Rise of the Empire Total War

Chapter 142: The enemy is coming

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Nord City, at this time, was already heavily armed, hunting under the banner, and nobles from all over the country fulfilled their feudal obligations and provided soldiers in the territory to the king to fight.

Standing on the high platform of the military camp, King Juti of Winster wore his clothes safely, looking down at the army that belonged to him vigorously. Looking at that side of the noble family's flag, he couldn't help but remember the days when he was only the military commander appointed by the former King Alfonso. At that time, he could only stand down and look up at the majesty of His Majesty. Now, he replaced it. , Not only forced the king to slay himself, but also imprisoned the beautiful former queen, and now he wants to take the army left by the former king to conquer his exiled prince.

"Ha ha ha..."

Thinking of this, Zhu Tian couldn't help laughing secretly, and soon he remembered his current situation and restored his pretentious manner of majesty.

"Soldiers of the Kingdom of Winster," he said loudly: "Today, I will gather you again to fight against the former prince Richard Stuart who defected to another country. Overthrew Alfonso six years ago. In the war of the king’s decadent rule, the cowardly and cowardly Richard escaped shamefully from the palace, abandoned the dignity and glory of the royal family, and went to the Kingdom of Ravana with a running dog who was still loyal to him, and became the kingdom by unknown means. Count Cuban of the Lavannes."

"I think that in the long-term friendly relationship with the Ravana people, I did not send troops to conquer the Ravana Kingdom that took in the defectors, and generously and kindly spared Richard, but he did not give up the act of subverting my rule. In just six Within a year, he has accumulated a strong strength and intends to lead his army to invade the Kingdom of Winster after overthrowing the current rule of King Bandak of Ravana."

"He wants to bring the war back to our heads. He wants to lead his foreign army to slaughter our compatriots, rob our property, and occupy our land. Would you like to see all this?"

"Not willing!"

Perhaps after hearing that Richard was about to grab his own property and occupy his land, the originally lazy soldiers suddenly uttered their opposition as if they were beaten up in blood.

"I don't want to!" Jutian yelled, "Just a month or two ago, King Bandak of the Kingdom of Lavana sent envoys to us for help, asking us to set up a righteous force to enter the Kingdom of Lavana and fight against it. The foreign army of Richard the defector! Soldiers of the Kingdom of Winster, please show your courage, draw out your sword, raise your shield, put on your armor, under my command, pull Fight against defector Richard and his foreign army in Vanner's land!"

"Huh! Huh! Huh!"

"Jutian! Jutian! Jutian!"

The soldiers raised their weapons and shouted loudly. Their shouts shook the sky, making the entire king's capital tremble!


The news of Jutian’s dispatch of troops spread like wildfire, just as the cold wave after autumn quickly spread to the Kingdom of Lavana, and to Richard’s siege camp amid the sound of scouts’ horse hooves.

Looking at the map spread out on the table, Richard frowned. According to the report of the scout cavalry, Zhutian led an army of more than 15,000 people, of which the Kingdom Army had more than 9,000 people. Half of the entire kingdom’s military strength, and in addition to the 9,000 soldiers, for the sake of safety, he recruited the blood hand mercenary group that just passed by the royal capital Nord, and gained more than 6,000 mercenaries with combat experience. Soldier.

The Winster Expeditionary Force has thus greatly increased its combat effectiveness, even if it is the main force facing Richard head-on.

Not only did Winster’s army become difficult to deal with, but Jutian was also a difficult opponent. Jutian, who was born in a poor groom’s family in the Leone’s conservancy, became one at a young age. The famous knight has trained in martial arts and good riding skills. Because of the knight, he can also learn knowledge that the poor can't access. Through the military allusions of the kings, he also learned military command, which became the foundation of his future military career. .

Soon after he became an adult, the war broke out and he was drafted into the army with the knights. Just like the story of the knight sung by bard poets, he saved Alfonso who personally led the cavalry charge in a war with superb riding skills. The king, therefore, was canonized by the king, stepping from a lowly knight to a glorious imperial knight.

After that, it only took him a few years to stand out in the complex environment of the court and became the military commander trusted by the king.

That is, after he became military commander, he gradually took control of the standing army stationed in the royal capital, and when the time was right, he would launch a coup in one fell swoop and overthrow King Alfonso who trusted him.

Recalling what he knew about Jutian in his heart, Richard became more jealous of him. He looked at the map on the table, his brows were almost frowned into a word "Chuan", and it took a long time to slowly relax, and said: "I think we need to retreat strategically."

"Strategic retreat?" The lieutenants on the side looked at Richard in surprise. In their hearts, Richard was the least likely to say this.

"Yeah." Richard ignored their surprise, and said to himself: "The Bandak Army in the city conservatively estimates that there are still 7,000 or 8,000 people. Among them, the soldiers who can fight against us will be greatly reduced. The Jutian army has a huge number of more than 15,000 soldiers, most of whom are experienced mercenaries. If Bandak breaks through the city gate when we meet Jutian, we will be caught in a predicament. Even if our soldiers continue to fight fiercely without fear of death, they will not be able to win."

"What's more, the battle will take place on the flat Lavana Plain. We cannot rely on the terrain to defend. Although this terrain is very beneficial to our cavalry, the number of cavalry is really too small~www.readwn.com~ There is no way. Recover the contrarian trend."

"We can choose the battlefield to be on the banks of the Fabrizi River, and if the soldiers fight back against the water, there will be no situation of being attacked back and forth. More importantly, our fleet is still on the Fabrizi River, and they can use the shipboard in the war. Ballistas support us." Kondela was a little unwilling to retreat, suggesting.

"But you missed one variable." Richard shook his head and said: "The atonement camp of more than 7,000 people in the army is an unstable factor. When the enemy is strong and we are weak, they are very It may be a defiance before the war and give us a defiance... If the situation does happen, we will be annihilated on the banks of the Fabrisi River-the fleet in the river will not be able to protect us from crossing the river safely."


When everyone heard Richard's words, they couldn't help but take a breath. Although the atonement camp with more than 7,000 soldiers was not high in combat effectiveness, the price of defection before the war was not affordable by the weak Richard army, compared to the entire army. It is not unacceptable to retreat on the banks of the Fabrizi River.

"Then when shall we retreat?" the Danish general Charles asked.

"Just two days later."

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