Rise of the Empire Total War

Chapter 170: Queen Stephanie

woo woo woo woo--


On November 1, 1111, the capital of the Kingdom of Ravana, a grand coronation ceremony is being held.

In order to stabilize the turbulent situation just after the civil war, Richard invited all the nobles and merchants in the country to the scene. In addition, in order to increase the presence, he also invited envoys from the Kingdom of Falnik and the Kingdom of Ramirez. ——Although the latter is not very willing to come, but forced by Richard's lewdness, he can only choose from his heart.

Inside the Trizi Palace, the crowds were full of voices and everyone's attention. The walking imperial knights in full steel armors that surpassed the craftsmanship of this era stood on both sides of the red carpet in the palace, blocking the crowd, and they were completely enclosed. The stylish helmet envelops their faces, making it difficult to see their expressions. The hideous shape of the helmet matches the icy atmosphere on the body, which makes people dare not want to be inferior.

According to the practice of the Ravana Kingdom, when the new king is enthroned, he must first read the holy script "Holy Scroll" to drive away evil spirits by the High Priest of Magic Deer. After that, the nobles swear allegiance to the king, and then the king appointed cabinet members and led all cabinet members out of the Trizi Palace to meet with the representatives of the people.

Outside, the trumpets and drums shook the sky. The residents of the city were cheering for the new king’s enthronement. Stephanie, who is about to become the king, was dressed up and standing behind the court. While receiving the service of the maid, she looked towards the station. Richard outside the palace, the latter also wore the same costume on this important day, giving a noble and innocent atmosphere.

"My Majesty, it's time to get ready to go." Looking at the beautiful girl in front of him, Richard's heart beat faster involuntarily, but he still resisted the emotions in his heart and said calmly.

Hearing that, Stephanie waved back the maids around her and walked slowly towards Richard. Today, she is gorgeous, and she seems to shine in Richard’s eyes (can so many jewels shine), even if it is None of the beauties I have ever seen in the era of the information explosion in previous lives can be compared with them.

"Richard, am I beautiful today?" she asked softly.

"Beauty, even the angels in the Bible can only be overshadowed in front of you."

"Puff." Stephanie chuckled and asked again: "Do you think I can be a qualified king?"

"I don't know." Richard shook his head, but then firmly said: "Whether you are a qualified king or not, as long as I am here, you will always be the king of Lavana."

"But you are going back to the Kingdom of Winster after all. What shall we do then?" Stephanie said, her eyes flashing dim. She is a smart woman who knows where Richard's destiny is, and will not make sense to ask him to stay in Lavana forever.

Richard has such excellent abilities, how could he be willing to stay here and spend the rest of his life in mediocrity from then on?

"Wait until then." Richard did not directly tell her the decision he had made before, but said vaguely, trying to confuse the question.

How did Stephanie not know Richard’s thoughts, but she did not continue to ask, but changed the subject, stretched out her slender hand to grab Richard, and said: "Let’s go, I have a surprise to send later. Give you."

"What surprise?" Richard subconsciously wanted to blurt it out, but before he could ask, Stephanie took him out. The general guard knights and arquebuses waiting outside the house lined up as soon as they came out. Keep up.

Looking at the strange outfits and weapons of the matchlock soldiers on both sides of the guard, Stephanie asked Richard curiously, "What are the weapons these people are holding?"

"It's a musket." Richard replied. He knew that Stephanie didn't understand, and added: "I will let them show the use of the musket after the ceremony is over. You will know when the time comes."

When Stephanie entered the arena and stepped on the red carpet, the High Priest of Magic Deer had already read the contents of "The Holy Book", and together with everyone, he turned his attention to Stephanie dressed in costume. For the first time, Stephanie was stared like this. Used to it, but she forcibly overcome the discomfort in her heart, held her head high, and walked on the red carpet with graceful steps.

Surrounded by foot imperial knights exuding cold murderous aura, blocked kingdom nobles and foreign envoys, everyone is looking at the young queen, they are talking about the first queen in the history of the Kingdom of Ravana Can it be competent.

Finally, Stephanie walked the long red carpet and stood on the high platform at the end. After looking at the High Priest of Magic Deer, she knelt down on one knee facing the high priest and tilted her head slightly.

"You are the most legitimate heir to the kingdom. You have ended the kingdom's civil strife and restored the kingdom's stability. You will let prosperity and peace return to the Ravana people..."

As the words of blessing that every king had to recite when he was crowned came to an end in the mouth of the high priest, the priests standing on the left side of the high platform walked slowly to Stephanie, surrounded by the crown of the king, this crown made of gold It is placed in a red velvet bedding tray, in the red priests (the Dali priests from top to bottom, they are the high priest, the red priest, the white priest and the black priest, the red priest is also regarded as the big priest). The candidate of the priest) held it up, beside him, followed by the other two priests in white clothes, and the three of them walked to the white-haired high priest ~www.readwn.com~ and knelt together.

When the word of blessing was over, the high priest slowly stretched out his hand, picked up the gold crown inlaid with hundreds of white diamonds of the same size from the tray, and solemnly put it on Stephanie, when the gold crown fell on Stephanie’s head. At that moment, there was deafening applause in the palace, and outside the palace, drums and horns played in unison again.

At the same time, it was the overwhelming cheers.

"Long live the King! Long live the King! Long live the King!"

Then comes the oath of allegiance to the nobles. As the lord of Kuban, Luwen and other countries, Richard is naturally among the people who swore allegiance. In addition to him, there are also people from Mabukuling. Sophie is a great noble of the earl class.

Amidst the sound of musical instruments, Richard and the nobles walked along the red carpet to the high platform, and stopped at a place only a few steps away from the high platform. He looked at Stephanie who was facing him, with a lot of emotion in his heart, if Not to consider the emotions of the Ravana people, I am afraid that he is standing there today for the crowning.

"We salute you, our king, our monarch, the master of the Ravana people, and the legitimate king of the Ravana Kingdom, and we offer our loyalty and swear to be loyal to you forever." Richard and Mabu Count Sophie stood at the forefront, knelt down on one knee first, and swore aloud. Behind the two of them were the lower secular nobles.

Stephanie looked at the remaining nobles in the kingdom after the civil war, swallowed the saliva secreted by tension, and then forced her composure, and said crisply: "Nobles, I accept your allegiance, and I will fulfill it. I am obliged to lead the kingdom to prosperity and the people to prosperity. I will guarantee your legal rights, fulfill your feudal obligations, and protect your territory from illegal usurpation by others..."

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