Rise of the Empire Total War

Chapter 161: Epic victory

"For the empire, charge with me!"

The infantry front fought in all directions. Richard led the heavy cavalry to tear apart the right-wing army of the Allied infantry and defeated the enemy here. The cavalry formed by the Imperial heavy cavalry and the Nordic Tomahawk cavalry crushed all the way, and the coalition infantry could only scream and flee backwards, and then beheaded by the cavalry who came up from behind.

Richard rode a tall war horse, and with the powerful power and inertia of the war horse charge, he cut off the head of the coalition infantry running in front of him with a single sword. Driven by inertia, he ran a few steps forward, but was hit by Richard's horse. The broken body flew out several meters, and then landed heavily, giving up a faint blood mist.

A cavalry brigade composed of more than a thousand cavalry raged in the crowd, beheading many routs along the way, and the screams of the routs caused panic among others. They watched the unstoppable heavy cavalry rush towards them like a **** of war, and the army was in a state of chaos. , Unintentional love battle, like a domino, the wave of defeat swept the whole army.

"Chasing! Let the enemy's fear go to hell!"

In the screaming cheers, the Richards infantry pursued the defeated enemy. Every second, the defeated soldiers were overtaken. The fragile back was hit by a fatal attack, and fell to the ground with a scream, and then the enemy was chased up. The chaotic sword stabbed into a hornet's nest, blood and water mixed with broken pieces of meat flowing out of the wound.

In this crowd, the Nordic Tomahawk cavalry screamed and wielded the tomahawk to slaughter the defeated soldiers. Those crossbow cavalry equipped with cavalry crossbows also gave up long-range shooting. Instead, they drew their swords to join the chase. How can they run with two legs? Four legs were quickly overtaken and killed.

Seeing this defeated scene, Bandak and Jutian looked pale, Richard’s cavalry was stronger than they expected, especially the ratio of heavy cavalry, which is even more shocking, you know, Among the thousands of cavalry in the coalition, there are only a poor hundred heavy cavalry. However, half of the cavalry in Richard's army are heavy cavalry with all men and horses in armor!

"Retreat! We are not Richard's opponents in the field!"

Bandak and Jutian had such thoughts in their hearts. They looked at each other in the air, as if they had reached a plan, and at the same time ordered the remaining army to retreat. With the evacuation of the king's flag, the defeated soldiers became even more unwilling to resist. Many soldiers who knew they could not escape their births abandoned their weapons and shields, knelt to the ground, and surrendered to the Richard soldiers who were catching up.


The hunt continued until sunset that day. Against the backdrop of the evening, the soldiers of the large-scale coalition prisoners were escorted by soldiers into a temporarily remodeled prisoner-of-war camp. Chad transformed into a cage for them.

Sitting on the war horse, watching a string of prisoners of war tied together with ropes walked into the prisoner-of-war camp under the surveillance of the soldiers, Richard looked as usual, but he put down a big rock in his heart. At this moment, he was still dressed Condra in blood-stained armor came over, saluted, and said, "Your Majesty Caesar, the battle report has been counted."

"Read," Richard said.

"Our army killed a total of 892 soldiers, not counting the injuries, beheaded 2,782 of the enemy, and captured 2,300... The enemy who died in battle was basically due to the charge of the cavalry and the soldiers. Our pursuit."

"Is the average three-to-one casualty exchange rate?" Richard calculated in his mind and whispered, this casualty ratio was within his acceptable range, and he was very satisfied with the results.

It is already very cost-effective to exchange the deaths of nearly 900 soldiers for the deaths of more than 2,700 enemies and 2,300 prisoners of war.

"Let the scout cavalry investigate in the direction of the enemy's retreat, find out the whereabouts of the enemy, and leave some soldiers to guard these prisoners of war, and the others will go back to camp and rest." Richard told Condra, and then seemed to see After understanding what the other party wanted to say, he smiled and said, "After we have completely defeated the enemy and captured the city of Ravana, there will be no shortage of necessary celebrations."

"Understood, Your Majesty Caesar." Richard said this, and Kondela did not go on, but he promised, turned and left, and carried out Richard's order.

After Condra left, Richard's mind suddenly sounded a system reminder, he clicked on it, and he was surprised, but then he couldn't help but want to laugh.

【Epic Victory

In the Battle of Belle, you commanded an army of 10,000 to meet the enemy's army of more than 20,000, and you won the victory with a small amount of casualties and achieved an epic victory. Rewards are now issued, and I hope you will achieve more victories again. (Note: The Epic Grand Victory reward is only obtained when it is reached for the first time, and will not be issued in the future)]

[You have 30 chances to draw troops of the Holy Roman Empire, and this draw will be free of maintenance fees. 】

30 draw chances! That means that Richard can get 120 units of soldiers. Roughly calculating, there are at least 10,000 soldiers, and these soldiers are free maintenance-free Martian soldiers, enough for Richard to sweep the countries.

With these soldiers, let alone the defeated Bandak and Jutian coalition forces, even with the Republic of Cunha and the Duchy of Lasik ~www.readwn.com~ he is confident enough to win.

With soldiers in his hand, he didn't panic, and Richard immediately used the 30 chances of the lottery. (The main reason is that I am afraid of being complained, and the chance of not daring to crush the soldiers is gone)

[Use 30 chances to draw the units of the Holy Roman Empire, and get a total of 120 teams of the units of the Holy Roman Empire. Confirm the call? 】



[Summon is complete, you will get Sergeant Spear×12, Sergeant Heavy×15, Foot Imperial Knight×10, Civilian Archer×10, Civilian Crossbowman×12, Great Shield Crossbowman×13, Hand Artillery×5, Horse Sergeant ×8, chain knight ×10, imperial knight ×10, Teutonic knight ×10, crossbow cavalry ×3, heavy siege artillery ×2, a total of 10024 soldiers. 】

Among the 10,000 soldiers, there are 3,924 melee infantry, 3,600 long-range infantry and 2,460 cavalry, as well as four heavy siege guns and 60 artillery operators. It is worth mentioning that due to the opening of the gunpowder era, the early gunpowder troops that appeared in the middle of the game can also be drawn.

As in the past, these 10,000 troops will appear outside the capital Nuremberg, but this time no new generals have been presented. It is really a flaw in the ointment, which made Richard a little disappointed.


The next day.

After a night’s rest, the soldiers regained their strength, and yesterday’s victory gave them high morale, ready to continue fighting. The scout cavalry sent by Richard to investigate the information also gave back the information in time: the defeated coalition fled all the way, and stopped until near the place where Richard was besieging the crime camp, and gathered the ruined soldiers.

Although Richard wanted to send troops to pursue them immediately, before that, more than 2,000 prisoners of war had to be dealt with first.

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