Rise of the Empire Total War

Chapter 160: The Battle of Belling (Part 2)

"The most proud knights of the empire, follow me! Charge the enemy!"

Just as the main infantry force and the coalition were in a frontal decisive battle, Richard took all the cavalry from the side and appeared in everyone’s sight. Their sudden appearance surprised Bandak and Jutian. But quickly responded, and sent all cavalry to respond.

A decisive battle between the cavalry began!

"Gianfranco, take the crossbow cavalry from the right flank, and shoot at the enemy cavalry!" Richard shouted at the crossbow cavalry captain Gianfranco during the run, and the latter gave a promise and took out one from his quiver. The crossbow bolts were turned around in the air, and then 180 light cavalry equipped with cavalry crossbows were separated from the team. They whizzed to the side, and when they entered the range, they shot deadly crossbow bolts at the enemy one step ahead.

"Frank, take all the tomahawk cavalry out of the left wing, we want to annihilate the enemy in one fell swoop!"

"Yes, Your Majesty Caesar!" Sir Frank promised, and then led all the tomahawk cavalry out of the team, only waiting for Richard to lead the heavy cavalry to tear apart the formation of the enemy cavalry, then copied from the side bread.

While the cavalry on both sides were running, the crossbow cavalry equipped with cavalry crossbows constantly fired at the coalition cavalry. Although the small crossbows they fired were far less powerful than the infantry crossbows, they could still kill the enemy cavalry. Against the crossbow arrows fired by the crossbow cavalry, from time to time, the arrows of the running coalition knights fell off their horses, and then they were trampled on by the horses that came up to them.

Although the knights continue to fall under the shooting of the crossbow cavalry, this does not shake the idea of ​​the coalition cavalry to charge. They raised their shields to defend against the crossbow falling from the sky, while keeping their bodies as low as possible, desperately urging the horses, just to be faster. 'S launched an assault.

Soon, they were able to clearly see the indifferent eyes of the Richard Knights on the opposite side who also launched a charge under the barrel helmet!

"Raise the gun flat, charge!"

"Glory is my life!"

As the knights shouted in unison, the two or three-meter-long giant lances were laid flat by the knights, the handle of the gun was clamped under the armpits, and the horses under the hips increased their speed, launching the most violent charge in the best state!

The next moment, the cavalry from both sides collided head-on!


Accompanied by the huge impact and the sound of the cracking of the wooden poles, the giant cavalry used by the heavy cavalry of Richards hit the charging coalition cavalry one step ahead, and shot it from the horseback in less than a second. Falling down, screaming and falling off the horse, in the chaos, he was trampled into flesh by his horse's hoof.

Just after hitting the body or shield of the Allied cavalry, the huge recoil caused the giant cavalry lance made of fragile apple wood to split on its own. The knights quickly dropped the damaged cavalry and pulled out the lances hanging on both sides of the horseback. The knights fought with long swords, and with the speed of the horse's charge, they could cut off their heads or limbs as long as they lightly stroked the enemy's body.

However, the Allied cavalry was not without results. They raised their spears and assassinated forward when they charged. The huge impact caused the spears to directly crush the shields of Richard's heavy cavalry. Stabbed into the knight's body, provoked his whole person, and threw it to the ground. Blood sprayed out in the air and splashed on their bodies.


In the charge, Richard dodged the spear stabbed by the Allied cavalry, swept his arms, and bypassed the shield raised by the Allied cavalry from below. The sharp and exquisite Emperor's Sabre easily broke the lock on his body. Jia’s defense cut open his soft belly, the Allied cavalry screamed and lay on their back, and then slid from the horseback to the ground. With his movements, blood and water mixed with intestines flowing out of the wound, drooping on the ground and being dragged to move. .

A feudal knight lowered his body and escaped from the spear stabbed by the Allied cavalry. Then he tightened the reins and stopped the charge of the horse. The horse stood up with pain, and the knight slashed backhand on the back of the passing enemy. The latter collapsed, blood spurting out. However, in the next second, a coalition cavalry with a spear rushed from the side. The spear pierced the body of the feudal knight with endless impact, and then the horse knocked the knight and his horse down together.

Just when Richard's heavy cavalry collided with the coalition cavalry, Sir Frank and his Nordic Tomahawk cavalry who had circled the flanks shouted and outflanked them. They wielded deadly tomahawks and drove their horses to fight fiercely from the side. Crashing into a coalition cavalry in a fierce battle, the formidable battle axe can easily pierce the armor of the cavalry and pierce the enemy.

Dodged to avoid the chopping of the tomahawk cavalry, a coalition cavalry raised his spear and pierced the cheek of the Nordic tomahawk cavalry in front of him. Spear, a battle axe cavalry rushed head-on and chopped off his head with an axe. White brains and red blood splashed on the ground.

Whoosh! A small crossbow ripped through the sky and pierced the throat of a coalition cavalry in an instant. He opened his mouth to shout, but found that the sound leaked from his throat. The next second, the chivalrous knight who was fighting with him swung the knight directly. The sword cut off half of his head and ended his pain.

Under the attack of the cavalry led by Richard himself, the allied cavalry who came to the battle quickly defeated and retreated, even though Bandak was also a cavalry general. com, but in the battle with the systematic cavalry summoned by Richard, there was still only a failure.

After defeating the Allied cavalry, Richard did not continue pursuing, but led his cavalry to rush to the infantry battlefield in the fierce battle. The movement of more than a thousand cavalrymen quickly attracted the attention of the coalition infantry on the periphery of the battlefield, and they couldn't help screaming in surprise.

"It's Richard's cavalry!"

"What do they want!"

"Where are our cavalry? Have they been defeated?"

An uneasy atmosphere permeated the coalition infantry formation. They looked at the Richard cavalry who appeared on the flanks of the battlefield in horror, and then thought of their own cavalry who had fought against them before, and quickly guessed the result. At this moment, Richard, who rushed to the front, held up the blood-stained Emperor's sword and shouted: "Array, form a cavalry cone!"

As soon as his voice fell, the surrounding cavalry immediately slowed down their running speed, forming a huge inverted triangle formation while running, and Richard himself was at the forefront of the formation!

As he said before the war, "I will be at the forefront with you"!

"Don't hesitate, the empire will win!"

Stepping on the stirrups, Richard roared with all his strength. The imperial Caesar personally led the charge. All the knights were morale and enthusiastic. Just a few tens of meters away from the coalition infantry formation on the flank, he shouted: "Raise the spear and charge!"

"The empire will win!"

Under the unison roar of the knights, the giant cavalry cone array ran into the coalition infantry formation head-on, tearing apart the infantry formation like a sharp knife, and under the violent charge of the heavy cavalry, everything blocked them. The infantry in front were knocked down and overturned, and stomped heavily by war horses.

Almost immediately, under the charge of the Empire's heavy cavalry, the coalition flanks completely collapsed!

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