful princess of Lavana, so how can I conquer other girls?"

"When you lead the army to attack the city of Clavana, I will be completely conquered by you." Stephanie finished speaking, pushed Richard away and ran away from him, "Stop it, the banquet will begin soon. As the commander of the army, you can't be late."

Seeing Stephanie slipping away from her hands, Richard raised his mouth, bent over his chest, made an inviting gesture, and said, "The future Queen Lavana, would you like to move forward with me?"


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